
Wednesday 27 January 2021

A digest of news stories from America

 I post these articles because they provide a pretty good digest of news article, not because I agree with the tenor or the conclusions of the articles

Near Death Biden Unleashes EconomicDevastation And 

Endless War Agenda Upon 


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


26 January, 2021

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting with alarm the rambling and disconnected from thought speech given yesterday by socialist leader Joe Biden viewed by only 3,500 Americans who were said to have given him 81-million votes, says the observations being that his mental capacity has declined 50% have just been shockingly joined by polling showing that his support among likely US voters stands at only 48%.

Critical facts to know as in his first week in office Biden has set a record for executive orders in his ‘”rule by decree” rampage—executive orders video evidence proves Biden has no idea at all what he’s signing—and whose results of sees Biden setting a record for the most American jobs lost in the first week of his being in power—which has led to economic experts noting such things like: “Less than a week in, we can already see the four years of economic devastation that lie ahead for us under Biden”.

An “economic devastation” for America being planned by Biden that he’s now joining with an endless war agenda—best exampled by his having just ordered two US Navy warships into the Black Sea and nuclear capable B-1 bombers into the Arctic to confront Russiahis joining with Japan to confront Communist China with military forces over disputed islands in the East China Sea—and his revival of the catastrophic Arab Spring debacle that’s killed and displaced millions since the US socialists forced it on the Middle East nearly a decade ago

A revival of America’s endless war agenda in the Middle East that President Donald Trump put a stop to by his making the US energy independent—but now sees Biden deliberately destroying his nation’s energy independence with his moves to ban oil and gas leases on federal land—a drilling freeze the enraged Ute Native American tribe is calling a “direct attack” on their sovereignty—and in knowing what Biden is planning, now sees Israel warning him that the second he makes a deal with Iran war will begin.

All of which has led many to speculate how soon the “Curse of Tippecanoe” will strike the already near death socialist leader Biden before he can destroy his own nation and the rest of the world along with it—a reference to the mysterious coincidence of the many US Presidents who won elections in years divisible by 20 dying in office—but before occurring does see Big Tech and Team Biden working feverishly to manipulate the public into believing this newly sworn in dictator is actually adored by millions—best exampled when noticing that Biden currently has 6.3 million Twitter followers, at least 70% of which all joined in January and have zero followers, and are otherwise known as “fake followers

According to this report, while the greater masses of the American people are being kept from the knowing the truths contained in such articles like “Biden 2020 Run Backed By $145 Million In Dark Money” and “Ridiculous Liars: Politifact Cranks Insist Joe Biden Did Not Call President Trump a Xenophobe When China Joe Accused Him of Xenophobia”, they are instead being served up an unrelenting leftist mainstream media diet of propaganda hysteria relating to the protesters that breeched the US Capitol building on 6 Januaryprotesters by the hundreds that are now being arrested and sought after by the FBI to face decades long prison terms—the latest being famed Pro-Trump “WalkAway” campaign founder Brandon Straka, whom the FBI arrested yesterday even though he never entered the US Capitol, but nevertheless faces over 20-years in prison.

Facts important to notice, this report details, because the exact same American leftist media establishment that’s celebrating the inhumane punishment being wreaked upon these illegal US protesters, is now exhibiting the exact opposite response to illegal protesters in Russia—as best exampled in the leftist New York Times article “Something Special Just Happened in Russia”, wherein it cheers the illegal protests that took place in Russia this past weekend, proudly says “crackdown and coercion are no longer enough to stop people protesting”, notes the true fact that “on Saturday, around 3,100 protesters were hauled in by Russian police”, and then astonishingly states: “If, permit or not, you are at risk of being beaten, detained and forced to face absurd charges, why bother with the paperwork?”—that in factual reality is an incitement of lawlessness one knows these leftists would never support for pro-Trump protesters.

Not being told to those Americans allowing themselves to be brainwashed by such leftist New York Times lying screeds, this report notes, is anything even coming close to resembling the truth—truths such as these illegal demonstrations were organized and orchestrated by the US Embassy in Moscow under orders given by socialist leader Biden—saw minor children as young as 9-years-old being lured into these illegal demonstrations by the US—that in response to what the US had done sees President Putin stating: “Least of all should underage children be pushed to the front...this is what terrorists do when they drive women and children ahead of them”—after which President Putin drew attention to the January events at the US Capitol stating: “when the mob stormed the parliament”, then said: “What are they doing with these people?...The FBI vowed to find all those who participated in the siege and imprison them between 15 and 25 years behind bars for domestic terrorism”. 

Further not being told to the American people as to why President Putin is shocked at what is being done to these illegal protesters in the US, this report continues, is the fact that in Russia illegal protesters are always treated with legal dignity—and for all of those detained for illegally protesting this past weekend, only 64 were fined and 30 were sanctioned for arrest—with the terms of these administrative arrests ranging from seven to 15 days, and fines ranging from 10,000 rubles ($132) to 250,000 rubles ($3,313).

In America today, however, this report further notes, normal, fair and equitable justice no longer applies, and has been replaced by harsh kangaroo court political retribution—with this being best exampled in the sham impeachment of President Trump, that’s so vile and repugnant to both law and the constitution even Chief Justice John Roberts refuses to have anything to do with it—but in a true display of kangaroo court justice will see socialist Democrat Party leader US Senator Patrick Leahy presiding over this impeachment trial of President Trump as both judge and juror.  

 As to what the true goal is of the kangaroo court sham impeachment trial of President Trump, this report concludes, its intent is to smear everything Trump, specifically his ability to run for high political office his adult children—the most feared of whom is his daughter, as noted last year by CNN, who in their article “Ivanka For President: The Chances Are Higher Than You Might Think”, noted: “Ivanka is the strongest contender among the Trump children. President Trump has called her a “great diplomat” and said, “If she ever wanted to run for president, I think she'd be very, very hard to beat.”…She has attended events like the G20, and is actively trying to establish her Republican bona fides by switching parties and announcing herself a proud Trump Republican”—and to make a run to be the Republican Party candidate for President in 2024 would see Ivanka Trump needing a base from which to run from—which yesterday President Trump established with his creation of the “Office of the Former President” that pledges to “Carry on the Agenda of the Trump Administration”—is the first in history office of its kind that mimics socialist leader Biden’s Office of the President Elect” that never existed either—and explains the hilarious articles now appearing in America today like “Trump Makes New Move That's the Ultimate Troll, and Liberals Are Already Melting Down”.



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