
Monday 19 March 2018

Kim Dotcom weighs in on Mueller and Russiagate

Kim DotCom Warns President Trump to Strike Back Against Mueller – DECLASSIFY THEIR CRIMES or Be Destroyed

18 March, 2018

Kim DotCom spoke out against the Deep State in a rare interview this week.

The YouTube video is going viral and was promoted by Julian Assange.

Kim DotCom believes Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett are running a shadow government against the Trump administration from their DC bunker.

On Sunday Kim DotCom warned President Trump to strike back against Mueller where it hurts or be destroyed.

The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation? How many lies? How many leaks? Comey knew it all, and much more!
The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime. It was based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign. WITCH HUNT!

The deep state hates you Donald.
You’re an anomaly, unpredictable.
You weren’t supposed to happen.
You triggered an allergic reaction.
They won’t stop until you’re gone.

Mueller will succeed unless you strike back where it hurts

Expose their crimes
Be 😎 

The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation? How many lies? How many leaks? Comey knew it all, and much more!

Kim DotCom urged President Trump to act against Dirty Cop Robert Mueller.

You have the power to declassify anything @realDonaldTrump

Any action the deep state took to target Americans, to break the law, to breach the constitution. You can expose them and their numerous crimes. You can save your country and your presidency with TRUTH!

Who could have predicted this?

That Kim DotCom would offering advice to Donald Trump!

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