Thursday 2 October 2014

The 2 degree Death Dance

An appropriate comment from a reader -

With everyone and their brother or sister always dumping on Guy they pull the focus off the contents of that Climate Summary Report.

The story of how we ever accepted that a 2 degree rise is acceptable is beyond belief, when one finds out that it wasn't the scientists who accepted this "fact", but an economist. 

For this alone people like McKibben, Klein and Scott Johnson should be tarred and feathered.

More coming

Climate Challenge - Cory Morningstar on the 2 Degree Death Dance, Host Karyn Strickler

"Climate Challenge" host Karyn Strickler interviews investigative journalist, Cory Morningstar who calls a 2 degree celsius rise in average global temperature a "2 Degree Death Dance."

Among other articles Cory wrote, "Eyes Wide Shut: Tick, Tick, Tick Expose," after the Copenhagen Climate meeting, named by Oil Sands Truth as "one the most important articles climate activists will ever read."

Cory helped to write The People's Agreement on Climate in Cochabamba and believes we should limit the rise in average global temperatures to 1 degree celsius.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Thanks Robin for posting this and for even putting my comment in. It was completely unexpected.

    FYI. If you ever watch the film "Escape From Suburbia" again one of the stories features me so I've been blowing in the wind for too long a time, much, much too long.


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