Sunday, 20 September 2015

A rant on the refugee crisis

Yesterday I had a discussion with a friend who expressed outrage at the 'fascist' Hungarians who should be 'kicked out of the EU".

That occasioned a bit of a rant on my side in which I couldn't find the word I was searching for.

Here is my response:

The word I was looking for, but couldn't find was PREDICAMENT which describes a situation (unlike a crisis) that has no solution. Actions, criminal actions have taken place and now we just have to wait for the results, the blowback, to play itself out.

I find it difficult to accept a situation where the finger is pointed at the likes of Hungary (as it is with Greece which is pilloried while fascist Ukraine is congratulated by Legarde), for taking action to protect itself from a situation which it has, like the smaller countries, done nothing (unlike Britain, Germany and France) to create.

The same people who are being so "humanitarian"by accepting refugees are EXACTLY the same people who in the same breath are baying for war against Assad and refusing to join a coalition of forces that have a REAL motivation (as opposed to a feigned one, like Washington) to fight and destroy the Islamic state.
The very same people who say "Assad must go" ignore and whitewash crimes by the Saudis, the Gulf states and the Turks. Some countries even finance sheep farms in the desert for countries that condemn a 17-year old to death by crucifixion for taking part in protests.
I haven't seen the BBC or the Guardian exhibit even a flicker of outrage over that.

Here is an excert of a report from Hungary in Russian. I do not have the time to translate so I have excerpted some of the most relevant parts as well as post the original Russian

First look at this video footage. Where do you see downtrodden, family groups escaping from persecution? These are fit young men and clearly not the same as those who have survived a dangerous sea voyage from Turkey


The army of “migrants” passing through Hungary
News from Budapest

In Budapest there was suddenly a crowd of people claiming that they are refugees from the war as they crossed the the border with Serbia.  it is unclear how they did this -  simultaneously, virtually in a single day. It was all in one place

The crowd settled into the underground pass of the  East station and started to make demands, left, right and centre.

Despite the fact that since November last year the number of migrants and transit and asylum seekers has increased the Hungarian authorities were in no way ready for such a turn of events. 

In addition ordinary migrants and refugees are quietly seeking peaceful asylum and here in front of police barriers stood a dense crowd of strong men at the age from 20 to 40 years, organized and cohesive, chanting slogans under the guidance of their organizers

Of course this action attracted journalists like flies to shit - especially from the Russian media who rushed in photograph it all

riot at the train station Keleti!
news from the Eastern front! (Keleti is East)
migrants are not allowed!
migrants do not help!
poor poor people!
they are refugees from war, they need help!

99% of the crowd are fit young men without wives, children and parents . This can be clearly seen on the video footage of the march of migrants from Budapest to Austria as distinct from the PR campaign seen on the video footage. Women and children are seperated from the men and almost none of the men go to the aid of the women and children.

This is what the Hungarians write about this march:

Én örülök azert, hogy ilyen emberek nem akarnak nálunk letelepedni húzzanak a picsába. Mocskos primitív banda.. Részvétem a Zsámbékiaknak a körülmények miatt ..

I'm glad these people didn't want us [in Hungary] to stay, dammit! Dirty primitive gang. I'm sorry our Zsámbék [reserve, the edge of which were migrants] caught them on their way.

это гумантарная помощь разбросанная бедными беженцами >

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