Saturday 8 September 2012

Injustice in America

Feds seize gold coins worth $80 mln from Pennsylvania family
A federal judge has upheld a verdict that strips a Pennsylvania family of their grandfather’s gold coins — worth an estimated $80 million — and has ordered ownership transferred to the US government.

7 September, 2012

Judge Legrome Davis of the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania affirmed a 2011 jury decision that a box of 1933 Saint-Gaudens double eagle coins discovered by the family of Israel Switt, a deceased dealer and collector, is the property of the United States.

In the midst of the Great Depression, then-President Franklin Roosevelt ordered that America’s supply of double eagles manufactured at the Philadelphia Mint be destroyed and melted into gold bars. Of the 445,500 or so coins created, though, some managed to escape the kiln and ended up into the hands of collectors. 

In 2003, Switt’s family opened a safe deposit back that their grandfather kept, revealing 10 coins among that turned out to be among the world’s most valuable collectables in the currency realm today.

Switt’s descendants, the Langbords, thought the coins had been gifted to their grandfather years earlier by Mint cashier George McCann and took the coins to the Mint to have their authenticity verified, but the government quickly took hold of the items and refused to relinquish the find to the family. The Langbords responded with a lawsuit that ended last year in a victory for the feds.

Because the government ordered the destruction of their entire supply of coins decades earlier, the court found that Switt’s family was illegally in possession of the stash. Even though they may had been presented to the dealer by a Philadelphia Mint staffer, Judge Davis agrees with last year’s ruling that Mr. McCann broke the law.

"The coins in question were not lawfully removed from the United States Mint,” the judge rules.

Despite this decision, though, the attorney representing Switt’s family says the government has no right to remove their own items and transfer property back to the state.

"This is a case that raises many novel legal questions, including the limits on the government's power to confiscate property. The Langbord family will be filing an appeal and looks forward to addressing these important issues before the 3rd Circuit," Barry Berke, an attorney for the Langbords, tells

Bank loses all of family’s possessions after wrongfully foreclosing on home
Wells Fargo employees wrongfully foreclosed a modest home near a small town in California, removing and destroying nearly all of an old couple’s belongings.

7 September, 2012

Alvin and Pat Tjosaas, who have been married for 56 years, lost three generations worth of their belongings when a contracted foreclosure crew accidentally broke into the wrong house. The Tjosaas had no mortgage on the house that Alvin had built with his dad as a teenager.

Good news, we know who took it: Wells Fargo. Bad news, the stuff is all gone,” Alvin Tjosaas told CBS Los Angeles.

Subcontractors hired by the bank broke doors, smashed windows and stole valuables while foreclosing the couple's vacation home near Twentynine Palms.

A 14-year-old Alvin had build the house brick by brick with his dad in 1961 and has taken his family and kids there ever since...

While the costly mistake was at the fault of Wells Fargo, the bank only recently started responding to the incident after the media got ahold of the story.

The way it’s been going, I don’t think they really care. That’s the way it’s been for three months. Now, all of a sudden, it’s you guys,” Alvin said in an ABC interview, referring to the media. “Now, all of a sudden, they call me.”

Wells Fargo released a statement of apology for the losses suffered by the Tjosaas family and said they are moving quickly to “resolve this unfortunate situation in an attempt to right this wrong.”

The bank is offering the couple $260,000 for their losses, but the Tjosaas have not yet made a decision on whether or not to accept the money and move on....

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