Wednesday 21 February 2024


We are just past the 12th anniversary of the 22 February, 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.

It has been very hard to find material relating to this. Much of it has disappeared from places like You Tube in the interim.

However, I have been able to track down some material which I shall post here. 

Apologies for the formatting.

John Key says Christchurch earthquake is manmade

This is the original video from Vinny Eastwood, which has long since been deleted along with his entire archive.

This has been hard to load for me.

Other surviving versions are below:


Christchurch earthquake …”on cue”

ake Sullivan, currently the United States National Security Advisor to Joe Biden said in a 2011 email to Hillary Clinton in response to the earthquake “and on cue…”

US Congressmen Tour Red Zone in Christchurch  12 Jan 2012    Two high-level delegations of United States lawmakers have slipped quietly in and out of New Zealand for a series of meetings including a first-hand look at Christchurch’s earthquake damage.

A group of Congressmen spent three days in the country, visiting Wellington and then Christchurch. They left on Tuesday.

Another group of seven senators was in the country at the weekend.

The visits were not advised to the media, but were confirmed after US Government planes were spotted on the tarmac at Wellington and Christchurch airports.

A Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority spokesman said staff had accompanied the delegation, including seven US Congressmen, into the central-city red zone.

For More:


These were the lights in the Turkish earthquake



This is the one article I can still find that discusses the 2011 earthquake. All the videos and much of the pictorial material has disappeared from the record. Only the text remains.

2011 Christchurch Earthquake MIHOP: Another Manmade Catastrophe Caused By The USual Suspects

Knew It Was Coming And Why?

By Peter Drew

A report by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission adds to speculation and mysteries surrounding possible foreknowledge of the Christchurch earthquake in 2011

What really happened with the Christchurch earthquake which decimated the city in February 2011?  Is there more to this disaster than many people realise?  Did some people know it was coming?  Or even worse?=

Source:  Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Christchurch

A study by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission Research Foundation looking at earthquake precursors and predictors in the ionosphere has added some intriguing new elements to the hypothesis that some people knew the Christchurch earthquake was coming.  According to this new research, a number of earthquakes in New Zealand have been associated with measurable disturbances in the ionosphere in the days preceding the earthquakes, but that the Christchurch earthquake had a uniquely different and unexplained type of disturbance of the ionosphere.…

More on the interesting findings of this study shortly, but to help put some broader perspective on this issue let us first look at what are some extraordinary occurrences and coincidences surrounding the Christchurch earthquake which add to theories that high level US officials knew that the earthquake was about to strike.  If so, how did they know this and why was it kept from the New Zealand public?  Was the Christchurch earthquake even more sinister than a simple matter of foreknowledge by the US?  Could it potentially have been triggered artificially, either accidentally or perhaps even deliberately?

On the day of the Christchurch earthquake the 2011 US-NZ Pacific Partnership Forum was being held in Christchurch with many high level representatives present from both the US and New Zealand, with meetings scheduled to go all day.  Why did a number of delegates from US Congress who were at that forum suddenly cut and run for the airport at 10.00am, two hours before the earthquake struck, and relocate to Prime Minister John Key’s offices in Wellington?

Why did Thad Allen, a US government specialist in disaster rehabilitation and infrastructure rebuilding, and Tim Manning, Deputy Director of FEMA (US Federal Emergency Management Agency), just by coincidence happen to be in Christchurch at the time of the earthquake and were able to take on a significant advisory role  with the earthquake management response?  This was in exactly the same way as the coincidence in Haiti whereby a group of US disaster response experts just happened to be in Haiti for disaster training exercises the day before and the day of the Haiti earthquake, and were then able to take control of the emergency response in 2010?  An amazing set of coincidences.  Why did Janet Napolitano, US Homeland Security Secretary, suddenly cancel her visit to Christchurch two days before the earthquake struck?

But perhaps of most interest, when Hillary Clinton and her team were notified by that a 6.3 magnitude earthquake had just struck Christchurch, her team’s response was just three words…….“and on cue”

Hillary Clinton and her husband, former US President Bill Clinton, also happen to have very significant links to the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the supposed infrastructure rebuilding through the Clinton Foundation.  The Clinton Foundation is now under serious investigation for major fraud, including the ‘loss’ of many billions of dollars of Haiti disaster relief funds.

In a stunning coincidence, both the Haiti earthquake in 2010 and the Christchurch earthquake in 2011 both had major military training exercises in operation in the immediate vicinity, with that training being specifically for emergency response to a major disaster such as an earthquake.  For the Christchurch earthquake, this included a massive military exercise taking place just outside of Christchurch with over 100 troops whose disaster response training suddenly went live as they were on hand to support the immediate earthquake response.  The HMS Canterbury was conveniently parked at Lyttleton Harbour with emergency food supplies ready.  This is remarkably similar to the situation in Haiti 2010.

Alongside this, on the afternoon of the earthquake, while a major national emergency was in full swing across New Zealand, why did Prime Minister John Key stop to sign over the seabed exploration rights for New Zealand, including the Canterbury Basin, to the giant oil mining company Anadarko just four hours after the earthquake struck?  Shouldn’t he have had more important matters on his mind at that time?  Some people estimate this agreement as being potentially worth trillions of dollars.

Anadarko just happened to have their seismic exploration boat, the Aquila Explorer, stationed off the coast of Christchurch at the time of the earthquake, which is a point that the New Zealand government have been very anxious to try to deny.  More on that important point later, but is this related in any way to the fact that the Aquila Explorer possessed seismic technology which had HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) technology which can create a disturbance in the ionosphere potentially of the sort which has now been linked to the ionosphere anomaly shown in this new study by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission?

Speculation and theories regarding foreknowledge of the Christchurch earthquake are quite varied.  The slightly less sinister theory is that certain people in the United States had the capability to read the natural earthquake precursors, and they were just taking precautionary measures.  However, even if this were the case, it is still an extremely serious crime to not divulge this information to try to save lives.  A similar case of that happening in Italy resulted in six scientists being charged with manslaughter, which was subsequently overturned seven years later.…

Added to this theory is that perhaps the seismic technology on board the Aquila Explorer somehow acted to inadvertently impact the ionosphere which helped to trigger the earthquake.  There is also a far more sinister theory that the Christchurch earthquake was what is referred to as a man-made ‘eco-terrorism’ strike by powerful Deep State forces for nefarious purposes.  That theory may sound ridiculous, impossible, and crazy.  But is it?  The evidence to support this theory is considerable indeed.

How does a man-made earthquake work?

What is an ‘eco-terrorism earthquake’, and why would this potentially have been targeted on Christchurch in 2011?  The US Deep State military and others have for many decades possessed the knowledge and the technology to trigger artificial earthquakes in specific locations.

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts.”

US Secretary of Defence, William Cohen, 1997

The technology to artificially trigger earthquakes was first discovered as far back as the early 19 hundreds by genius scientist Nikola Tesla, the inventor of remote control technology and the original brainchild of what is now wifi.

Source: Nikola Tesla

Tesla discovered the power of directed high frequency energy.  That concept has since been evolved and harnessed by Deep State forces to be able to create a number of different large scale environmental impacts, including large scale weather modification and triggering artificial earthquakes.  Triggering artificial earthquakes uses a similar method to how a crystal glass can be shattered by the high frequency sound waves of an opera singer.  In the case of earthquakes, it is low frequency electromagnetic waves, rather than sound waves, that have the shattering effect deep underground.

Source: Tesla Photo Archive; An artist’s impression of the wireless Tesla world power system and Tesla’s “Electrical Experimenter” in 1919 

Nearly 100 years later and this is what Tesla’s technology now looks like.  This is an SBX radar platform, of which there are a number travelling around the world owned by US defence giant Raytheon which have HAARP capabilities.

Source: Raytheon’s SBX radar platform – a mobile HAARP/Tesla unit

Source: Anadarko’s Aquila Explorer, which was sitting just off the coast of Christchurch when the earthquake struck, with HAARP capable dome on top

Dr Nick Bergich and Jeanne Manning provide some excellent explanations for how the HAARP technology works and its purposes in this exert their ground breaking book ‘Angels Don’t Play This HAARP – Advances in Tesla Technology’

The brief video clip below demonstrates how HAARP can be used to trigger an earthquake.

Source: autonify

The US attempts to conceal its HAARP military weaponry

At a meeting of European Parliament in 1999, the uncertain but substantial military threats posed by HAARP weapons were a major part of the agenda. The following are a few exerts from the various motions put forward for discussion regarding HAARP at that meeting:

(European Parliament) Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska;

On 5 February 1998 Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing the subject of which included HAARP. NATO and the US had been invited to send representatives, but chose not to do so. The Committee regrets the failure of the USA to send a representative to answer questions, or to use the opportunity to comment on the material submitted.(21)

HAARP can be used for many purposes. Enormous quantities of energy can be controlled by manipulating the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere. If used as a military weapon this can have a devastating impact on an enemy.  HAARP can deliver millions of times more energy to a given area than any other conventional transmitter.

By manipulating the ionosphere one could block global communications while transmitting one’s own. Another application is earth-penetrating, tomography, x-raying the earth several kilometres deep, to detect oil and gas fields, or underground military facilities.

HAARP has links with 50 years of intensive space research for military purposes, including the Star Wars project, to control the upper atmosphere and communications. This kind of research has to be regarded as a serious threat to the environment, with an incalculable impact on human life. Even now nobody knows what impact HAARP may have.

HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.

We have to beat down the wall of secrecy around military research, and set up the right to openness and democratic scrutiny of military research projects, and parliamentary control.

So, it is clear that back in 1999 the European Parliament considered HAARP to be a real potential threat to the world and that the US were keen to try to keep this technology a secret as much as possible.

Over the past 15 years there have been claims of a number of major earthquakes having been man made.  The Haiti earthquake in 2010 is probably the one that has received the most coverage, including then President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, stating that he believed the Haiti earthquake was caused by a ‘tectonic weapon’ of the US.

Chavez: US ‘Tectonic Weapon’ Caused Haiti Quake

There have also been theories and evidence put forward about the possible role of HAARP with the Fukushima earthquake in Japan in March 2011, shortly after the Christchurch earthquake. Like the Christchurch earthquake, NASA scientists have found anomalies with the ionosphere and electromagnetic pulses several days prior to the Fukushima earthquake which are consistent with HAARP technology.

So, if the theory about the Christchurch earthquake being an ‘eco-terrorism’ attack were correct, what could be the motive of that attack, how would it have been done, and who would have been involved or complicit?  The standard three points of a crime scene investigation – Who, Why, and How, and what evidence is there to support the theory?


Let’s start with the question of how.  As just stated, artificial earthquakes can be triggered by using HAARP technology.  The largest and most powerful HAARP station is located in Gakona, Alaska.  HAARP technology can send several billion watts of electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere which can be used for a number of different purposes, including reflecting this electromagnetic energy back into the earth at specific frequencies to trigger an earthquake on an existing fault line.

Source: Red Ice 

Source:  Concepts of Operations

In order to use HAARP to trigger an artificial earthquake, radio waves are transmitted into the ionosphere at low frequency, specifically 2.5 Hz, which is the same frequency that is given off by an earthquake.  This transmission of a specific earthquake inducing frequency is combined with seeding the lower level atmosphere with a large quantity of metallic nano-particles.

This process of atmospheric seeding allegedly enhances HAARP’s capabilities in transmitting and directing its energy when used in tomographic (ground penetrating) mode.  If this is directed in the right way to an existing fault line then it can trigger an earthquake.  According to HAARP scientists, for an artificial earthquake to be triggered in this way, the HAARP generated radio frequency would need to be focussed into the target area several days prior to the earthquake occurring, and this can be done from a HAARP station which is on a different part of the planet.

The seeding of the atmosphere with these nano-particles is done through a process of large scale stratospheric aerosol spraying, or stratospheric geo-engineering, using aircraft.

 Source: Aerosol spraying from engines and wing tip nozzles             

Source: Geoengineering & Chemtrails    

So the next question.  Is there any evidence of HAARP technology being deployed in the days leading up to the Christchurch earthquake which could potentially be linked to the anomaly of the ionosphere found by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission?  Also, is there any evidence of the associated atmospheric spraying or geo-engineering that we can see above?

The activation of the HAARP installation in Gakona, Alaska is measured using their  HAARP ‘Induction Magnetometer’.  As shown in this graph below, the HAARP technology at Gakona was active for at least two days immediately prior to the Christchurch earthquake.

Source: Induction Magnetometer, Gakona HAARP Station

February 20-22, 2011

How does this graph correspond with the unusual ionosphere anomaly found for the Christchurch earthquake in the new study by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission?  The study by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission looked at daily fluctuations in the ‘Total Electron Content’ (TEC) in the ionosphere in the days preceding a major earthquake to see if there were any patterns which could be used as earthquake precursors.  The study looked at four major earthquakes in New Zealand, including Darfield 2010, Christchurch 2011, Seddon 2013, and Lake Grassmere 2013.

Below are the TEC ionosphere graphs for the days leading up to the Darfield and Lake Grassmere earthquakes.

TEC charts for Darfield and Lake Grassmere earthquakes

Compare this to the TEC ionosphere graph below prior to the Christchurch earthquake and we can see that there is something significantly different going on with the ionosphere for the Christchurch earthquake

Source: TEC chart for Christchurch earthquake

February 18th, 2011

According to the NZ Earthquake Commission report, the chart shown here for Christchurch corresponds to the time of greatest anomaly in the ionosphere prior to the Christchurch earthquake.  While the anomaly peaked on February 18th, it was spread over a number of days prior to the earthquake.  The area of greatest anomaly, which ‘has two centres – about 150km north-east and south-east of Christchurch – includes Christchurch itself’.  The report goes on to say ‘We have no explanation for the spatial distribution of the anomaly………the precursor time of three days and the concentration of spatial anomalies at locations not far from Christchurch suggest that the anomaly could be associated with the preparation process of the Christchurch earthquake’

So we have an unexplained anomaly in the ionosphere immediately preceding the Christchurch earthquake, which is different in characteristic to other major earthquakes that were studied in New Zealand.  During the same time period, or extremely close to it, we have some significant activity in the HAARP Induction Magnetometer from the Gakona HAARP station which is a technology that is designed specifically to impact the ionosphere.

Unfortunately we do not have access to the Gakona HAARP chart for the days prior to February 20th to be able to fully cross check this with the ionosphere anomaly found by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission.  But we can certainly say that there was significant HAARP activity occurring from the Gakona HAARP station around the same time as the ionosphere anomaly found by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission.

Do we have any other potential man made influences on the Christchurch ionosphere at the time of the earthquake?

The Birdlings Flat Research Station in Akaroa, just outside Christchurch bears remarkable similarities to the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska.

Birdlings Flat Station, (now decommissioned) Christchurch

HAARP facility, Gakona Alaska

The Birdlings Flat Research Station “operated much like a transistor radio but on a massive scale”.  Pulses are sent up 60-120 kilometres into the atmosphere where they are mostly absorbed, and some of it is reflected back into the ground.  While the Birdlings Flat Research Station was operated by the University of Canterbury, and was funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Defence.  Why would it be funded by the Ministry of Defence?

As well as the Birdlings Flat facility, 30km north of Christchurch in Eyrewell is the location of New Zealand’s only Ionosonde.  This is a swept frequency vertical sounding radar and gives information on the electron density in the ionosphere.  The Ionosonde is operated by the Physics & Astronomy Department of the University of Canterbury under a contract of the New Zealand Defence Force.

In addition to the Birdlings Flat facility, which looks extremely similar to a HAARP facility, the giant US defence contractor, Raytheon, had a base at Christchurch Airport at the time of the Christchurch earthquake.  Raytheon is one of the largest defence technology companies in the world and specialises in advanced weaponry and homeland security.  It has very strong links to HAARP technology, and its technology includes the mobile SBX radar platform shown earlier.  Shortly after the Christchurch earthquake, the contract for this base shifted from Raytheon to Lockheed Martin.  We also have Anadarko’s ship, the Aquila Explorer, just off the coast of Christchurch at the time of the earthquake which possessed a large radar dome with HAARP technology likely capable of influencing the nearby ionosphere, or at least supporting other HAARP technology.

Why was the New Zealand government so keen to try to cover up the fact that the Aquila Explorer was parked right outside Christchurch the day before and the day of the Christchurch earthquake?  On February 8th 2013, the New Zealand government held a public meeting about seabed mining at the Takahanga Marae, Kaikoura, to address public concerns about the government’s plans for Anadarko to begin deep water drilling off the coast of Kaikoura.  Multiple government officials attended that meeting, including Simon Bridges, the Minister for Energy.  When asked about the location of the Aquila Explorer ship at the time of the Christchurch earthquake the government officials were visibly evasive on this question and eventually came back and said that it was in Wellington at the time.  This is despite a written testimony from a crew member of the Aquila Explorer confirming it was actually off the coast of Christchurch at that time, and eye witness accounts to support this.

A little further south in New Zealand, near Invercargill, there is the Unwin Radar of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) international radar network.  Was this facility also involved in some way at the time of the Christchurch earthquake?  On February 21st 2011, one day before the earthquake, 107 Pilot Whales were found beached at Mason Bay on Stewart Island at the bottom of New Zealand’s South Island, very near the SuperDARN facility.  It is thought by many scientists that high powered radio frequency technology can interfere with the sonar navigation systems of whales and dolphins which can cause strandings.…

So we certainly have some interesting information regarding the potential for HAARP activity and potential man made anomalies with the ionosphere in the Christchurch area and nearby around the time of the earthquake that could be linked with the unexplained ionosphere anomaly which the New Zealand Earthquake Commission have now discovered.

As mentioned earlier, the second part of triggering an artificial earthquake is the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic nano-particles through atmospheric spraying operations commonly referred to as ‘chemtrails’, or more accurately referred to as ‘geo-engineering’ through stratospheric aerosol spraying by aircraft.  In the period immediately leading up to the Christchurch earthquake there were reports of aircraft engaging in large scale stratospheric spraying activity around the Christchurch area.

Source: Chemical laden clouds taken from Rangiora, near Christchurch, before the March 22 2011 earthquake

This stratospheric aerosol spraying was not limited to just the period of time immediately preceding the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and was not limited to just the Christchurch area.  During 2010 and onwards the New Zealand government had been repeatedly challenged on the issue of aircraft engaging in large scale stratospheric aerosol spraying campaigns, in particular around the upper and middle parts of the South Island during 2010 and early 2011. The then mayor of Kaikoura, Kevin Heays, wrote several times about this to Dr Nick Smith, Minister for the Environment.  In one letter to Dr Smith, Mayor Heays stated that I ‘have personally been observing what has been commonly termed as the formation of “chem-trails” throughout our sky’.  Mayor Heays went on to say that what he was seeing ‘clearly indicated that normal passenger and freight air traffic was not responsible for this phenomena’

Source: December 2011 over Kakioura, exactly one month before the quake

Dr Smith refused to personally respond to Mayor Heays about his concerns, however one of Dr Smith’s staff did respond to Mayor Heays to deny any awareness by the New Zealand government regarding stratospheric aerosol spraying.  Here is an exert from Mayor Heay’s response to the New Zealand government on their denial of knowledge;

Your “unawareness” of any evidence to support any such thing as you have stated in paragraph 2 concerns me immensely.  Evidence is indeed all over the world and on some major governmental agendas as we speak – including the British government and the US Congress.  I respectfully suggest that if our government and their directors are indeed “unaware”, then a rapid and intense course be attended to become “aware”. You reasoning that my sightings and those of many others throughout our skies are…..”the result of normal air traffic” is, to be blunt, bollocks.  The directions of these trails I refer to are not on the flight paths of domestic or international airlines, nor do we “top dress” over the Pacific Ocean.

In addition to this, in January 2011 every MP in New Zealand was written to in order to raise concerns about the then obvious programme of large scale stratospheric aerosol spraying in parts of New Zealand, including the Christchurch area.  While this was also met with almost universal denial by the government, the then leader of the New Zealand Maori Party, the Hon Tariana Turia wrote this in response on February 2nd 2011, less than three weeks before the Christchurch earthquake.

I acknowledge your letter regarding atmospheric geo-engineering and chemtrails…….I appreciate your insights relating to this phenomena in so far as it informs our understanding of current and future environmental threats…….Our country needs patriots like yourself who are willing to fight the big fight against international giants.

It would seem then that there was considerable awareness and concern about stratospheric aerosol spraying in various parts of New Zealand in the months leading up to the Christchurch earthquake, as well as eye witness reports of large scale spraying activity specifically in the Christchurch area immediately leading up to the earthquake.

Source: Visible Chemtrails and and particulate sprayed over Christchurch Airport

Source:  Geoengineered rainbows, Christchurch Airport, 4 Sep 2010.

7.1mag Darfield original quake

So in terms of evidence for how an artificial earthquake could have been triggered in Christchurch, we have an unexplained anomaly with the ionosphere found by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission which corresponds very closely with the HAARP Induction Magnetometer from Gakona around that time.  We have what looks very much like a HAARP station at Birdlings Flat just outside of Christchurch which is funded by the Ministry of Defence, we have the Ionosade facility at Eyrewell, and we have Raytheon, an exotic weapons company strongly linked to HAARP technology based at Christchurch Airport.  In addition, we have the HAARP capable Aquila Explorer sitting just off the coast of Christchurch at the time of the earthquake which the New Zealand government does not want the public to know about.  We also have a huge amount of stratospheric ‘geo-engineering’ in the area at that time, which is a key ingredient for creating the necessary conditions for triggering an artificial earthquake, which the New Zealand government also does not seem to want the public to know about.

As an additional point, in this video we see John Key in a press conference accidentally call the Christchurch earthquake a man-made disaster.  He did this not once but twice during this press conference.


Let us now move on to why someone might want to trigger an artificial earthquake in Christchurch.  Follow the money is usually a very useful thing to do if a potential crime has been committed.  Who has benefitted financially from the earthquake?  Let’s take a look at several potential motives.

Firstly, the Christchurch rebuilding contracts and the privatisation of many public assets in Christchurch not only appears to be highly corrupt, but also enormously profitable for the New Zealand government and for certain large companies.  The tendering process for rebuilding Christchurch was passed over to CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority) which is allegedly staffed entirely by employees of Fletchers.  Fletchers then put in a bid (effectively to themselves) and was immediately awarded the contract the day it was submitted.  The RBNZ (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) is by far the leading shareholder of Fletchers, with RBNZ owning 275 million shares and Fletchers themselves only owning 5000 shares.  As the RBNZ is a State Owned Enterprise, the New Zealand government is effectively profiting from the Christchurch earthquake rebuild.…

The open letter and freedom of information request below, written to Mr Brownlee in 2013, provides some useful insights into some of the processes at play here.  In particular the 15 questions put to Mr Brownlee at the end of this letter.…

In addition to what seems to be an extremely corrupt situation, the New Zealand government is also gaining enormously through the ‘Red Zone’ crown reclamation, whereby members of the public with houses in a Red Zone are being hit with compulsory government acquisition unless they agree to a settlement offer.  Add into this mix the biggest transfer of public assets in New Zealand history as the local infrastructure assets of Christchurch were privatised.…

This all adds up to gigantic amounts of wealth, many billions, flowing from the people and the city council of Christchurch to large corporations and the New Zealand government.  This article explores in more detail the potential corruption and other possible agendas of the Christchurch rebuilding processes.…  

The Christchurch and Haiti earthquakes share many similarities.  Massive profiting from what is termed ‘Disaster Capitalism’ is just one of the similarities.  Just as the Christchurch disaster response strategies have been enormously lucrative for the companies involved and the New Zealand government, and have decimated the budget of the Christchurch City Council, the Clinton Foundation has taken in more than $14 billion through global fundraising for the Haiti earthquake, of which almost none has actually made it to the people of Haiti.  In the video link below we see the then US President Barrack Obama, as well as George W Bush, and Bill Clinton line up in front of the world media to plead for money to support the Haiti earthquake victims.  George W Bush’s comment is interesting eight years later in light of the major investigation and audit now being conducted into the missing billions donated to the Clinton Foundation for Haiti earthquake relief.

“The most effective way to help the people of Haiti is to contribute money.  That money will go to organisations (the Clinton Foundation) who will be able to effectively spend it.  A lot of people want to send blankets or water.  Just send your cash”  (George W Bush)

Bill Clinton had been appointed UN Special Envoy to Haiti just a few months before the devastating Haiti earthquake struck, an earthquake that seems to have benefited the Clinton’s to the tune of many billions of dollars as they were then in perfect position to lead the global fundraising drive.…

Did Bill Clinton somehow know that there was a highly lucrative opportunity coming up in Haiti?  If so, how did he know that?  Eight years later Haiti is still completely devastated and has no funds for rebuilding, despite the world having donated more than $14 billion for this.

Source:  Encyclopaedia Britannica

With Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential election, a major investigation and audit has now been launched into the alleged massive fraud of the Clinton Foundation.

Source:  Twitter

With this in mind, one must ask the question as to whether Hillary Clinton’s team also sent the same “and on cue” e-mail when the Haiti earthquake struck. Especially when we know that Lieutenant General Ken Keen, who led the Haiti disaster response, was conveniently on hand in Haiti leading an emergency management training drill just as had happened with the Christchurch earthquake.

So, the Haiti and Christchurch earthquakes both appear to be potentially associated with massive ‘Disaster Capitalism’.  Was that the only motive for the Christchurch earthquake or were other agendas involved as well?

A second motive may have been related to the highly controversial Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).  Were the TPPA negotiations somehow linked to the Christchurch earthquake, and the subsequent Kaikoura earthquake just up the coast in 2016?  A major agenda item of the US-NZ Pacific Partnership Forum being held in Christchurch on the day of the earthquake was the TPPA.  The TPPA is a proposed 12 nation trade agreement, led by the United States, which has enormous potential consequences for the 12 nations involved, including potentially giving big trans-national corporations the ability to have a hugely controlling influence over government policy-making of those 12 nations in favour of enormous corporate profit.

The TPPA has been a highly controversial issue for New Zealand, including the major implications for the Treaty of Waitangi.  In 2015 the TPPA resulted in the largest signed petition in New Zealand history being delivered to New Zealand parliament in protest at the governments continuing push to sign off the TPPA.…

Source:  Huge TPPA protests shut down Central Auckland

With the huge public protests and continuing questions raised that the TPPA was a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi, the New Zealand government had conceded that the TPPA was virtually dead in New Zealand.  However, one day after the Kaikoura earthquake in November 2016, the New Zealand government suddenly ratified the TPPA and then completed the public signing off of it in February 2017.

When members of the US delegation in Christchurch in 2011 cut and ran for the airport just before the earthquake struck and relocated to John Key’s offices in Wellington, was the earthquake used as an eco-terrorism threat to the New Zealand government for them to be compliant towards the TPPA?  Was the Kaikoura earthquake subsequently used as another eco-terrorism threat to force through the final ratification by the New Zealand government when the government had seemingly been overwhelmed by the massive public backlash against the TPPA?

Finally on possible motives for the Christchurch earthquake being an eco-terrorism event, we have oil.  Perhaps the most significant and obvious motive was the enormous potential profit to be made from the New Zealand seabed drilling agreements.  The sea beds surrounding New Zealand represent the 4thlargest oil reserves in the world, which is why New Zealand is sometimes referred to as the ‘Texas of the South’.  This map shows the current areas of seabed mining agreement which represent potentially trillions of dollars of oil reserves.

Source: NZ Petroleum and Minerals

The signing off of those seabed agreements has been extremely controversial in New Zealand politics.  Like the TPPA, it brings major complications with the Treaty of Waitangi, as well as large and very vocal environmental protest groups.…

Source: A haka is performed at the Piha protest against deep sea oil drilling

Once again, was the earthquake used as an eco-terrorism threat when those members of US Congress left Christchurch and relocated to John Keys offices where he and then signed off the seabed exploration agreement with Anadarko?

Why was John Key and the New Zealand government so aggressive in their subsequent efforts to ensure Anadarko would be able to achieve their oil drilling aspirations in New Zealand despite Anadarko oil drilling clearly being a huge environmental risk for the country, and in the face of extreme public protest?  The article below describes how Anadarko was closely linked with the catastrophic Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and that Anadarko was making inaccurate or fraudulent claims about its experience and track record with deep water oil drilling.

Why did John Key state in 2013 that “This government is very clear, we won’t let cowboys operate here in New Zealand”, but then go ahead and do the exact opposite with Anadarko?   Why did Energy Minister Simon Bridges then also go on to try to prevent anti Anadarko protests by implementing legislation which can only be described as extremely fascist?  This legislation stated that anyone who attempted to interfere with or disrupt offshore oil and mining operations of Anadarko would face jail or a $50,000 fine, with fines of $10,000 for individuals who come within 500m of ‘no go’ zones, and fines of $100,000 for organisations who support such actions.

Why was John Key and the New Zealand government taking such an extremist approach to ensuring that Anadarko achieved its oil drilling programmes?


If you want to unleash an eco-terrorism strike on a target country for the purposes of oil profit, there would likely need to be some strong connections between those who could provide and deliver the technology/weaponry for that eco-terrorism strike and those who will subsequently be mining the oil.  As a point to note, HAARP is jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, and DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency).

With that in mind, let’s have a look at some of the board members of Anadarko around the time of the Christchurch earthquake.

Paula Reynolds – Director of BAE, a defence contractor in advanced weapon systems, which has included building HAARP’s phase 2 upgrade.  BAE had previously provided $35 million to HAARP research

Peter Geren – former secretary of the US Army and US Air Force (who jointly own HAARP)

General Kevin Chilton – previously Head of US Space Command and Head of US Strategic Air Command

Anadarko was certainly associated with some very high level, high tech military connections, and very closely linked with those who would be in control of HAARP technology if it was to be used as an eco-terrorism weapon.  The Anadarko board in fact looks very much like a high level military board with very close HAARP links.

Adding to the Anadarko links, Gerry Brownlee was appointed by John Key to be the ‘Emergency Earthquake Relief Minister’ to lead on the earthquake response and rebuilding.  Most likely under advisory support from Thad Allen and Tim Manning as the US professional experts.  The special ‘emergency powers’ that Mr Brownlee was given certainly seemed to allow for some considerable levels of wealth and asset transfer, as previously outlined.  But perhaps of most interest is that it was Gerry Brownlee who initiated the seismic exploration of the Canterbury Basin for oil and mineral reserves and he was instrumental in the initial luring of Anadarko to New Zealand.  So Mr Brownlee has very close links to at least two of the possible motives outlined here.  Another extraordinary coincidence.

Let us now turn our attention from Anadarko back to the large US delegation that was meeting in Christchurch on the day of the earthquake as part of the 2011 US-NZ Partnership Forum.  Who was on the list of attendees that day?

Thad Allen – US disaster response expert, who just happened to be on site to take a key advisory role with the Christchurch disaster recovery process.  What is Thad Allen’s background and do we see any connections that could be relevant here?

Thad Allen’s specialist field is disaster rehabilitation, resilience, and infrastructure and community rebuilding.  He directed the US federal response to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and he was the National Incident Commander of the Unified Command for the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.  In November 2011 Allen was named a Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH).  BAH works for US intelligence agencies and the majority of its contracts are with the US government, including a major contract with the NSA (National Security Agency).  In 2016 Hillary Clinton/Clinton Foundation was the largest recipient of contributions from Thad Allen’s BAH.

So, it is fair to say that Thad Allen is extremely well connected with some very powerful agencies and individuals, including the Clintons who have such strong links to the Haiti Earthquake and alleged massive ‘Disaster Capitalism’.

Richard Armitage  – former US Deputy Secretary of State and coordinator of the response to 9/11.  He was also the author of the major US political planning document ‘Project for a New American Century’ which involves the US taking a much stronger and more controlling military role around the world through the 21st century.

Tim Manning – US Deputy Director of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Kurt Campbell – US Assistant Secretary of State for the Pacific and East Asian Affairs

All of these four people have significant military backgrounds, and Armitage, Manning, and Campbell also have Navy backgrounds.  The US Navy is the prime operator of HAARP.   So we certainly had some very powerful people in Christchurch with strong military links and very high level involvement in disaster response and international relations.

The Verdict

What should we make of all of this?  It is impossible to say with absolute certainty what happened with the Christchurch earthquake and why.  However, we know that triggering a man-made eco-terrorism earthquake is very possible and has been acknowledged as such by the United States government and others.  The various physical and anecdotal evidences, and the various people connections, and coincidences make it very difficult to dismiss the likelihood of some nefarious activity at a high level in some way.  We have an extremely ‘militarised’ and strongly HAARP connected board of Anadarko, and some extremely interesting personnel connections between Anadarko and high level military and ‘exotic’ weaponry.  We also have extremely high level US military and US Navy personnel within the US delegation in Christchurch on the day of the earthquake.

Did these very powerful individuals, and others, help to oversee a HAARP eco-terrorism strike on Christchurch in 2011?  Did they then cut and run just before it struck, relocate to John Key’s office where he then signed over the New Zealand seabed exploration rights to Anadarko’s very highly connected, highly militarised, and strongly HAARP connected board?  This was subsequently followed by the New Zealand government implementing extremely fascist legislation to ensure that Anadarko’s deep sea oil drilling was not disrupted in any way by the people of New Zealand.  Did Thad Allen and Tim Manning take on a vital advisory role with the recovery and rebuilding process of Christchurch, along with Gerry Brownlee, so that it could be steered in the right manner for achieving massive profit to the right people through ‘Disaster Capitalism’ in a similar way as occurred in Haiti the year before?  Were the Clinton’s involved in some way with this, with Hillary’s team responding “and on cue” when they heard the news?  Did the Clinton’s benefit from the Christchurch earthquake in some way like they seemingly have done on a massive scale from the Haiti earthquake, or were there different channels of ‘Disaster Capitalism’ in play for Christchurch?

We know that the Christchurch earthquake has now been shown by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission to be linked with an unexplained anomaly of the ionosphere in the days preceding the earthquake.  An anomaly that could potentially have been created through the use of HAARP technology, which is a vital part of implementing a man-made earthquake using Tesla type processes.  We have the main HAARP installation in Gakona showing significant activity around the time corresponding to the ionosphere anomaly.  We also have several HAARP-like installations operating just outside Christchurch and funded by the Ministry of Defence, and we have global weapons giant Raytheon based at Christchurch Airport which is strongly linked to HAARP.  We also have Anadarko’s HAARP capable ship sitting off the coast of Christchurch at the time, which the New Zealand government have tried to cover up.  In addition to this, we have evidence supporting the huge atmospheric geo-engineering aspect of a man-made earthquake.

We have the incredible coincidence of Thad Allen and Tim Manning being on hand to advise on the recovery operation just as happened with the Haiti earthquake in 2010, and finally, just as the seabed exploration agreement was signed over immediately after the Christchurch earthquake, we have the TPPA agreement being ratified the day after the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, despite it having previously been virtually dead and buried.

Since the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, New Zealand has changed in an immeasurable way.  Not only is the city still in turmoil and changed forever, but New Zealand’s relationship with the United States, and in particular big corporate interests and big military links, have been radically altered, as have some significant human rights legislation.  New Zealand is now dominated by big international energy interests, irrespective of potential environmental impact, and irrespective of the Treaty of Waitangi.  New Zealand legislation and human rights have become much more ‘militarised’ and much more towards what you would associate with a police state.  This includes New Zealand’s inclusion as one the five partner nations in the ‘Five Eyes’ US global surveillance system, as confirmed by Edward Snowden.

So, does this point towards extremely powerful forces using eco-terrorism to help  drive through hugely profitable corporate agreements and to change the political fabric of New Zealand?  The final verdict will have to be left to the reader and I would very much encourage people to do more of their own research into this subject area and other related subject areas.  There is a huge amount of factual and critically important information out there that our mainstream news will simply not inform us about.

On February 22nd 2011 New Zealand had its heart and soul pierced by a giant spear.  Perhaps on that day New Zealand in some way lost its innocence in this world.  No one would ever attack beautiful, peaceful New Zealand.  But that is perhaps what did happen on that day, and perhaps on subsequent days after that as well.  Unknown to many around the world, we unfortunately live in a world today where national governments do not determine how countries are run, and our mainstream media does not tell us the truth.  We live in a world today where covert, unaccountable, and immensely powerful forces (the ‘Military Industrial Complex’) control what countries do, and they instruct our media on what to tell us to think.

With that message in mind, I finish this article with a 5 minute audio clip below of a great and courageous speech by John K Kennedy in 1961.  Perhaps one of the most significant political speeches ever made.  It came after his predecessor, President Eisenhower, warned the world in his farewell Presidential speech in 1960, and then presumably gave President Kennedy a full briefing, about the imminent danger to the world of the rise of what he labelled the ‘Military Industrial Complex’.  In President Kennedy’s 1961 speech, he tried to warn the world about exactly this, and he courageously tried to do something about it.  A few decades later and many more people around the world are now aware of what Presidents Kennedy and Eisenhower both warned us about back then.  That is a great piece of hope for the world.

Rest in peace the victims of the Christchurch earthquake, and may the people of New Zealand find the awareness and the courage to fight the global forces that are taking control of this amazing country.


New Zealand owes a huge debt of gratitude to the brilliant, resilient, and courageous people at The ConTrail  Their refusal to let this issue go, and their tenacity in seeking the truth and bringing the evidence forward has been incredible.

Huge thanks to NZ Uncensored Magazine who ran a number of articles immediately after the Christchurch earthquake bringing forward vital evidence around suspicious circumstances, and who also recently published the new evidence that has come from the New Zealand Earthquake Commission……

Thank you also to world renowned researcher and author Elana Freeland and her pioneering work in the area of HAARP and Geoengineering. Her Book Under an Ionised Sky can be found here.



New Zealand earthquake: Sky flashes ‘green and blue’ in rare lights phenomenon

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