
Tuesday 28 July 2020

Meteorologist climate change deniers

NZ’s ‘weird’ winter continues 

with more sub-tropical winds 

returning (27/07/20)

This was such asinine nonsense I had to reply:

"In Wellington every winter has been “weird” for as long as I remember. Because I have a horse I remember what the winters were like. The last year that we had regular frosts here was in 2003. Frosts have been a “one-off” affair since then. This winter is cooler than it has been perhaps the last 4 years thanks, possibly, to the absence of a “hot blob” in the Tasman."

His response:

"Good point about Welly - it's location means the weather is always doing weird, you can have a northerly when almost everyone else has a sou'wester! Frosts are hit and miss - as are heatwaves. Wellington can also have very dry hot summers!"

To which I replied:

Come off it! No (or few) frosts in Wellington in 17 years is CLIMATE change, not an accident of our geography. I have lived 30 years here after almost 30 years in Canterbury. The climate has changed, including “windy Welly”, which is extinct.

Someone else had a useful comment to which he replied:

"I dunno about anyone else but the "windy" Wellington thing could be extinct. We have had waaaaay more calm days and very few windy days the last several years."

To which this cretin replied:

"Fully agree! It's a bit like how the West Coast is considered to be "always wet" when arguably they have more sunny days than Auckland does!"

God, spare us from "experts" who are PAID to pull the wool over people's eyes!

I was tempted to say;

"If it was up to me I'd sack you for lying but you'll probably get a bonus for being so successful at pulling the wool over people's eyes"

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