Friday 21 September 2012

Emigration to Oz

Another great vote of confidence in this country and its 
government - LOL. A good way of exporting our unemployment

Worst ever year for Kiwi-Oz migration
A record high number of New Zealanders left our shores for Australia over the past year, according to Government figures out today.

21 September, 2012

Statistics New Zealand migration figures showed 53,900 kiwis decided to move to Australia in the year to August 2012. About 13,900 moved in the opposite direction.

That gave a net loss of migrants to Australia in the year of 40,000, the highest figure ever recorded.

Most of the migrants moving in both directions were New Zealand citizens, Statistics NZ said.

Looking just at the month of August, 3,400 more people migrated to Australia than the other way round. That compared to an average net loss of 3,300 over the past seven months.

For article GO HERE

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