Friday 14 September 2012

Meet the criminally- insane

Romney calls for ‘US-led world’
US Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney considers “American leadership” to best suit the international community.

13 September, 2012

The world needs American leadership…and I intend to be a president that provides the leadership that America respects and will keep us admired throughout the world,” Romney said at a Thursday campaign rally in the US state of Virginia.

He further told about 2,700 supporters in a suburban park that “a strong America is essential to shape events” across the world.

The Middle East needs American leadership,” he also noted.

The comments came while the US continues to provide Israel with unwavering support, despite Tel Aviv’s constant oppression of the Palestinians and its refusal to cooperate with Middle East peace efforts.

Heightened anti-American sentiment and widespread insecurity also bubbles up in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as other countries, which have come under United States military intervention under the banner “war on terror.”

According to California-based investigative organization, Project Censored, more than one million Iraqis have been killed during the US invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq since 2003. Insecurity also continues to rise across Afghanistan, despite the presence of some 130,000 US-led forces in the country.

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