reveals record cesium level in Fukushima No. 1 well
record high level of radioactive cesium has been found in groundwater
beneath the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, it operator
TEPCO revealed.
February, 2013
February 13, Tokyo Electric Power Co. reported 37,000 becquerels of
cesium-134 and 93,000 becquerels of cesium-137 were detected per
liter of groundwater sampled from a monitoring well earlier that day.
samples were taken from the technical well, located next to the
second power unit, some 50 meters from the coast. These figures (the
total reading) are the highest of all the cesium measurements taken
do not rule out that radioactive water is leaking from an underground
tunnel, which is located close to the second power unit on the
no exact reason for such a significant increase of radioactive cesium
content in the groundwater has been given so far.
newspaper The Asahi Shimbun reported that the amount of radioactive
chemicals seems to be increasing. On Feb. 12, the same sampling well
had produced a combined cesium reading of 76,000 becquerels per
Japan's nuclear regulator slammed the stricken Fukushima plant
operator for incorrectly measuring radiation levels in contaminated
groundwater at the site.
Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) accused TEPCO of lacking basic
understanding of measuring and handling radiation almost three years
since the reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power
Thursday, fears of new leaks surfaced in Japanese media, as the same
newspaper reported two cracks in a concrete floor of the No. 1
facility near radioactive water storage tanks.
suggested some contaminated water from the melting snow may have
seeped into the ground through the cracks, stretching for 12 and 8
leakage of radiation-contaminated water is posing a major threat to
Japan’s population and environment and to the international
community since the March 2011 disaster.
Radioactive cesium levels “never seen before” at Fukushima
New record as amount in groundwater nearly doubles in 24 hours — Officials admit ‘may be new leak’ — IAEA urges ‘resumption’ of dumping contaminated water in ocean; ‘All options’ need to be on table
Feb. 13, 2014: Fukushima should eye ‘controlled discharges’ in
sea: IAEA — The [IAEA] urged Japan to consider “controlled
discharges” into the sea of contaminated water [...] “This would
require considering all options, including the possible resumption of
controlled discharges to the sea.” [...] local fishermen,
neighbouring countries and environmental groups all oppose the idea.
[...] radioactive groundwater [...] leaking into the ocean [is] an
ongoing problem that has stoked fears about dangers posed to marine
life and the food chain. [...]
Daily, Feb. 13, 2014: TEPCO is still eyeing dumping toxic water into
the Pacific Ocean as it fails to contain in makeshift storage tanks
[...] a massive daily influx of water needed to cool the battered
reactors, while nuclear experts believe that other methods need to be
traversed before contaminating the ocean. Dumping radioactive water
into the ocean is of grave concern to local fisheries cooperatives as
the potential for radioactive materials to spread to marine life
remains a distinct possibility [...] NRA Chairman Shunichi Tanaka
[...] said [...] TEPCO is still utterly inept when it comes to taking
accurate readings of radioactivity [...] and “lacks a basic
understanding of measuring and handling radiation.”
Feb. 14, 2014: IAEA: Consider discharging contaminated water — [The
IAEA] advised [Tepco] to examine all options to treat contaminated
water. These include resuming controlled discharges of radioactive
water into the sea. [...] [IAEA's Juan Carlos Lentijo says] the
situation remains very complex [and requires] considering all
options, including the possible resumption of controlled discharges
to the sea.
Feb. 13, 2014: [TEPCO] said Thursday that samples of water tested
contained radioactive cesium at levels never seen before by the
embattled utility. TEPCO [is] admitting there may be a new leak at
the site of a well located just 50 meters from the adjacent Pacific
[...] [It] failed to locate the source of the leak, in another major
failing [...]
Handout, February 13, 2014: “The highest dose among the results
previously announced” — Underground water at 130,000 Bq/L of
Cs-134, 137. Previous record set Feb. 12 with 76,000 Bq/L of Cs-134,
NHK’s broadcast here
Fukushima News 2/13/14: Record Groundwater Cesium; IAEA-Consider Dumping Contaminated Water
Fuku Unit 4 Walls 'Destroyed'; 'Massive Cracks' Found At Fukushima Plant (12 February 2014)
In: Reporters reveal "blast ruined inside of containment vessel"
at Fukushima Unit 4 — Walls 'destroyed' — Explosion was
'believed' to have been outside reactor (PHOTO)
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