Sunday 9 September 2012

UK: Wiltshire turning off the lights

What could be more symbolic of Britain's decline than the lights going off?

UK: Street lights could be turned off
Half of Wiltshire’s street lights could be switched off for part of the night to save money and reduce carbon emissions.

7 September, 2012

Wiltshire Council is consulting the public on proposals to switch off about half of the county’s 40,000 street lights between midnight and 5.30am.

Lights will remain on at junctions, pedestrian crossings, where there are CCTV systems, in town centres, and in areas where crime is a problem.

Suitable lights will be dimmed when the streets are less busy and lighting will be removed where it is no longer required.

The council’s budget for street lighting is more than £1.2million, and it needs to save money as energy costs will increase in the future with the introduction of the carbon tax.

It also aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 20 per cent by 2013/14, as street lighting currently accounts for 12 per cent of the council’s carbon footprint.

The council says the operation of the scheme will be monitored and changes will be made as necessary in the event of problems.

As part of the scheme more than 1,300 street lights have already been converted to part night lighting and the council has converted its illuminated bollards to low energy units.

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