
Saturday 17 March 2018

Skripal and the Steel dossier

Of all the material coming out on the subject this is the one that should be regarded with the greatest caution.

Russian Spy Poisoned In UK Offered To Give Evidence That MI6 Created “Trump Dossier” So He Could Return Home
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

15 March, 2018

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the events surrounding the alleged nerve gas poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal in SalisburyEngland on 4 March—whom the British government claims was attacked by a Soviet-era Novichok nerve agent that was only produced in the former Soviet Union territory of Uzbekistan in a chemical weapons factory that the US dismantled after the Soviet Union collapsed—whose formula to make can still be found in its main developers 2008 book titled “State Secrets: An Insider’s Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program”—whose toxicity is so dangerous and volatile only a handful of places in the world can produce, handle and deploy it safely—like Porton Down, one of the UK's most secretive and controversial military research facilities, and the nearby chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear training facility called the Defence CBRN Centre at Winterbourne Gunner—both within 6 kilometers (4 miles) of Salisbury—states that it was, in fact, a Sergei Skripal “initiated negotiation” to return to Russia in exchange for information he said proved that the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) entirely created what is known as the “Trump Dossier” in order to destroy President Donald Trump.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Yulia Skripal, daughter of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, said to be “real target” of nerve gas attack

According to this report, in early February (2018), the Federal Security Service (FSB) was contacted by Yulia Skripal—who is the daughter of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, has lived in London since 2011 [English], and was preparing to return to Russia to marry the son of a high-ranking Russian security official—but whose father, already despondent over the death of his son last year, and his wife in 2012 [English], wanted to return to Russia with her—and in exchange for his being allowed to do so, would, in turn, provide proof that MI6 had entirely created what is now known as the now discredited “Trump Dossier” in cooperation with the Obama-Clinton regime designed to destroy the legitimacy of President Trump.

Not being told the peoples in the West, this report notes, is that Sergei Skripal was a former Russian military intelligence officer who was recruited by MI6 to be a double agent[English]—and whose recruitment to spy for MI6 was masterminded by MI6 agent Pablo Miller who worked directly under the “Trump Dossier” creator, and MI6 officer, Christopher Steele—with Sergei Skripal, also, working for Orbis Business IntelligenceChristopher Steele’s outfit that put together the infamous dossier on Trumpthat both MI6spies Steele and Miller worked for too.

Though the specifics of the offer made to the FSB by Sergei Skripal in order to secure his returning home to Russia remain more highly classified than this general report allows, it does confirm that Yulia Skripal was discussing this issue with her father, on 4 March, when they were both attacked and left in critical condition—with the Telegraph news service in London then documenting that all internet links between Sergei Skripal and Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence were being taken down.

At the same time all the internet links between Sergei Skripal and the creators of the fake “Trump Dossier” were being scrubbed from existence, this report continues, the Britishgovernment suddenly began blaming Russia for the nerve gas attack on him and his daughter—but when Russia asked for evidence proving this, the British outright refused to produce it as the Chemical Weapons Convention, that the UK has signed, along with Russia, demands they do—and when questioned in the British Parliament by Labor LeaderJeremy Corbyn as to why this was so, saw Prime Minister Teresa May’s forces jeer and shout him down—followed by British Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson saying “Russia should go away and shut up”.

With President Putin stating in the Security Council meeting that he was extremely concerned” by the destructive and provocative stance of the UK, this report continues, the British government, nevertheless, has continued to ratchet up it hysteria by blocking a United Nations Security Council draft sponsored by Russia calling for an “urgent and civilized investigation” incident in line with international standards—and that led Russian Senator Sergey Kalashnikov to warn:

The West has launched a massive operation in order to kick Russia out of the UN Security Council...Russia is now a very inconvenient player for the Western nations and this explains all the recent attacks on our country.

Important to note, too, this report says, is that absolutely no one in the West is even bothering to ask why Russia would break the first cardinal rule of “spy etiquette” in targeting a spy involved in a spy-swap—which neither the Soviet Union or Russia has done even once in over 70 years—and as Professor Anthony Glees, the director of the Center for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, points out by correctly stating that if the Russia did, indeed, poison Skripal, “no one will ever do a swap with them again”—and who asks the logical question: “If Russia had really wanted to kill Skripal, why didn’t they execute him when they had him in custody?

Other logical questions about this supposed nerve gas attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia being suppressed in the West, this report notes, are those such as:

Did Skripal help Steele to make up the “dossier” about Trump?
Were Skripal’s old connections used to contact other people in w:st="on"Russia to ask about Trump dirt?

Did Skripal threaten to talk about this?

Was the lonely old man Sergei Skripal preparing to go back to his homeland w:st="on"Russia?

Did he offer some kind of “gift” as apology to the Russian government that his trusted daughter would take to w:st="on"Moscow?

Did someone find out and stop the transfer?

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in last known photograph taken on 4 March 2018 in Salisbury, England

With Michel Chossudovsky, the award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, having just warned that “the entire Western world is insane, and that the Western politicians, and presstitutes who serve them, are driving the world to extinction”, this report concludes, among the handful of experts left to explain where this current Russia hysteria in the West is leading to is the former President Ronald Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts—and whose warning issued, just days ago, is both simple and dire: “World War III Is Approaching”.

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