Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Temperature extremes

Temperature extremes 
in Texas

Pick your season! 
7°F in Dumas and 95°F in Laredo, TX.
 Just a 88 degree difference in Texas right now... 
Which season do you prefer? 

1 comment:

  1. Texas is the land of blithering bible thumping idiots (but there are a few good Texans, they're just far and few between).

    This news will be blamed on "weather modification" nonsense, or even worse, "God's punishment". My time in Texas was a miserable affair, could NOT get away from end-time fools. But it's also home to Big Oil, so there is really no more appropriate place for "God" to punish and send the message - "Hey Fools! Wake the Fuck Up! You've fucked things up so badly that I'm sending you a Message! The Message is to stop ruining the planet with your hubris and indifference! Your Oil Industry is the culprit! Can you Hear Me?".

    But as they say, there's nobody home. It's just empty air between the ears, filled with the babbling nonsense of preachers and "teachers" who remain completely clueless to the real world they supposedly inhabit.

    We're not supposed to be experiencing these kinds of extremes in such close proximity. But I really doubt that anybody will really notice.


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