Tuesday 18 September 2012

From Seemorerocks


Yesterday I thought that it was a strange day to take a day off considering so much was happening, all at once.

Listening to Mike Ruppert's broadcast confirmed everything that I was thinking and feeling as I was collecting the stories,

One thing that I had not thought of was a connection between QE3, the consequences for food prices and the people of Asia and the Middle East.

There is little in the way of proof for that assertion but it seems a very plausible explanation to me.

One of the first things I did today was to check CollapseNet.

On the front page, there was no reflection of the concerns many are feeling. Instead attached to an article U.S. Leads Biggest Gulf Mine Exercise in Signal to Iran there was a one-liner from Wes Miller, CEO of CollapseNet

This is a big show put on just to salve Bibi's wounded ego. It was expected, and we can expect nothing to come of it”

I wish I could share his confidence in his ability to “read the tea leaves” and my suspicion is that he is way off the mark.

There is nobody, in my opinion, that does a better job than Rice Farmer and Jenna Orkin (and I acknowledge a debt of gratitude to their ability to identify important stories that would normally go unacknowledged).

CollapseNet has been such a major influence on me and they continue to do excellent work. However, sadly, for me this has not always been reflected on the front page, in the editorial decisions.

Speaking for myself, I think it is impossible to say with any great certainty what might transpire in the short term with regards to the great geopolitical conflicts that seem to be overtaking the world, or what we are likely to see first: a suicidal war over resources or a complete breakdown of financial, economic, political and social structures.

I regard it as my responsibility to collect articles and opinion pieces that help people to be forewarned and as prepared as it is possible to be.

To clarify: this is the work of one person and has never (and will never) involve any money.  It is a service to all that care to listen.


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