
Tuesday 9 March 2021

I have had a response to my inquiry

I have been in discussions with a small, local site hosting firm and it all seemed quite promising. But, this is the response which is very indicative of the world we now live in.

It makes me very sad, and a little mad to know that to be mildly socially conservative, anti-war, pro-values and to speak out against a demonic campaign of genocide is "extremely contoversial" but to ban the wonderful Dr Suess or to release the medical details of a cancer patient because of their political views, is not.

I think that I can now put my plans on hold and just wait for the axe to fall on this blog and for the Darkness to descend on us, which to some extent, it already has.

I have to cancel my plans to 

secure this blog

Hi Robin,

I've had a look at your site - and can confirm that almost certainly  the issue Bluehost was having with importing the blog is the size of it - number of posts plus images.  I can also confirm that  domain name is available if you want to purchase it. 

I'm sorry we can't help you with transferring and hosting your website.  I have checked your website and your related social media presence.  I noted a recent youtube video where you mention that you were temporarily banned from the platform for video content. 

I've  checked with the hosting company that we use and believe that your blog maybe a breach of their terms of service and  we would therefore be  risking other client's sites which we host with our account.  The specific policy wording is:

You agree not to post or transmit any disruptive content. Certain kinds of content broadcast or displayed on the Internet can generate a great deal of disruption and reaction from the Internet community as a whole. This can include¸ but is not limited to¸ material that is considered obscene¸ offensive¸ or extremely controversial. While Cloudways Ltd. does not actively censor its Users¸ the reaction this material can generate can be expensive and time consuming¸ and as such makes the continued support of Users generating this kind of content of questionable business value to Cloudways Ltd. 

The bolding is mine.  As you are no doubt aware, the timing is super-sensitive at the moment because of the global pandemic, and although I am a strong advocate of free speech, I'm not prepared to risk disrupting mine and my client's businesses. 

Best wishes with your endevours. 

1 comment:

  1. "although I am a strong advocate of free speech, I'm not prepared to risk disrupting mine and my client's businesses. "

    Of course they are strong advocates of free speech as long as it does not offend or upset anyone in any way.


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