
Saturday 22 July 2017

Cynthia McKinney - 5,000 prisoners executed after Hurricane Katrina

All I can say is, that apart from trusting the world of Cynthia McKinney, I heard something like this at time

FLASHBACK: Cynthia McKinney Reveals 5,000 Executed Post Hurricane Katrina

She charged the Department of Defense with the cover-up of 5,000 execution-style deaths during the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in September 2005 on September 28. 

She related that an anonymous mother told her that her son had processed 5,000 corpses, mostly male, with a single bullet wound to the head and entered the results into a Pentagon computer. 

The mother stated that the son had signed a confidentiality agreement and could not legally talk, and that the bodies were dumped into the swap. 

McKinney said in the same statement she did receive confirmations from “anonymous insiders” from the Red Cross and that McKinney said she suspected these 5,000 were prisoners of the state

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