Friday 23 November 2012


Egypt's Constitutional Court looking to impeach Morsi - reports

Published: 23 November, 2012, 02:40
Egypt's Constitutional Court looking to impeach Morsi - reports

Egypt's Constitutional Court is reportedly considering the possibility of impeaching President Mohamed Morsi for violating his oath and undermining the country's constitutional foundations.
­According to a representative of the court, “the judges are prepared to exercise the right to shift the head of state after he flouted the laws and constitution,” local media reports.
On Thursday, Morsi made several decrees affecting the country’s constitution that, he said, would safeguard Egypt's “revolutionary” future. One of the decrees suggests that no laws or declarations passed by the president from the time of his inauguration until a new parliament is elected can be overturned by any authority, including the judiciary.
Under international constitutional law, a head of state can be impeached for treason and other serious criminal offenses and for breaching the constitution.

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