Friday 21 September 2012

UK out-maneouvred by Germany

Britain finds itself bollocks-free at last
If the Prime Minister doesn’t call a referendum on the EU now, he will become a laughing stock

20 September, 2012

While a thousand other more distracting things were going on, two days ago a meeting between 11 EU foreign ministers in Warsaw (not including the UK) demanded ‘ a new future for Europe’. The Ministers called for a single, elected head of state for Europe, and a new defence policy….under the control of a new pan-EU foreign ministry which “could eventually involve a European army”.

In a direct insult to Great Britain, the Group of 11 declared that, in order to “prevent one single member state from being able to obstruct initiatives”, it was essential to put an end to existing national vetos over foreign and defence policy. Be under no illusions: as Bruno Waterfield wrote in today’s Daily Telegraph, ‘this would give the EU the power to impose a decision on Britain if it was supported by a majority of other countries’.

The move was led via aggressive lobbying from Berlin.

The plan, which far beyond Germany has the strong support of France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Portugal, means that a British referendum on EU membership must now be an inevitability.

For Europe to be a truly strong actor and global leader it needs a strong institutional setup,” said Germany’s Herr Westerwelle, and Sikorski of Poland, “It needs a directly elected president who personally appoints the members of his ‘European government’.”

Or ‘hers’, of course.

The Gang of Eleven also insisted that changes to European treaties should in future be approved “by a super-qualified majority of the EU member states”.

In a statement reminiscent of the Roman pervert Caligula, a Foreign Office robot suggested that “this is one contribution to the debate, which is just starting. The United Kingdom will play a full and active role in that debate.” Except that the UK wasn’t at the meeting where all this insisting took place: it played an empty and inactive role in the insistence. Whatever a wrist can become when it is even more than limp, this FO response qualifies for the description. My God, what consistent plonkers they have been over the last 85 years.

What, we wonder, will Dave Cameo make of this? Very probably, nothing.

Britain is being frozen out of Europe, and must now therefore divorce Europe. We have little or nothing to fear from this move, beyond a relatively short period of difficult adjustment. But the current Prime Minister is not the man to lead us through that period, because he is a man of straw – a feeble apparatchik blowing helplessly in the piss and wind of the incompetent technocrats with which he surrounds himself….and whoever last gave him a large cheque.

Nor is the blond blunderbuss formerly known as Boris Johnson. He is a classicist thug with little or no awareness of what real Brits think, or indeed how the nature of exporting to Asia has changed since the Empire was lost, and Boxer rebellions were no more.

As for Ed Miliband, well: would you appoint the Deputy Head of the Languages Department as head of marketing for UKplc? No, and neither would I.

The sorrow and shame of all this is that – just as we need root-and-branch change in our political model – so too do we urgently require radical change in our export direction, and a complete restructuring of Britain’s manufacturing and agricultural balance.

I’m bound to observe that while you wouldn’t start from here, you also wouldn’t give the task to a useless bunch of onanistic coke-heads.

We are still by far the best and most dependable ally the US has. So tonight, America, you should be very afraid indeed.

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