Monday 10 September 2012

Fukushima update

TEPCO: No money to develop renewables
The head of the Japanese utility that owns the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant says he believes nuclear power should be part of the country’s energy mix, even though the government and the public seem to feel differently

26 April, 2012

The head of the Japanese utility that owns the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant says he believes nuclear power should be part of the country’s energy mix, even though the government and the public seem to feel differently.
Naomi Hirose, president of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), also said the utility can’t afford to invest in alternative energy since the earthquake-tsunami crisis last year that wiped out the Fukushima Daiichi plant and caused extensive radioactive meltdowns that took months to control.

For article GO HERE

Tepco’s emergency email,
"Duct of gas monitoring system got a hole in reactor 2″

9 September 2012

Crippled Fukushima plant is having problems continuously. The similar kind of ducts may have the same problems at other locations too.

On 9/9/2012, Tepco sent emergency emails to press.

Around 15:03 of the day, Tepco staff found a hole in the duct. It’s gas monitoring system of PCV in reactor2. It’s located in the first floor of reactor2 turbine building.

They fixed it with tape for emergency measure to stop gas leaking at 15:28. Tepco announced there was just one hole, but didn’t mention the radiation leaking.

Tepco didn’t find unusual change in plant parameter or monitoring post. They are still investigating the cause.

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