Ice Melt Doubles Risk of Frigid Eurasian Winters, Study Finds
October, 2014
warming-related sea ice melt in a portion of the vast Arctic Ocean
has doubled the risk of colder and snowier winters in Eurasia since
2004, a new
study found. The study is the latest in a spate of recent
research to examine the ties between rapid Arctic warming and the
rest of the Northern Hemisphere.
of that research is still highly contentious in the mainstream
climate science community. Here is what scientists agree on:
Arctic is warming at a rate about twice as fast as that of the rest
of the globe, and this is rapidly depleting the region's sea ice,
mainly during the summer and early all.
Arctic warming is altering the exchange of heat and moisture between
the ocean and atmosphere across the Arctic.
warming may be helping to alter the broader jet stream, which is a
corridor of high winds at about 35,000 feet that acts as a weather
highway, blowing from west to east across the hemisphere.
new study, published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience,
uses 100 computer models as well as observational data to show that
recent trends toward colder winters in much of Russia, China, and
portions of eastern Europe may be related to the loss of sea ice in
the Barents and Kara Seas.
authors of the new study, each of whom works at Japanese research
institutions, looked at the influence on the atmosphere of the loss
of sea ice in one particular slice of the Arctic. Located to the
east-northeast of Norway and off the coast of Murmansk, Russia, sea
ice in the Barents and Kara Seas has declined precipitously since the
late 1970s, with the biggest departures from average in late summer
and early fall.
When they ran the computer models under low sea ice scenarios and compared them to simulations using high sea ice cover, they found that low sea ice, which closely matches recent conditions, made the occurrence of an unusually cold winter over Eurasia twice as likely to occur.
The study proposes that there is a link between sea ice melt and an intensified area of high pressure over Siberia, appropriately known as the Siberian high. This strengthened high pressure area, with the counterclockwise flow of air around it, causes a current of frigid air to move from north to south across broad areas of Eurasia, the study says.
When they ran the computer models under low sea ice scenarios and compared them to simulations using high sea ice cover, they found that low sea ice, which closely matches recent conditions, made the occurrence of an unusually cold winter over Eurasia twice as likely to occur.
The study proposes that there is a link between sea ice melt and an intensified area of high pressure over Siberia, appropriately known as the Siberian high. This strengthened high pressure area, with the counterclockwise flow of air around it, causes a current of frigid air to move from north to south across broad areas of Eurasia, the study says.
the past few winters Eurasia has stuck out on global maps as one of
the most unusually cold areas on Earth during the winter, and
explaining the cooling trend there despite skyrocketing
global emissions of greenhouse gases, which warm the atmosphere,
has largely eluded researchers.
the study finds that over the long run, global warming is likely to
win out by reducing the likelihood for colder winters in Eurasia
toward the end of the century. “... The frequent occurrence of cold
winters may be a temporary phenomenon in a transitional phase of
eventual global warming,” the study says.
The study says there is a possibility that a stronger Siberian high — also known as a blocking high because it stalls weather systems trying to move into or out of the area — may be the result of a weakened jet stream caused by a reduced temperature difference between the equator and the North pole.
Lead author Masato Mori of the University of Tokyo told Mashable in an email that the study provides “circumstantial evidence” tying reduced sea ice in the Barents and Kara Seas to more frequent atmospheric blocking downstream, over Eurasia. “However,” he says, the “physical relationship is still unclear. Further studies are required.”
The study says there is a possibility that a stronger Siberian high — also known as a blocking high because it stalls weather systems trying to move into or out of the area — may be the result of a weakened jet stream caused by a reduced temperature difference between the equator and the North pole.
Lead author Masato Mori of the University of Tokyo told Mashable in an email that the study provides “circumstantial evidence” tying reduced sea ice in the Barents and Kara Seas to more frequent atmospheric blocking downstream, over Eurasia. “However,” he says, the “physical relationship is still unclear. Further studies are required.”
other words, there are strong suggestions that sea ice loss is
related to cold winters in Eurasia, but the exact reasons why that
is, in terms of the physical chain of events from the ocean to Russia
and China, has proven elusive so far.
who you ask, study either "seals the deal" or provides
little new insight
new study generally lines up with a hypothesis first put forward by
Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Rutgers University, and
Steven Vavrus, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin.
and Vavrus have argued that Arctic warming and sea ice loss has
resulted in a weaker jet stream that is more prone to forming large
waves that are difficult to dislodge. A wavier jet stream, they say,
can lead to more extreme weather patterns. This hypothesis has
received a great deal of publicity in the past few years.
told Mashable that this study, along with a few others that have been
published recently, “...seals the deal in establishing this
linkage” between Arctic warming and a wavier jet stream.
paper… demonstrates that sophisticated models forced only with
sea-ice variability in the region north of Scandinavia (Barents/Kara
Seas) produce a ridge in the jet stream over the ice-loss region
(owing to extra heat transferred back to the atmosphere from the
newly ice-free area), which strengthens the downstream surface
high-pressure area, and circulates Arctic air southward over central
Asia,” Francis says. “This cold wind chills the region and
depresses the jet stream southward, creating a stronger ridge/trough
pattern, or a wavier jet stream,” she said.
also said that the new study fits in with the basic building blocks
of their hypothesis, and said it’s the “most comprehensive”
study yet on the link between sea ice loss in parts of the Arctic
Ocean with colder than average winters in parts of Europe and Asia.
other researchers question the physical evidence behind Francis and
Vavrus’ hypothesis as well as the new study.
Trenberth, a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research in Boulder, Colorado, published a study
in August in which he and his colleagues argued that the
extreme cold in Eurasia, along with other extreme weather events
during the past few years, are tied to fluctuations in ocean
conditions and precipitation patterns across the Pacific, rather than
the Arctic.
sees a wavier jet stream and winters in which the Arctic is warmer
than average, while Eurasia is cooler than average, to be a
consequence of Pacific Ocean conditions.
the new study, Trenberth told Mashable that
he doesn’t see anything new. “There is no question that the
European anomalies were related to the atmospheric circulation and
NAO,” he said, using the acronym for the North Atlantic
Oscillation, which is a pattern of atmospheric pressure across the
Atlantic Ocean that influences winter weather in the U.S. and Europe.
does this paper tell us anything?”
tuned, as this study is far from the final word on the topic
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