Sunday, 9 November 2014

Whale Oil

What Kelsea saw no: weakness, all the more dangerous for having been combined with a sense of entitlement.… She saw no remorse on his face, no lingering regret of any kind, only the bewildered look of a man wronged He was worth so little, but he was certain that the world owed to him to make up the slack.’

Erika Johansen, The Queen of the Tearling, p. 234

You can take it from me, I am NOT a follower of Whale Oil! However looking through Twitter feeds led me to a fact-free piece by the Slug on climate change which in turn led me to discovering this piece by Slater where he posts pictures of himself as a baby in Fiji with his mum. All this to remind his acolytes that it was his birthday and for him to declare he was still live and out for revenge (not to mention some mcuh-needed funds)

Cameron Slater vows revenge ...and begs for funds


...I am live

I am shoving my continued existence in the face of those who sought to conspire to kill me in the past few months.

He goes on to share his version what what he has been "dealing with"

You all thought Nicky Hager acted alone, in conjunction with a hacker. He did’t.

There were many, many people involved in a planned and concerted conspiracy to attack me, attack my friends, attack my business and to bring down a government.

But one sinister aspect of the whole plot was that a core group of people who were deeply involved in the planning and dissemination of the hacked details had as one of their goals for me to experience so much pressure personally, and isolation and media scrutiny that they thought they could get me to kill myself….to “Do a Dawson”......

The plotters involved politicians, party activists, bloggers, and in a couple of instances people who I once thought were friends. I know all the names, I will be coming for them.

Nevertheless they participated, and soon, very soon they are going to get famous in a way they won’t probably enjoy....What I will do however is start the fight back and I won’t rest until these people have stainless steel bracelets.

Meanwhile I am alive, I am kicking, and I will NOT let bastards from the left who think that way win in such a manner.

Just in case forget that Slater was in Israel at the invitation of the zionist government when Dirty Politics broke

So while I was in Israel and real dangerous Hamas rockets were raining down upon my head (sic) there was a group of left wingers actually trying to kill me back here in New Zealand.

I will not give in, and I will most certainly not be killing myself.

Pretty soon it came down to the bottom line. He is begging his followers for funds - not because he was "confronting the media", but because he has lost the case businessman, Matthew Blomfield took against him.

Of this, of course, not a word.

Slater casts himself as the victim throughout, Poor guy - he had his emails stolen.  Never mind the fact that he has also done exactly the same to do the dirt on others.

Which is exactly why he has ended up in this predicament, owing a $50,000 fine.

What does he say about this?

I began the fight back against the media, but that has come at a huge cost.
Nicky Hager has the same people who tried to kill me fronting fundraising efforts on his behalf. I chose to remain silent but I cannot any longer.

The bills from confronting the media were considerable. It cost more than $60,000. I have exhausted all my funds and now I need some help.

If just 100 of you dear readers contribute $500 to my legal fund then I can clear that up and look to moving forward against these scum.

Of course, he's not too upset at matters that he can't provide all the details. He does not want to receive the money directly but through a lawyer's trust fund he's set up for the purpose.

Judging from the readers' comments there is no lack of people who are willing to donate, $500 here and $500 there.

We need to stand up to crooks, frauds, bullies (both judicial and private) and challenge them. Unfortunately that takes money.

This has been bugging me for weeks since I found out, and now on my birthday as I celebrate another year alive sticking it to scumbags, ratbags and pinkos I just wanted to share with my loyal readers just what sort of scum I have to deal with.

These weren’t the actions of keyboard warriors issuing death threats like the ferals of the West Coast, these were calculated and planned actions designed to try to get me to kill myself. They went after my advertising, they went after my friends and they went after me.

And finally - 

PS: I won’t be speaking to the NZ Herald, Radio NZ, Fairfax or anyone from Mediaworks…you bastards were all in on it..aiding and abetting.

Not surprisingly, like anyone whose main purpose in life is attack, finding the dirt on people, taking revenge, Cameron Slater has his own demons and suffers from depression

As I have been open about my mental health and battles with depression they saw that as a weakness that they could use against me to tip me over the edge.

Everyone who has lived by destroying other people has suffered from paranoia, wondering what is coming round the corner, who is coming for them.

I don't think Slater is going to be the exception in history. 

If you want to read Cameron Slater in his own words the article is HERE

1 comment:

  1. What a loser ...I was going to suggest there are heaps of jobs he could apply for . What with his mentors "Rockstar Economy" ...but the reality is I am doubtful the "Whale" could even get a job flipping patties at MacDonald's !
    I think his political aspirations are so much Kujira Tataki .


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