Spy Law Authorizes Mass Surveillance of European Citizens: Report
take note: The U.S. government has granted itself authority to
secretly snoop on you.
January, 2013
according to a new report produced for the European Parliament, which
has warned that a U.S. spy law renewed late last year authorizes
“purely political surveillance on foreigners' data” if it is
stored using U.S. cloud services like those provided by Google,
Microsoft and Facebook.
were previously alarmed by the fact that the PATRIOT Act could
be used to obtain data on
citizens outside the United States. But this time the focus is a
different law—the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Amendments
Act—which poses a “much graver risk to EU data sovereignty than
other laws hitherto considered by EU policy-makers,” according to
the recently published report, Fighting
Cyber Crime and Protecting Privacy in the Cloud, produced
by the Centre
for the Study of Conflicts, Liberty and Security.
FISA Amendments Act was introduced in 2008, retroactively legalizing
a controversial “warrantless wiretapping” program initiated
following 9/11 by the Bush administration. Late last month, it
was renewed through
2017. During that process, there was heated debate over
how it may violate Americans’ privacy. But citizens in foreign
jurisdictions have even greater cause for concern, says the report’s
co-author, Caspar Bowden, who was formerly chief privacy adviser to
Microsoft Europe.
to Bowden, the 2008 FISA amendment created a power of “mass
surveillance” specifically targeted at the data of non-U.S. persons
located outside America, which applies to cloud computing. This means
that U.S. companies with a presence in the EU can be compelled under
a secret surveillance order, issued by a secret
to hand over data on Europeans. Because non-American citizens outside
the United States have been deemed
by the court not
to fall under the search and seizure protections of the Fourth
Amendment, it opens the door to an unprecedented kind of snooping.
“It's like putting a mind control drug in the water supply, which
only affects non-Americans,” says Bowden. The lack of attention
European data protection authorities have paid to this provision has
been “shocking,” Bowden adds. But with FISA’s renewal and the
release of the report, that could be about to change.
countries’ spy agencies routinely monitor real-time communications
like emails and phone calls of groups under suspicion on national
security grounds. However, what makes FISA different is that it
explicitly authorizes the targeting of real-time
communications and dormant
cloud data linked to “foreign-based political organizations”—not
just suspected terrorists or foreign government agents. Bowden says
FISA is effectively “a carte blanche for anything that furthers
U.S. foreign policy interests” and legalizes the monitoring of
European journalists, activists, and politicians who are engaged in
any issue in which the United States has a stake. FISA, according to
Bowden, expressly makes it lawful for the United States to do
“continuous mass-surveillance of ordinary lawful democratic
political activities,” and could even go as far as to force U.S.
cloud providers like Google to provide a live “wiretap” of
European users’ data.
officials, perhaps unsurprisingly, have continually rejected claims
of mass snooping on Europeans. In a speech last
year, William Kennard, U.S. ambassador to the European Union,
addressed what he called the “fear of unlimited U.S. government
access to data,” saying that all law enforcement and national
security investigations in the United States are subject to legal and
judicial constraints designed to protect individual privacy. It’s
certainly questionable whether a U.S. court, even in secret, would be
audacious enough to actually authorize mass spying on European
journalists, even if it is a theoretical possibility. But in Europe,
serious skepticism remains. Not satisfied with assurances from U.S.
officials, Bowden and co.’s report calls for EU citizens to receive
“prominent warnings” that their data could be vulnerable to U.S.
political surveillance. The report also proposes that Europeans be
granted equal protection in American courts.
on the issue of U.S. access to foreigners’ data have been simmering
for several years—and could soon reach boiling point. Dutch
politician Sophia in 't Veld, vice-chair of the European Parliament’s
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, is among a
handful of European parliamentarians working to address the issue.
The problem is a complex one, Veld tells me, because companies are
required to comply with two conflicting jurisdictions, so new
legislation won’t necessarily fix the situation. There’s also
politics involved. “It’s very clear that the European Commission
[the EU’s executive body] is turning a blind eye,” says Veld. “So
are the national governments—partly because they don’t grasp the
issue and partly because they are afraid to stand up to U.S.
though, it seems inevitable that Europe’s policymakers will
eventually have to face up to questions over U.S. snooping, no matter
how controversial. The latest report uses words like “heavy-calibre
mass surveillance fire-power aimed at the cloud”—the kind of
language that can’t be brushed under the carpet for long.
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