Friday, 14 February 2014

Suppressing dissent

Here's a bit of some good ol' fucked up news for you from Japan
---Mimi German

Speak out for children: Stand with Mari in Japan!

Via Facebook

Mari and child

Mari Takenouchi, of Save Kids Japan is facing charges. Her "crime"?: advocating moving families out of the contaminated areas around the failed and leaking Fukushima nuclear site.

Who is bringing the charges? An individual from the ETHOS project which pushes people to remain in contaminated areas and measure levels of contamination rather than moving to safer areas. But since any dose of radiation carries a risk of disease, this could be risking the health of the people who stay behind, particularly children.

Worse than this, the group Independent WHO, contends that ETHOS in Japan is connected to the ETHOS project which operated in the aftermath of Chernobyl. There, ETHOS not only encouraged people to inhabit contaminated lands, they refused to take available measures to rid inhabitants' bodies of radioactive contamination. The end result according to reporter and documentarian Wladimir Tchertkoff: creation of a laboratory for human radiation study rather than an attempt at proper medical care. The Chernobyl ETHOS project included members who were connected to the French nuclear industry and there is some evidence this connection remains for ETHOS Japan.

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