Wellington - March
against the TPPA
November, 2014
took to the streets today to protest against the the Trans-Pacific
Partnership Agreement (TPPA), which organisers say is a secret deal
that will threaten New Zealand's sovereignty.
marches took place in centres across the country in opposition to the
free trade agreement proposed between 12 Asian and Pacific countries,
including New Zealand and the United States.
fear if the deal is done it will be harder for the government to look
after the environment, promote health and protect workers and
marched down Wellington's Cuba Mall with the rally buoyed by a big
band rendition of the Muppet Show, amongst other tunes.
TPPA Action spokesperson Ariana Paretutanganui- Tamati said the rally
would end at Civic Square in a targeted move to push for support from
the Wellington City Council to adopt a 12 point TPPA resolution
calling on the Government to safeguard their ability to make
decisions in the best interests of the public that may arise, or be
impacted on, by the TPPA.
calling on the Wellington, Porirua, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Kapiti
City Councils to adopt the resolution were circulated at the rally.
action is timed to coincide with the meeting of trade ministers from
the twelve TPPA countries in Beijing, on the fringes of the APEC
tell us they are really frustrated. They are dead opposed to this
agreement, but the government is not listening," It's Our Future
NZ spokesman Edward Miller said.
are so many reasons why they oppose the TPPA. For some it's the
secrecy and assault on democracy that is so offensive."
can't believe that foreign investors and states are being given
greater enforceable rights in Aotearoa than Maori have under the
Treaty of Waitangi."
Wellington march was one of 17 taking place around the country as
part of an international day of action against the TPPA that includes
Australia, Japan, Malaysia and the USA.
Auckland a plane bearing the banner “TPPA No Way” was flown over
the city from 12 until 2.30pm as the march moved from Aotea Square
down Queen St to outside the US Embassy.
New Plymouth more than 100 people briefly clogged the CBD.
Plymouth protest spokeswoman Dr Stuart Bramhall slammed the ''secret
deal'' for giving companies the right to sue countries if they felt
their laws were impeding their business.
said her biggest concern was powerful multi-national drug companies
could cost the country billions if they protest that Crown agency
Pharmac's purchase of generic medicines was hurting the sales of
their branded pharmaceuticals.
said she could not say why the government was pursuing such a deal as
everything was being done in secret but it appeared that it would
help facilitate exports from New Zealand to the USA.
was not necessarily good for the country, she said.
think the government is being disingenuous. There are some companies
that would benefit from trade with the USA. There is a small number
that would benefit but the rest would not. The problem is the
government right now doesn't do this for the majority. They do things
for the good of their business friends,'' Bramhall said.
police escort the protesters briefly held up traffic as they chanted
and handed out pamphlets calling the TPPA a corporate trap.
in Timaru, only a few South Cantabrians joined the protest.
Abbeyrose Neho led 44 people on a march from Timaru's Bay Hill Piazza
to the Strathallan corner to protest the deal demonstrators said was
unduly secretive and endangered governments' ability to legislate.
Grey Power president Denise Fitzgerald told the assembled protestors
the TPPA threatened the power of government drug-buying agency
Pharmac to reduce medicine costs in New Zealand.
Green Party's Rangitata electorate convener Gerrie Ligtenberg said
too little information about the 12 country deal was available, but
she believed it would threaten public health policies, workers'
rights and agriculture.
Chris Ashton said he believed the TPPA would increase business'
ability to due governments in arbitration tribunals if government
policies affected their profitability.
Haumu said she was marching to ''keep New Zealand for New
had hoped about 100 South Cantabrians would march against the deal.
Protestor Hayley Tyler said the turnout was disappointing.
heap of people said they were too tired.''
said more protests would be planned for South Canterbury against the
deal, which has been under negotiation since 2010.
more than 1000 in in Civic Square for Wellington rally against TPPA
November, 2014
rally against the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement brought a crowd
of more than a thousand people to Civic Square in Wellington this
were responding to a call to support a return to public interest –
placing people and planet before the interests of corporations and
profit. Wellington was one of 16 rallies and anti-TPPA events being
held today throughout New Zealand.
Wellington marchers assembled at the Cuba St Bucket Fountain from
1:00 pm and then marched to Civic Square.
TPPA Action spokesperson Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati said she
encouraged people to ‘participate in the rally and learn more about
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations. It is imperative
that all New Zealanders know about what this Government is
negotiating in secret on our behalf as the TPPA has wide-reaching
implications for us all and threaten such things as internet
freedoms, affordable medicines, our environment, workers’ rights,
small businesses and our sovereignty.”
are deliberately meeting at Civic Square as the Rally emphasis is on
generating support for the Wellington City Council, and other Local
Councils in the Greater Wellington Region, to adopt a 12 point TPPA
resolution calling on the Government to safeguard their ability to
make decisions in the best interests of the public that may arise, or
be impacted on, by the TPPA. Other Councils throughout the country
are being lobbied to adopt the resolution. Petitions calling on the
Wellington, Porirua, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Kapiti City Councils
to adopt the resolution will be circulated at the Rally.”
we know about the TPPA, through leaked text, is that its emphasis is
on protecting the profitability of corporations and their investments
at the detriment of public interests and the environment.”
Interest must be defined in terms that promote the public interest.
The government is elected as our servant and should enact legislation
in the best interests of the public. The TPPA will undermine their
ability to do so. We are appealing to the public to join us in
sending a strong message to this Government this Saturday to “STOP
the TPPA” and join us in getting our Local Councils to adopt the
TPPA resolution says Ms Paretutanganui-Tamati.
at the rally addressed the impacts on Zealand’s quality of life and
sovereign ability to legislate in the public interest. Free Trade
Agreements such as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) blunt
and arbitrary in their effect on victim populations. NAFTA has
destroyed Mexico’s indigenous corn agriculture, and replaced it
with industrial scale mono cropping based on Monsanto’s GMO corn
varieties. These have reduced the sovereignty of the farmers and
increased the dislocation of people from their previous supportive
and the Free Trade Agreement agenda, will also negatively effect
climate change and promote environmental destruction.
comes particularly through the Investor State Dispute Settlement
(ISDS) provision of the Investment Chapter of the TPPA. This
investment chapter is promoted aggressively by the corporation’s
champion, the US Trade Authority (US Trade). They demand that New
Zealand’s negotiators at the Trade Negotiations Division (TND) of
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), agree to these
insidious provisions who’s object is to undermine public interest.
included Sue Kedgley, Greater Wellington Regional Councillor and
former Green Party MP. She is most concerned at the effect TPPA will
have on all local government and food sovereignty. Dr Gay Keating
cautioned how the TPPA will threaten Pharmac’s role, the
availability of affordable medicines and enacting public health
regulations like Smokefree 2025.
Rzesniowiecki reported on the campaign to gain local government’s
agreement to a public interest TPPA policy formula based on a
decision made by Auckland Council in December 2012. This policy has
since been adopted by Nelson City, Tasman District, Christchurch City
and Dunedin City Councils.
were to be 350 `Stop the TPPA’ signs held by participants at the
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