Wednesday 27 July 2011

Jim Rogers: "The US Has Already Lost Its AAA Status...I Am Short The US Bond Market As We Speak"

This is what the more savvy financial pundits are saying.

From Zero Hedge

While there is nothing new in the just released Jim Rogers interview with the WSJ, it is always refreshing to hear him tell the truth, which is, of course that "the US has already lost its AAA status. Who cares what Moody's say." As for the response: "The market looks ahead: this is not the first time that the market has dealt with the fact that the US is bankrupt." As for his proclivity to buy long term US debt: "I wouldn't lend money to the US in US dollars for 30 years at 3%, or 4%, or 5% or you name the interest rate.... I shorted it June 10. I am short the US bond market as we speak." Great stuff as usual.

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