Tuesday 8 January 2013

Earth changes - 7 January

Arizona Earthquake Today 2013 Strikes Utah

7 January, 2013

LOS ANGELES (LALATE) – An Arizona earthquake today 2013 struck Utah and sections of Nevada. The Arizona earthquake erupted shortly after 8:36 am PST today Monday, January 07, 2013. No damage has yet to be indicated by local news.

Officials tell news that a 3.1 magnitude quake began today with a shallow epicenter. The quake erupted only four miles below the earth’s surface. As a result, the quake could be felt in neighboring Utah.

USGS indicates to news that the quake began nineteen miles northwest of Bitter Springs. The quake was also twenty miles southwest of Big Water, Utah. Officials report that the quake was twenty-two miles from Page, Arizona as well.

The temblor began forty miles east of Kanab, Utah. USGS indicates to news that the quake was one hundred twenty-three miles east of Mesquite and one hundred ninety-two miles east of Las Vegas.

4.9 earthquake in Japan

In related news, a 4.9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan earlier today. The quake erupted seventy-one miles east of Ishinomaki. The quake was seventy-five miles southeast of Yamoto and seventy-eight miles east of Namie. Officials also indicate that the quake was eighty miles east of Shiogama and roughly two hundred miles from Tokyo. The quake began shortly after 10:53 pm local time.

Moderate earthquake strikes off Taiwan

TAIPEI: A 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Taiwan on Monday, shaking buildings in the capital city, but there were no reports of damage or casualties.

The quake struck at 2:49 pm (0649 GMT), 152 kilometres east-southeast of Taipei, with a depth of 73.3 kilometres, the US Geological Survey said.

Taiwan's Seismology Centre put the quake's magnitude at 5.6.

Taiwan lies near the junction of two tectonic plates and is regularly hit by earthquakes.

A 5.9-magnitude quake in February sent people rushing onto the streets of the island's second-largest city of Kaohsiung and led to a temporary suspension of rail services. No major damage was reported.

In September 1999, a 7.6-magnitude tremor killed around 2,400 people in the deadliest natural disaster in the island's recent history.

Volcanic activity report

Colima volcano (Mexico) erupted yesterday !.  The attached seismograms show the eruption had been building since 05 January.  Colima’s now tranquil again!  The picture source is from @gobiernocolima.

The video below is quiet hilarious. Some climbers and a lot of wind are creating a wild atmosphere. But imagine, how you would behave if suddenly a volcano erupts relatively close to you ! Exciting. Put your sound level low please 

KVERT reports volcanic tremor amplitude has increased further (but slightly) at Plosky Tolbachik (Kamchatka Peninsula) in the past day.  Seismicity levels have also increased at nearby volcanoes  Klyuchevskoi  and Sheveluch.   Kizimen  volcano re-erupted (a lava flow!) sometime between 28 and 31 December 2012.  The volcano had been placed in eruption code GREEN only one day before!  Seismicity began increasing on 28 December and satellite imagery detected a large thermal anomaly shortly thereafter.  A new lava flow has been visually confirmed on the volcano’s flank and seismic and thermal imagery indicate that lava effusion at Kizimen continues (not pictured).


Still issues obtaining seismic data from Mammoth Mountain volcano (CA), but the most recent data do show continued low-level earthquake activity continued beneath the edifice through yesterday (station MRD).  The Northern California regional seismic network (USGS) shows most activity is now located in the Sierra Nevada mountains south of Long Valley Caldera.

Exhalations of gas and minor amounts of ash occur at an average rate of less than one per hour at Popocatepetl volcano (Mexico).  The Popocatepetl seismogram shows low level volcanic tremor and perhaps small earthquakes.

Wind is playing its part in complicating seismograms at the Guatemalan volcanoes today.  Most of the tremor-like signal apparent on seismograms recorded at Pacaya (station PCG), Fuego (station FG3), and Santa Maria(station STG6) volcanoes is likely due to wind.

The swarm of volcanic earthquakes which began yesterday at San Miguel volcano (El Salvador) (station VSM) has subsided, but frequent pulses of tremor (in other words, low amplitude volcanic earthquakes) continue at the volcano.
No current data available from San Cristobal volcano (Nicaragua) today, but volcanic tremor remains elevated at nearby Masaya volcano (station MASN).  Trains of volcanic tremor are apparent on seismograms recorded at Concepcion volcano (station CONN) as well.

Amplitude of low-level volcanic tremor has risen slightly at Nevado Del Ruiz volcano (Colombia) (station OLLZ) over the past day.  Has anyone else noticed the nice correlation between the appearance of tremor at Ruiz with satellite data showing a strong SO2 plume over the volcano?

Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) (station RETU) appears to be returning to slumber.  EPN warns that the northern flank of the volcano remains inflated.  Reventador volcano (station CONE) exhibits a continued higher level of (co-eruptive?) seismic unrest.

SERNAGEOMIN reports that Copahue volcano (Chile) experienced three seismic swarms yesterday accompanied by increased crater glow and elevated degassing tremor.  Windy weather at that volcano today helps to obscure the eruptive plume in the volcanocam photo.


GNS has declared the end of dome extrusion at White Island volcano (New Zealand).  There have been no identifiable morphologic changes in the construct over the past month, but the volcano is producing 400 tons of SO2 and 1300 tons of CO2 per day.  The continous volcanic tremor recorded at the volcano bears this out!  Windy conditions (?) again today at the other volcanoes Tongariro and Ruapehu.

annotated White Island panorama_20130108

Recent satellite data show the prominent SO2 plume issuing from Nevado Del Ruiz and another plume, detached from Popocatepetl volcano, drifting over the Gulf of Mexico.  Copahue volcano issued a plume of SO2 in conjunction with elevated seismicity there yesterday

image courtesy @gobiernocolima
image courtesy @gobiernocolima

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