
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Message from CollapseNet

Relaying the message:

I wish CollapseNet well, but my personal experience does not let me ever go back.

From FTW to WTF?!, Part 3: What Do We Do Now? CollapseNet’s Future on Our 4th Anniversary - by Wesley T. Miller, with Video by Jessy Re

From FTW to WTF!?
Part 2:
What Do We Do Now?
CollapseNet’s Future on Our 4th Anniversary
by Wesley T. Miller
President & CEO
Collapse Network, Inc.
Lake Oswego, OR – June 10, 2014 -
Mike is gone and his brainchild, CollapseNet, is hanging on by a thread. Do we quit? Let it all be for nothing? Just walk away?
We evolve. We change. We become something new and transformative for people around the globe, as Mike and I had originally envisioned and beyond. And I just so happen to have the perfect person available to pick up our vision with a sense of love, unity and purpose that CollapseNet has needed from the beginning. That person is Jessy Re.
Jessy is absolutely the “Yin” to Mike Ruppert's “Yang”. While they shared the same concerns for our people and our planet, where Mike would appear to be dark and angry at times, Jessy is full of light and hope. Where Mike pushed away those who disagreed with or offended him in some way, or who simply didn't “get it” enough, Jessy wants to open our arms in invitation to everyone with a shared sense of purpose and urgency for change. She believes that it is NEVER too late to evolve our human consciousness, and we both refuse to give up hope.
Jessy Re is one of the most deep, thoughtful, completely composed and ready to lead as person I have ever met. She will become a powerful voice for good. Please watch the video from Jessy below before reading further.

When Mike left active involvement with CollapseNet, our revenues instantly went into a nose-dive, forcing immediate staff and independent contractor payment cuts. As a result, our people left one after another to pursue paid employment. CollapseNet has been struggling every single month to make it to the next month, and I have not been the only person sacrificing to keep it alive. Without the free help provided by Jenna Orkin, Rice Farmer, and our IT guru, Carl, CollapseNet would have already failed. The only way we will survive going forward is to transform once again, with the help of new volunteers, and through your memberships.
In the weeks since Mike’s death, Jessy and I have spent many hours contemplating CollapseNet’s future. We have a plan.
Our plan is to reform, re-task, and re-invent CollapseNet, starting with a new and more positive The name is in tribute to Mike, as “Tracker of Truth” was Mike’s adopted Spirit name. It seemed appropriate as Jessy takes a leadership role with our company (which is still Collapse Network, Inc.) and we move toward more hopeful, and useful, messages.
Our new mission statement is: Uniting People, Planet and Purpose.
Our goal with the reformed website is to keep the essence of CollapseNet, including the World News Desk and the World News Stream, while we expand an ever-increasing circle of subject matter experts to bring you more relevant information and resources to prepare for a future that will be nothing like the recent past. While we will still feature news stories, they will only be a part of our much larger basket of resources.
We need writers and other volunteers, particularly folks with some web advertising, site design and IT skills, to help us expand and re-vitalize our new website, We especially would like to invite folks who have expertise in any given field relevant to our members – everything from water purification to permaculture to windmills and solar panels, you name it, as long as it fits our memberships’ goals. Our arms are open to all like-minded folks who care to contribute.For subject matter experts, we will provide your own module on the home page and an individual section for your postings, including any promotions you care to post (i.e., you’ll get some free ad space in exchange for your contributions).
Also, we want to hear from folks who are out in the world making things happen! Everyone from activists to off-grid homesteaders, we’d like to not only hear your story, but also to film it and show it!  Jessy is preparing herself to go out and make connections with all the like-minded and concerned groups of people out there who are actually making the change and living the change. Jessy also wants to help people organize on the local level, to meet and coordinate in the real world, not just communicate through keyboards. She is ready to accept Mike’s challenge – she’s ready to get out in the world and to lead.
This week is CollapseNet’s 4th Anniversary, which means we have the prospect of a yearly-membership renewal bump. We can do this. CollapseNet was formed by shear will-power, and has survived through it, too. But we also had help – from you.  With even a fraction of the support we received when CollapseNet first launched, we will have sufficient funds to move forward aggressively with our plan to transform our website. Even more importantly, with a successful renewal period and re-launch of the website, Jessy Re will have some much-needed financial security in the short term, and we will have the funds to send Jessy out into the field, as they say, to start telling your stories.
Our longer term goal is still to bring in sufficient advertising to fund the website so that we can make it an entirely free resource. Accomplishing that goal did not happen as I had intended in the last two years, as I struggled both with fibromyalgia and a very diminished staff of people to work with.  I’ve simply been stretched too thin to get it done by myself. With the right volunteer or independent contractor(s), we hope to make that change over the course of this year. But we cannot get there without your help through membership fees right now, as we celebrate our 4th Anniversary.
Please help us make it happen and renew your memberships, or sign up for a new membership today. We also want to thank all of you who have supported CollapseNet in getting us this far.
If you have the time and ability to help us as a writer, volunteer or as a subject matter expert, please contact us at:
Thank you!

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