Tuesday 15 September 2020

Update from Melbourne

Australia Runs Out of Rice as Police Invade Farmers Markets

Australia will run out of homegrown rice by Christmas, which may help to explain why their police are kettling people at farmers markets (which clearly doesn't help social distancing) and becoming more violent in general -- if the state expects food shortages, they must bolster the police presence and acclimate people to increased totalitarianism, particularly around food. They are preparing -- are you? Start growing food today.

Police to issue $1,000 fines to everyone at gatherings exceeding 20 people


Are these Chinese residences acting as Victoria police officers ???

Australia Is A Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order

Zero Hedge,

13 September, 2020

Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,

Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history.  It has become a full-scale pilot test for the elitists to see how well they can implement the New World Order.

Australians have been subjected to some of the most horrendous basic human rights 

and dignity violations during this entire scamdemic.

The elitists are using Australia to test out these authoritarian measures, such as getting the public used to a police state in which the military and police both patrol the streets ready to commit violence against 

other humans for refusing to quarantine when not sick or not wearing their New World Order 

issued muzzle…I mean, face mask.

“These guys know full well what they are doing. They are psychopaths, but they aren’t stupid,” says Brian in the above video. The politicians are redistributing both wealth and power away from the public and consolidating it into their own hands. We are in big trouble if we cannot get the military and the police who are committing violence on behalf of the tyrants to realize what they are doing to humanity.

All of this is over 17 new cases of COVID-19. This absolutely horrifying that people continue to buy this scam.

“Heavy-handed tyranny and oppression is happening everywhere,” Brian adds.

If you don’t think this is coming back to the United States in the form of a second lockdown, think again.  The media has been preparing us for a “dark winter” and a “second wave” since the first false wave happened.

Wake up. Time is now extremely short. If you don’t have food or water, now is the time to get what you can. If you don’t have emergency plans, now is the time to make some with your family.  If you are already well prepared for any disaster, the best thing you can do is to stay alert and fearless.  Don't live a life terrified (they enslave you with your fear), but make sure you know what’s going on. The best preparedness plan includes one of awareness of this situation we’ve found ourselves in today.

Daniel Andrews has sold out 

Melbourne to the Strong 

Cities Network with 

privatised police

Dig a little deeper and it becomes obvious as to what's happening in Victoria.
Daniel Andrews has also sold out Victoria to the Strong Cities Network (SCN).


What is Strong Cities Network?

The privatisation of a Police Force governed by global NGO's. And Victoria is the only state in Australia to sign on.

Why do you think the 
Police at Melbourne's Freedom Day Rally acted like goons, were dressed in black and didn't have the Australian logo on their uniforms?

SCN is an initiative of London based think tank ISD.
Their mission statement is to "Power Solutions to Extremism and Polarisation"

But it's the link to the Partners and Funders that gives everything away.

Of course George Soros is involved with his Open Society Foundation. And Big Tech is involved with Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft amongst others.

Amongst NGO's and Think Tanks, the dubious Brookings Institute sticks out - and I'm sure a deep dive into some of these would connect Bill & Melinda Gates and the Rockerfeller Foundations everywhere.

What struck me really odd are the connections to Australian Universities such as Curtin and Victoria Universities and various Australian government departments - including our very own asshole, Dicktator Dan.

So as you find out today that the curfews in Victoria are not based on the Chief Health Officer's advice, and rather Dicktator Dan has put this in place, remember that From Sent1nel (https://www.facebook.com/sent1n3l/posts/132412898571458)

Dicktator Dan even hosted the Strong Cities Global summit in 1998

From Sent1nel (https://www.facebook.com/sent1n3l/posts/132412898571458)


I get assaulted and forced medication down my throat against my will, where

 is my human rights, Aus?

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