
Monday 29 July 2024


Where did critical race theory, wokeism and satanic perversion come from?


I have been trying, in my mind, to work out how we got from a very imperfect but human world to what we have today - where every plank in society that maintained a semblance of stability is being undermined and destroyed and replaced by a “mind virus” that encompasses the destruction of all moral values as they existed, the family as the basic unit of society.

Society has always been massively imperfect and so it has been natural to “progress” to a more equitable and fair society. This has always been a chimera but, in my opinion, in a world that is losing access to the resources (essentially, energy) this form of progressivism is beyond our grasp.

I have talked about collapse - energy, political and social - for as long as I have been thinking about these things - since I started writing a blog. But the actual reality, not just the potentiality is much, much worse than I could ever have imagined and far more pervasive than I could have thought before 2020.

The root of this has to be deeper than just the sum of the parts and has to be taken back to a deep spiritual malaise that has reached the stage where moral depravity has reached the stage we have witnessed today in the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris that led Kim Dotcom to tweet

Recently I listened to a very edifying discussion between Seth, Man in America, and Naomi Wolf on this very subject.

"Death Gods & the Attack on President Trump" w/ Naomi Wolf

Watch HERE

They took everything back, essentially, to satanism and to communism. I have been aware for some time of the evils of Marxist-Leninist communism but was unaware of the direct connection between Marxism until I was made aware of an early poem of Karl Marx, the Piper in which he wrote:

"How so! I plunge, plunge wihout fail

My blood-black sabre into your soul.

    That art God neither wants nor wists,

    It leaps to the brain from Hell's black mists.

"Till heart's bewitched, till senses reel:

With Satan I have struck my deal.

    He chalks the signs, beats time for me,

    I play the death march fast and free.

I would like to delve a bit deeper.  Did communism have role to play in infiltrating American society and who were they?

Was it the Soviet commussars?


There are those who say that communism is still alive and well and is seeking to undermine western societies from within.

JK Nyquist takes the work of KGB defectors such as Anatoly Golitsyn (1926 – 2008 and Yuri Bezmenov (1939 – 1993); who warned that the Communists in the East (e.g. Russia and China) were playing a strategic long-game against the West, where they would feign collapse, and ultimately come back to destroy Europe and the United States. 

According to Nyquist. 94% of Golitsyn’s predictions came true, including his forecast that China and Russia would emerge stronger than the West and change the military balance.. Golitsyn believed that there would be convergence between the East and West into one global and universal Marxist-type system. 

Jeff Nyquist: The Fall of Communism Was Staged, We’re On The Road To East-West Convergence

Yuri Bezmonov

The Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmonov talked about four stages of infiltration and undermining of western societies.

The following is a summary:

Demoralization: This is the first stage, which involves the systematic undermining of a society’s moral and ethical foundations. It typically takes 15-20 years to achieve, as it requires re-educating an entire generation. During this phase, foreign agents infiltrate educational institutions and media to instill disillusionment and moral relativism, leading individuals to question their cultural identity and traditional values.

Destabilization: Once demoralization has taken root, the next stage is destabilization. This phase lasts about 2-5 years and focuses on weakening essential institutions within society—such as the economy, political structures, and defense systems. The aim is to create a state of crisis by fostering economic instability, social unrest, and political polarization.

Crisis: The third stage can occur in as little as six weeks and is characterized by a breakdown of trust in institutions and societal chaos. This crisis may manifest through political upheaval or economic collapse, creating a power vacuum that radical groups can exploit.

Normalization: The final stage involves establishing a new societal order based on the foreign ideology that has infiltrated the society. This phase solidifies control over the population, often suppressing dissent and erasing the original cultural identity.


The four stages of Marxist ideological subversion

Is the “Spectre of Communism” Still Haunting the World?

On the surface this is a very good explanation for what we are seeing now but in my mind it has its limitations.

Are the Soviet commissars responsible for the decline of America?

The problem that I find is that what Bezmonov describes might have applied in the 1950’s but by the end of the Soviet regime the ideology was sclerotic and no one believed in communist ideology any more and were hugely cynical.

To illustrate this, I can remember the anecdote of a KGB handler helping a Swedish spy to rewrite his reports so they coincided with what his bosses wanted to see.

In New Zealand, the tiny Socialist Unity Party was indeed, bankrolled by the Soviet Union and the Party was able to make limited inroads into the labor movement and left-wing elements of the Labour Party.  But it was all very ineffectual and the Party never got more than 500 votes nationwide in elections. It is certainly true that a lot of intellectuals were influenced by leftist and Marxist ideas but none were sympathetic  to the Soviet version of communism beyond being happy to attend parties thrown by the Soviet embassy where free vodka flowed freely.

I doubt any real approaches by KGB agents along the lines of Bezmonov.

The one time this was brought to trial, that of Dr William Sutch (907 – 1975), ended in acquittal.

I think we need to look elsewhere for an explanation.


One thing I know something about is the history of the Russian Revolution. 

The first revolution, in February that overthrew the tsar did, it seems to me, come from below but the Bolshevik Revolution was not. It was a coup in which the institutions, the Soviets, workers’ councils, were infiltrated and used to launch the coup. 

Immediately, the nascent democracy (the Constituent Assembly) was suppressed and almost immediately representatives of the old order were imprisoned and shot with the church being the first victims. 

Everything that followed with the murder of the tsar and his family truly represents a blood revenge led primarily by Jews

Estimates of those killed by communism vary but the figure mentioned (including Mao’s China is 100 million, although this is disputed by the apologists.

The Black Book of Communism

True, it thrust Russia into the modern age, made an illiterate population literate, gave women rights and made the USSR an industrial power - literally from horse-driven ploughs to sputniks. 

But this came at a terrible, unprecedented cost. 

For a fictional account of this see the 1992 Russian film, Chekist

Within 70 years communism collapsed from its own internal contradictions with a little help from outside.

Russia to this day carries this legacy and is slowly recovering and attempting to return to its roots.


On a recommendation I downloaded a book by Jack Posobiec, Unhumans, the Secret kHistory of Communist Revolutions (and how to crush them).  

Outside of what we are being spoon fed by the globalists I would be hard pressed to find a less honest book. Rather than being a scholarly work it is a manifesto.

Posobiec essentially comes up with a definition which he calls “Unhumans”, lumps all the various groups together, communist or non-communist, and tars everyone with the same brush.

I would like to find a more credible explanation but that is hard to find. I found a book produced by Epoch Times called How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World that was useful and allowed me to start researching this.

This can be read HERE

Besides which, the understanding of the revolution never evolved much past Lenin. Soviet Marxism was described as “scientific communism” and was essentially regarded as scientific and immutable with the concepts of dialectic and historical materialism and solidly based around the proletariat overthrowing the bourgeoisie.

This was not the Marxism that became so influential in American universities. I do not believe the Soviets had inroads into the universities and the ideas that came from that quarter would have been anathema to the Soviet ideologues.

I found a clue to who really was behind the infiltrations from the Epoch Times book but also from a serious article


Marxist-Leninist theory was called “scientific communism” by the Soviet ideologues and was set in stone by the time communism collapsed in the USSR.

This is well expressed here:

Marxism’s elitism flows from its theory of truth, particularly, that there is one (absolute) Truth; that this Truth is discoverable; that Karl Marx discovered it; and that, consequently, the Marxist program and strategy, along with its theory, are the embodiments of this (absolute) Truth. More specifically, Marxists believe that Marx had scientifically discovered the True path via which humanity will be liberated, specifically, through a “proletarian socialist revolution” that will ultimately lead to a class-less and state-less society, communism. In this context, then, Marxists see Marxism as the True, Essential, consciousness of the working class, even (and especially) when the actual working class does not share this consciousness. Following on from this, Marxists believe that all other philosophies, ideologies, and political programs are wrong; they are various forms of “false consciousness.” Given that Marxism posits the scientifically-discovered path to human freedom and happiness, Marxists also see Marxism as the embodiment of the Good.

Living standards improved in the US and other western countries after World War so it was unlikely that workers were going to risk losing  what they had for a “workers paradise” like the USSR.

The likes of the Communist Party USA were an irrelevancy and any attempts to win over the American working class were an abject failure.

After increasing living standards in the 50s - 70s by the time they were losing manufacturing jobs and living standards in the 1990’s and beyond they turned, not to the revolution but to the MAGA movement of Donald Trump.

So, when we look for the origin of the Marxist infiltration of American institutes I think we need to look elsewhere.


One of the most important influences was Herbert Marcuse of the the Frankfurt School, who was an ideological leader of the students’ rebellion in 1968 who then moved to Harvard and became a very influential figure. 

When it became clear that there was not going to be an international proletarian revolution a new strain of Marxism emerged that was not dependent on the proletariat.

In fact, it began to see the working class as a reactionary, counter-revolutionary force.

The Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist intellectuals was established in 1923. Its founders used the term “critical theory” to attack Western civilisation and apply Marxism to the cultural sphere.

After Hitler’s coming to power the Frankfurt School moved to the United States where they became influential in the universities.

Their influence has remained and morphed into what we now know as critical race theory and wokeism.

Marcuse. took Marxism into the cultural sphere and combined Marxism with Freudianism and the sexual liberation movement. 

Marcuse believed that repression of one’s nature in a capitalist society hindered liberation and freedom

The call, therefore, was to oppose all traditional religions, morality, order and authority in order to transform society into a utopia of limitless and effortless pleasure.

Does that sound familiar?.

There is one thing we can say with complete assurance: the traditional idea of revolution and the traditional strategy of revolution has ended. These ideas are old-fashioned. ... What we must undertake is a type of diffuse and dispersed disintegration of …….?

Marcuse’s ideas were simple: Be anti-tradition, anti-authority, and anti-morality. Indulge in sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll without restraint. 

He even coined the phrase “make love, not war.” 

With Marcuse It became simple and easy to become a revolutionary; one had just to reject all authority and societal norms and one could be part of the “noble” revolutionary cause.

It was little wonder that so many young people were attracted to the movement at that time just as so many people are attracted to the woke ideology that came out of it today.

According to the Epoch Times book what this ideology spawned was the normalisation of deviant variations of mainstream culture. 

Moral values were rapidly eroded by the sexual revolution, drugs and rock n’ roll. The youth was turned into a corrosive, anti-social force that turned its back on God.

The hippy activists ended their activist lifestyles by the end of the 1960’s, entered universities, got their doctorates and moved into mainstream society, so bringing the Marxist worldview mainstream education, media, politics and business as well as into Hollywood.



Critical Race Theory Is Race Marxism



Another major candidate for the grandfather of Now is Italian communist, Antonio Gramsci.

Gramsci (1891-1937) realised the way to conquer the West was through a cultural change of ideas, a cultural revolution, not violence.

The institutions, society, even religions must be taken over gradually with the socialist system of values, beliefs and morality.

Local leaders, school administrators, civil rights groups would spread the revolutionary ferment, raising the “consciousness” of minorities and other “victims” of bourgeois capitalist society and break the hegemony of a sound society.

The Gramsci school aimed to conquer by dividing, creating agitation and dissatisfaction”

This is a quote from an article about Gramsci,

Eric Kaufmann Explains How Woke Conquered the world

He believes that the repressive state of many so-called progressive institutions owes a significant debt to the ideas of the early 20th-century communist philosopher Antonio Gramsci. Frustrated by the failure of economic Marxism to take root in the West, Left-wingers supposedly decided to take a cue from Gramsci and wage a cultural ‘war of position’ instead, covertly infiltrating universities and other public organisations to disseminate their radical ideas and undermine traditional social structures. ‘Wokeness’ is allegedly the result: a garbled melange of postmodernism and neo-Marxist ideas now enjoying a great vogue. The main thrust is that Western categories and values inevitably encode oppressive power relations in favour of dominant white and heterosexual interests, which therefore all must be dismantled in favour of the victimised, colonised and dispossessed.

The following video discusses Gramsci in detail

Gramsci’s Influence on the Academia and Media


Another major influence on the American scene, including on Barack Obama and his role as “community organiser, was Saul Alinsky (1909 – 1972)

He was not strictly speaking a Marxist but lavished praise on Lenin and Castro.

In addition, Alinsky declared his allegiance to the devil. In his book Rules for Radicals, published in 1971, one of the epigraphs says, 

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

In an interview with Playboy magazine shortly before his death, Alinsky also said that when he died, he would “unreservedly choose to go to hell” and begin to organise the “have-nots” there, saying, “They’re my kind of people.”

In his 1970  handbook, Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote:

Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. ... Remember: once you organize people around something as commonly agreed upon as pollution, then an organized people is on the move. From there it’s a short and natural step to political pollution, to Pentagon pollution.

An Alinsky-influenced leader nailed the essence of radicalizing protests when he said

«The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.” 

The radical Left after the ‘60s was deeply influenced by Alinsky, and always spun its responses to social issues into dissatisfaction with the status quo overall, using it to advance the revolutionary cause.

Alinsky’s ultimate goal was to subvert and destroy, not to benefit any group. Thus, in implementing his plan, it was necessary to conceal his true purpose with localized or staged goals that were seemingly reasonable or harmless by themselves. When people were accustomed to being mobilized, it was relatively easy to mobilize them to act toward more radical goals.

Here is a video from Epoch Times.


Another fascinating look at the culture of the 60s and 70s was the seminal 2003 documentary by Adam Curtus, the Century of the Self, although the focus is on Freud.


After examining all of the above I think we need a deeper look at the satanic nature of what is happening in the world that comes far closer to David Icke’s global cult and even non-human forces.

I have isolated two sources.

One is John Coleman who wrote two major works

The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300

The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300

Also available HERE

THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America

Also available HERE

Dr. John Coleman: The transhumanist agenda is Satanic

The following is a description of the book from Amazon:

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in the WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called "that black hole of disinformation." On another occasion Toynbee called Wellington House "a lie factory." From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being "brainwashed." The origin of "mind control," "inner directional conditioning" and mass "brainwashing" is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.

The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct, decadence in music and art can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists. Prominent among Tavistock's faculty were Edward Bernays, the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.

Dr Richard Day 1969 - “Plans Much Bigger Than Communism.”

The other is the predictions of Dr Richard Day as recorded by Dr Lawrence Dunegan (1923-2004).

It is truly amazing that these things were thought of back in 1969.

Astonishing Predictions from Dr Richard Day 1969 – Part 1 – “Plans Much Bigger Than Communism.”

Plans much bigger than communism have been set in motion and people who were not primarily in public office, but people of prominence and known to the public through their occupations or private positions have the power to devise and implement such plans” revealed eminent professor Dr Richard Day, but this was not a recent revelation, this was said back in 1969!

According to Dr Day the plan was “ enter the twenty-first century with a running start. Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now…”

On March 20th, 1969, the late Dr Lawrence Dunegan (1923-2004) attended an astonishing lecture at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. The lecturer was Dr Richard Day (1905-1989), who at the time was Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York. Day had previously served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.”

“Dr Dunegan had been a student of Dr Day at the University of Pittsburgh, and was thus well acquainted with him. He later claimed that Dr Day had asked the attendees not to take notes or record what he was about to tell them during that lecture. Something which Dr Dunegan said he found unusual for a professor to ask of his audience. The reason, Dr Day implied, was that there would be negative repercussions – possibly personal danger –  against him if it became widely known that he had talked about the information he was about to relay to the group.”

Below are the topics included in the information from Dr Dunegan, which are arguably unusual subjects in 1969?

  • Compulsory sterilisation

  • Contraception

  • Euthanasia and the “Demise Pill”

  • Families will diminish in importance

  • Fashion and sexuality

  • Fluoridation

  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) crops

  • Homosexuality

  • Laboratory Babies

  • Living Space & Agenda 21

  • Media and sex

  • New difficult-to-diagnose and untreatable disease

  • Population Control

  • Sex education

  • Suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control

From David Icke -

Predictions from Dr. Richard Day, 1969 – Part 3 – They Planned to Announce – ‘The New World Order Was Now the System For The World

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