Friday 11 January 2013

Canada: Suppressing Free Speech

Occupy Canada Founder’s Site Hacked – This Is What Totalitarianism Looks Like
By Mark Taliano

9 January, 2013

The following brief commentary was submitted to Niagara At Large at noon hour on January 9, 2013

Derek Soberal of Occupy Canada being interviewed more than a year ago at an Occupy encampment in Toronto

Derek Soberal, founder of the Occupy Canada Facebook page, has been hacked. His Facebook password does not work; his hotmail account does not work; and his Occupy YouTube channel, with 4.8 million hits, and featuring activist/protest videos, has been taken down.

Derek explains that this happened just before he was about to publicly announce a schedule of protest rallies for January 11, 2013.

Clearly, he has been targeted, and his Constitutional rights to free speech have been violated.

This is also a strategic attack on all Canadians’ Constitutional rights to Freedom of Assembly, and on the superficial veneer of democracy to which the current Canadian regime sometimes aspires.

Mark Taliano is Niagara resident and regular contributor of news and commentary to Niagara At Large

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