Friday, 24 July 2020

Why did the Obama administration buy billions of rounds of ammunition?

Precedent: A historical 

background to Obama 

administration buying up 

ammunition and provide for 

use of drones against US 


This is a tweet put out by the mayor of Portland, Oregon today.

The TruNews team went into some of the historical context they are so good at and pointed out that billions of rounds of ammunition were purchased by DHS during the Obama legislation.

This ammunition is now held by the Trump administration.

Attorney General Eric Holder says the U.S. Government could kill Americans on their home soil using drone strikes.

He did not rule out potential scenarios where a drone could target an American in the U.S., but said it has not happened so far and only in the most extreme of circumstances could he ever see it being considered.

First the DHS needed 450 million rounds of ammunition, then the NOAA requested 46,000 rounds, now we’ve discovered an online request at FBO.Gov calling for 174,000 rounds of ammunition for the Social Security Administration (SSA).The request actually calls for 174K .357 hollow points that arguably have as much stopping power as any bullet out there, and hollow points do as much damage to soft tissue as possible on top of that.
R.K. Campbel at Gun Blast mentions his experience with .357 rounds:

I observed the effect of the .357 Magnum 125 grain JHP once over the top of my own sights. The effect was gruesome. A solid hit that produced a severe blood flow AND dramatic effect from the rear, including lung tissue thrown perhaps three feet.

The 125 grain and JHP (jacketed rounds) are exactly the ones requested by the SSA and their offices of Inspector General and Investigation.

The FBO has a link that lists all locations slated to receive the batches of bullets. Offices like Greensboro, NC are getting a mere 1,000 rounds while offices like Iselin, NJ are getting 10 times that number.

Alex Jones’ InfoWars is quick to point out that this acquisition jibes with a DHS operation in January where the agency swarmed a Leesburg, FL social security office and posted armed guards outside the doors.

The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled HomelandSecurity aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice.  It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.  As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month.  Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years.  In America.
Add to this perplexing outré purchase of ammo, DHS now is showing off its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation.  As observed by “paramilblogger” Ken Jorgustin last September:
[T]he Department of Homeland Security is apparently taking delivery (apparently through the  Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico VA, via the manufacturer – Navistar Defense LLC) of an undetermined number of the recently retrofitted 2,717 ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ MaxxPro MRAP vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.”
These MRAP’s ARE BEING SEEN ON U.S. STREETS all across America by verified observers with photos, videos, and descriptions."
Regardless of the exact number of MRAP’s being delivered to DHS (and evidently some to POLICE via DHS, as has been observed), why would they need such over-the-top vehicles on U.S. streets to withstand IEDs, mine blasts, and 50 caliber hits to bullet-proof glass? In a war zone… yes, definitely. Let’s protect our men and women. On the streets of America… ?"

THE GOVERNMENT Accountability Office tells Whispers it is now investigating large ammunition purchases made by the Department of Homeland Security. Chuck Young, a spokesman for GAO, says the investigation of the purchases is "just getting underway."

The congressional investigative agency is jumping into the fray just as legislation was introduced in both the Senate and the House to restrict the purchase of ammo by some government agencies (except the Department of Defense). The AMMO Act, introduced Friday, would prevent agencies from buying more ammunition if "stockpiles" are greater than what they were in previous administrations.

Online rumors about a big government munitions purchase are true, sort of.
The Homeland Security Department wants to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in the next four or five years. It says it needs them -- roughly the equivalent of five bullets for every person in the United States -- for law enforcement agents in training and on duty.
Published federal notices about the ammo buy have agitated conspiracy theorists since the fall. That's when conservative radio host Alex Jones spoke of an "arms race against the American people" and said the government was "gearing up for total collapse, they're gearing up for huge wars."
The government's explanation is much less sinister.
Federal solicitations to buy the bullets are known as "strategic sourcing contracts," which help the government get a low price for a big purchase, says Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga . The training center and others like it run by the Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year, mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises.

The U.S. Postal Service is now the latest federal agency to announce plans to acquire “assorted small arms ammunition.”
To be fair, it has probably acquired ammunition in the past, as it contains within itself the armed United States Postal Inspection Service. But the newly posted solicitation for “assorted small arms ammunition” comes on the heels of millions upon millions of rounds of ammo purchases by other federal agencies.
Over the last two years, these ammo purchases have contributed to a consumer-side buying frenzy that drives prices through the roof and diminishes supplies.
In August 2012, Business Insider reported the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was requesting 46,000 rounds of “mostly hollow-point” ammunition for agents operating under its auspices.

On March 6, 2013 Breitbart News reported that a large portion of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) “1.6 billion round stockpile” of ammunition was 9mm–a very common civilian round. At the time of our reporting, DHS was adding 20 million more rounds.

On April 8, 2013 Breirtbart News reported that the resulting demand had ammunition manufacturers working 24 hours a day to try to keep up. At the time, Hornady manufacturing said it was not the government orders but the subsequent “politically-induced buying panic” that was stretching production to its limits.

Newsmax reports that the Department of Agriculture requested 320,000 rounds, and the “FBI separately sought 100 million hollow-point rounds” along the way as well.

Now that the U.S. Postal Service is soliciting ammunition on top of this, will a politically induced buying panic” seize the public again?

This slide demonstrates just how much ammunition is held by federal law enforcement offices, including NOAA and the post office.

This is from the HuffPost when it was still a NEWSpaper. Anybody still remember this?

His comments came in testimony yesterday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Ted Cruz, Republican, Texas, asked Holder whether he believed it would be constitutional to target an American terror suspect who was simply 'sitting at a cafe' .

'No,' Holder replied, calling the use of domestic drone strikes 'entirely hypothetical' and adding that the government has no intention of carrying out drone strikes against its own citizens.

His comments come in the wake of Senator Rand Paul demanding that he or the president or issue a statement assuring the unmanned aircraft would not be used in the United States to kill American terrorism suspects as part of his 13 hour filibuster blocking the nomination of John Brennan as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Bama Bullets: When Will Homeland Security Use Barry Soetoro’s 2 Billion Rounds of Hollow-Point Ammo

Listen to "Bama Bullets: When Will Homeland Security Use Barry Soetoro’s 2 Billion Rounds of Hollow-Point Ammo" on Spreaker.

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