
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Bulgarian threatened with its own 'Maidan'

Bulgaria recently gave way to a US diktat recently, stopping construction of the South Stream gas pipeline that was to provide gas to Europe.

Bulgaria according to THIS article has a declining population as well as Turks constitutong 9 per cent of the population

It also saw major demonstrations in 2013-14. Details HERE and HERE

"Why Bulgaria gave in to the US demands about the South Stream Pipeline ....Bulgaria has been threatened by USA with "separatism" of the Turks in the south-east part of the country, that is, events such as Ukrainian quite real. Unfortunately, Bulgaria once again pawn in this game"

---Огнян Петров 

Ukrainian scenario possible in Bulgaria, too - says Mihneva: Pravda.Ru

10 June, 2014 

Sofia. Doctor of Historical Sciences Rumyana Mihneva, who lives in Bulgaria, comments on Bulgaria’s decision to freeze the work on the South Stream gas pipeline project in an interview with Pravda.Ru.

Asked to comment on what could happen if Bulgaria gives in and whether it is possible for other countries, such as Austria, Italy and Serbia, to follow the move, too, Mihneva said: “There is a serious geopolitical battle underway and everything depends on the condition of the big players.
Bulgaria has been already threatened with “separatism” of the ethnic Turks in the southeast part of the country, i.e. it is absolutely possible to see scenarios such as those in Ukraine. Unfortunately, for yet another time Bulgaria is a hostage in this game.

Few weeks ago the media announced that Gazprom will not build South Stream in Bulgaria and that it has changed its interests – the pipeline will be realised but through Greece. Gazprom reacted to the news saying that there were talks but on possible branching to Greece. 

The Shah Deniz project is better for Greece, while the situation allows to easily force it to adopt other interests, especially when it comes to money and investments in North Aegean. 

Thus, the anti-South Stream scenario and its replacement with an Azeri-Turkish project are underway at different levels.

Whether Serbia, Hungary and Austria are able to resists and support Bulgaria – the answer is not simple and it depends on the games played by the different parties involved and what moves they have planned.

Here is a “Google Translate” version of the entire article

Rumyana Mihneva: Bulgaria Ukrainian scenario is quite possible

Румяна Михнева: В Болгарии вполне возможен украинский сценарий,
10 June, 2014

Residing in Bulgaria Hist. Blush Mihneva in an interview with Pravda.Ru told what has caused the decision to freeze the Sofia project "South Stream".

- After a visit to Sofia, Bulgaria delegation of U.S. congressmen announced the suspension of the construction of the "South Stream". So that might scare premiere Flames Oreshanski? Because until now he did not yield to pressure the European Commission.
- Do not give in, but now we are talking about cooperation with the persons listed in the list of U.S. sanctions, and that the same sanctions will be applied to individuals or firms that maintain relationships with them.
- "The Prime Minister has become hostage to geopolitical game that is associated with the events in Ukraine", - said the MP from the ruling Coalition for Bulgaria and member of the Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds in Varna Angels. Do you agree with this assessment? A shame it is for the European Union?
- June 6, the U.S. ambassador to Bulgaria, Mrs. Marcy plain text Riis said: "Companies and individuals who provide material support" Stroytransgaz "may be at risk of U.S. sanctions. It is housed in the Facebook page of the U.S. embassy in Sofia.
Reason for this - a consortium involving "STG" and "Gazoprojekt-South" which will completely control the entire process gas projects in Bulgaria - from design to training to operate.
A majority stake "STG" is in the hands of Gennady Timchenko and his company Volga Group, and he is listed in the U.S. list, mentioned by Ambassador Riis.
To the interests of the Bulgarian economy is terrible that consortium partners in another firm "Gazproekt South" - the best Bulgarian construction companies that create real GDP, put them under a real threat of sanctions, it was impossible to ignore.
April 28 U.S. companies involved Timchenko the list of those to whom sanctions are applied, and they prohibit any business with him, and also threaten to freeze offshore partners in American banks. All this plaintext warned U.S. Ambassador in Sofia.
Geopolitical taste Bulgarian drama and that behind certain events of last week shines another regional project - "Shah Deniz", according to which the EU through Turkey will be come Azerbaijani gas. It is strange that in a speech the prime minister Plamen Oresharski after meeting with U.S. senators, for no apparent reason was mentioned and "Shah Deniz".
Strange, because now talk about the active participation of Bulgaria it is absurd - the route is bypassing Bulgaria, following the ancient Via Ignatius through Greece, Macedonia, Albania comes to the shore of the Adriatic, and then goes to Italy and Bulgaria can count only on the deviation in the direction of its territory.
What is the reason this statement Oresharski? Hint can be seen in the unprecedented activity in the last days in the country of the so-called Turkish party "Movement for Rights and Freedoms" - DPS.
Four days ago, the head of the party DPS Lyutvi Mestan said that it is time to their general government until the end of the year to resign. Parking becomes clearer statement on the background of the fact that it was made three days after the French company "Total" sold Turkish "TPAO" its 10% stake in the project, "Shah Deniz" of gas production in the Caspian Sea. Thus Turkey has received a 19% stake.
That is to say that the Bulgarian-Turkish Party "betrayed" the interests of the "South Stream", changing to "Shah Deniz". To implement its new business plan DPS went even further, after the press conference parking were made two statements, which speak about the dramatic increase of the Turkish policy towards Bulgaria.Local Turkish politicians expressed their desire in passing that after the resignation of the president of the government of the hypothetical best to maintain continuity in the voting period and budget negotiations with the European Commission on a new financial period 2014-2020, and shall appoint the same government in the status of "service". They went further saying that the next prime minister should remain the same Plamen Oresharski. He's a good financier and technocrat, but apparently the goal of the Bulgarian Turks in others - do not lose a single moment control of the situation.
- What violates Bulgaria in terms of the European Commission? Contract "Gazprom" with Bulgaria reversible? Does the EU the right to dictate terms?
- The problem is the dating of contracts between Russian companies and Bulgaria. Bulgaria EC demanded clarification on the status of talks with "Gazprom" and created their subsidiaries. Can dictate? The answer in this situation is unequivocal - yes, maybe, on the basis of Part 3, paragraph 1, the agreement on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Refusing part of its sovereignty, countries have provided an exclusive Union competence in the field of the common commercial policy.
Bulgarian government received a letter from the General Secretariat of the European Commission "Violation" under the number 2014/2176. In a letter to the Commission requires information sign an intergovernmental agreement of 18 January 2008. In a letter detailing all the circumstances, as well as the process of establishing legal entities, their rights and privileges.
On the basis of the agreement public authorities should provide for a simplified procedure across borders Bulgaria and the Russian Federation all goods and services associated with the construction, installation and further exploitation.
Considering in detail all the details of creating and yuridichesiky status of participants Evrokommisiya comes to the conclusion that she did not know when and in what circumstances, Bulgaria has the exclusive right of "South Stream Bulgaria."
In Brussels believe that the documents did not prove that it happened after the signing of the Treaty of 18 February 2018, and therefore believe that the requirements and other procedures for the construction of which have already passed, do not have a legal basis, and therefore requires more information to decide what you need evrodirektivu was applied 2004/18/EO or 2004/17/EO.
- How will the pipe, if Bulgaria retreat? Can retreat, in your opinion, if other countries: Austria, Italy, Serbia?
- There is a serious geopolitical battle and it all depends on condition "big" players. Bulgaria has threatened to "separatism" Turks in the south-east of the country, that is, events such as Ukrainian quite real. Unfortunately, Bulgaria once again pawn in this game.
A couple of weeks ago, the media wrote that "Gazprom" will not build the "South Stream" in Bulgaria, and their interests change - the trumpet, but in Greece. There was the reaction of "Gazprom" that, yes, the conversations go, but that the Greeks are asked to make a deviation in the direction of Greece. For Greece, the project "Shah Deniz" best option, but its position is now such that it is easy to get to take the interests of others, especially if it's about money and investments in the North Egeya.
Ie study Antiyuzhnogo flow and its replacement by the Azerbaijani-Turkish project actually goes on different levels. Will Serbia, Hungary and Austria oppose and support Bulgaria - the answer is ambiguous and rests on the one who is playing what and what moves provided.

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