
Friday 24 July 2020

Covid-19 as a weapon to destroy the working class

By Cory Morningstar

April 13, 2020

The arrogance and brutality of the ruling class – is nothing less than breathtaking.
Let’s begin.
April 9 2020, Business Insider: “Many Americans will not have jobs to return to after the coronavirus pandemic ends, according to former US presidential candidate Andrew Yang”:
Many Americans will not have jobs to return to after the coronavirus pandemic ends…”
We’re going to see something like 10 years of change in 10 weeks…”
The fact is right now this virus is the perfect environment for companies to get rid of people, bring in robots and machines, and figure out how they can operate more efficiently.”
Universal basic income is going to become the topic, not just here in the United States, but Spain’s adopting a version of a minimum income. Legislatures around Europe are all very, very much focused on this.” 
We’re going to see the progressive Amazonification of our economy as Amazon’s one of the only businesses out there that’s hiring more and more. You’re seeing more robots are in grocery store aisles cleaning after we all supposedly go home…”
One thing I’ve been saying is that we’re going to see something like 10 years of change in 10 weeks, because businesses are being put in a position where it makes sense to speed up a lot of the automation that they were considering investing in.”
The fact is right now this virus is the perfect environment for companies to get rid of people, bring in robots and machines, and figure out how they can operate more efficiently.”
My kids are at home just like everyone else’s kids and they’re getting taught online…they’re going to be many, many families that actually make a different determination where they actually say, “Hey, this online thing is working well.”
If you can find a way to, frankly, make yourself useful from afar, that’s going to be something that unfortunately we all have to think about more and more.”
I think at this point it’s actually going to need to be a bit higher than that, because the $1,000 a month is enough for baseline needs for at least most of us, but the economy is going to become even more inhuman and punishing, both during this crisis and afterwards.”
“… I’d be looking at something higher than $1,000 a month that would be more robust & helping people not just be able to meet their needs, but also have a real path forward.”
we’re going to be dealing with the consequences of this crisis for years to come, and we need a Marshal Plan style initiative to rebuild the country… helping create that vision for what America in 2022, 2023, is going to look like after we have a vaccine in place.”

To read the article GO HERE

  • Apple is allocating over $400 million to homeowner assistance and affordable housing initiatives in California this year as part of its $2.5 billion pledge to address the state’s housing crisis. 
  • The company will fund its first affordable housing developments with Housing Trust Silicon Valley to create 250 affordable housing units in the Bay Area. The public-private partnership will also create a mortgage and down payment assistance fund. 
  • Apple, in partnership with the California Housing Finance Agency, is also launching a "first-of-its-kind" affordable housing investment in the state, increasing funding availability to build and develop new, very low-to moderate-income housing. The program is intended to be an essential tool for the state to create more affordable housing within the next five years. 

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