Wednesday 19 September 2012

A Daily summing-up

The Zero Hedge Daily Round Up

Episode 129
Don't even comment on the picture or I'll kill you. I was in a sentimental mood and I was listening to 70's rock. haha the real reason is that I forgot to create an initial background layer and I couldn't be stuffed fixing, nor improving the image.

It's like giving vegetables to a dog.

1. China continues "we hate Japan" parade: economic sanctions, sends ships into Japanese territory. 2. U.S. Totalitarianism back from the dead. 3. Former MF Global head starts Hedge Fund. 4. Nigeria gets it. Bernanke doesn't. Fed paint innocent picture. 5. Goldbug: get wet. 6. BOJ consider more easing. 7. Median net worth declines. 8. South African strikes end, wage increase. 9. U.S. embassy in Beijing under protest. 10. Jammanji speaks.

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