Thursday 10 January 2013

Genetic engineering

NZ government signs secret deal

Correspondence with Ministry of Primary Industries

Referring to THIS STORY I reacted to the headline of the Ministry statement, “NZ food safety recognition by United States momentous”, so sent the contact given at the bottom of the press statement an email inidicating my feelings about this assault on our democracy and soveriegnty.

Sent to - Miriam Meister, Senior Communications Advisor
Telephone 04-894 2466 or 029-894 2466

Ms Miriam,

Quite apart from the fact that you are complicit in a secret deal ('a world first') that signs away any sovereignty this oountry has, the piece you have written with the above headline has more in common with a propaganda piece from the Nazi propaganda ministry than a statement from a NZ government department.

Yours sincerely,

I didn't have to wait long for the reply from Ms Miriam

Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it to the appropriate person for a response in due course.

Kind regards,

Within a few days I received this very helpful and considered (sic) response.

Hello Robin

Thank you for your email.

For up-to-date information about food safety news in New Zealand, please view the following link:

Should you have any enquiries about the Ministry for Primary Industries, please contact:

Kind regards

Tim Grace | Team Leader, MPI Customer Enquiries
Communications Directorate | Office of The Director General (ODG).
Ministry for Primary Industries | Pastoral House 25 The Terrace | PO Box 2526 | Wellington | New Zealand

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