
Wednesday 11 June 2014

NSA/GCSB spooks

Shut off from the internet


I am sitting at the local library operating on a rickety old computer after a sleepless night.

After being on the internet yesterday evening I logged off for the night, but remembering something I switched on my IPad. No internet.

Never mind, I thought, the system is just down - although, strange, I thought - I've only been with my new provider for 3 days.

I went to sleep and after a 3 hours woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I tried the internet - no luck. Dead as a dodo!

I wouldn't have thought twice about it were it not for other problems I have been having.

I have been waiting until I was set up with a new email from my ISP provider.  With this done I even made a video to post but thought I  had better try PayPal, to find that it still did not accept payments. That might be because my credit card was not validated - I needed a four digit number that is supposed to be on my credit card bill.

As I haven't used a credit card for 3 years I rang the bank to get the information.  As usual, I was cued for my ID and PIN number. When I put it in (and I know I did it correctly because I have only recently changed bank accounts and reset my PIN) I was told that I had entered the incorrect number.

Whatever I did didn't work.

I am (electronically) locked out of my account and cannot, therefore, proceed with PayPal.

Not only that but I am unable to send any emails from my iPad. I keep getting the message that I have entered the wrong ID/password.

It goes on.

I have been at home alone for almost a week and since Monday (when I switched over to my new ISP provider) have not received ONE phone call.

I found out why after ringing the company that like to share information with the spymasters (Vodophone). After waiting for an age after taking pot luck with the phone menu I told the operator that I wanted to terminate my account. She asked me why I wanted to do that. When I said that was really my business she put me on hold and after an interminable wait I hung up in frustration. On ringing again I was told that I would be put through to cancellations who, again, didn't answer, so again I hung up and requested that my partner Pam deal with the problem.

She rang and finally got through to a human being who told her that she could cancel the account but only if Orcon rang them to confirm that we had transferred. What business is it, I thought, of theirs whether I had transferred to another provider or switched off the internet, apart from ticking a bureaucratic box?!

What transpired was that Orcon (who were genuinely miffed as to why Vodophone should demand anything so ludicrous) had contacted Vodophone a week before requesting that our old phone number be carried over. Having not heard from them they gave us a new number but forgot to tell us.

That is why I hadn't heard from anyone.

So, how is it to be?

Am I to subscribe to what I call the theory of infinite coincidence or am I to risk being called a conspiracy nut and say that someone in NSA/GCSB is fucking with my head.

The guys at Orcon were truly puzzled - it was the first time they had heard any thing similar.  

When I thought that I might just be going insane I popped down to the library (where I am now), and skyped Guy McPherson who averred that he had had similar experiences, with his computer being turned on and off. And we all know what happened to him - he had a denial of service attack on his site when he was (fortunately for him) at a hackers' conference.

Guy had NO doubt that it was our spymasters - and I know Mike Ruppert, (if I could ask him) wouldn't either.

The tinkering with my internet connections came only a short time after I posted a translation I made of a Russian newspaper article that named names and told us who was responsible for the murder of Inna Kukurudza.

As always we are being left wondering.

But that's the way it's supposed to be.

I'll go back home and maybe I'll have an internet connection. Maybe I won't.  Is this just harassement, or is it something more.

Finally a message to the SIS/GCSB/NSA spooks - (I know you're reading this) - sod off!!

PS This is not the first example of this. One was were for days I was unable to access sites such as RT (along with other Vodophone users) until I rang the company and things returned to normal. Another was when some readers were blocked from my site by Symantec .

PS. It is a gradual process of restoring things back to normal. I seem to have normal internet connectivity ( but it does seem that things like ability to use some passwords has been tampered with) and I was definitely locked out of phone banking and the ability of using my PIN to identify myself). PayPal continues to elude me. Off for a much needed rest.

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