Tuesday 15 September 2015

John Key cleared - once again

Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law - unless you are Our Dear Leader

Make NO mistake about it. We live in a democracy in name only. Every aspect of civil society that is supposed to protect the populace from abuse of power by the executive is compromised – from the police, through the public service, right down to the judiciary. That my friends, equates to fascism.

Key cleared over deleting texts

The Chief Archivist has found Prime Minister John Key had not been advised of his full responsibilities about keeping public records before deleting text messages

15 September, 2015

In November last year, the Green Party asked the Chief Archivist to look into whether Mr Key was destroying public records after he revealed he deleted all of his text messages.

At the time, Green Party MP James Shaw said this could be in breach of the Public Records Act, as texts on a ministerial phone were official correspondence.

Chief Archivist Marilyn Little today released her report, which focused on whether Mr Key had appropriate advice and support.

She found he was not advised of his full responsibilities under the Public Records Act, and the advice provided to all ministers was inadequate.

She has made recommendations to improve record keeping and support for ministers and said much of that work was already underway.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RvNS7JfcMM

  2. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, isn't that what the judge would tell us underprivileged!

  3. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, isn't that what the judge would tell us underprivileged!

  4. Utterly pathetic..
    Penny Bright unarguably knows more about ministerial responsibility and the rule of the law
    than Key and the whole darn cabinet.
    The dreadful thing so many dont seem to realise is that so many of these so called independent watchdogs are TOOTHLESS, and the terms of reference they use are deliberately useless!


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