
Friday 24 January 2020

An alternative view of the Wuhan, China coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus in China: 23 Million QUARANTINED, 2.8 Million Infected; 112,000 DEAD 

The last flight from Wuhan: Plane full of passengers from coronavirus epicentre lands in Sydney as death toll soars to 17 and China QUARANTINES city of 11m

Some China coronavirus victims didn't even have a fever 

Coronavirus patient is sealed in a PLASTIC TUBE to avoid contaminating others while being transported by Chinese medics in hazmat suits

Chinese tourist says she evaded coronavirus checks to fly to France 

Did patient zero really catch new Chinese virus by eating infected bat soup? It’s actually perfectly possible

1 comment:

  1. Lets remember this moment. If this is nothing, then Turner simply needs to go away for helping to create hysteria. I sincerely hope this is the case.

    However, if Turner has this right, then its time to get our Emergency Procedures set. Im really bothered by this because I think Turner is batting at about 5% from all the stories you have shared from him.


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