
Friday, 21 April 2017

Will Russia defend North Korea?

Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea

Russia speaks louder in actions than words and rarely ever gives away their secrets of what they intend to do. Larenzo with Already Happened has reported a massive military movement by Russia to the border of North Korea. The Tor-1 the first air def system in the world designed from the start to shoot down precision guided weapons like AGM-86. This is the latest train loads of defense system headed to North Korea's border to help defend the Communist nation from the US.

CIA is on a massive man hunt for on of its own for leaking the Vault 7 files. So much for Russian agent hacking the US elections.


Israel Shamir: Russia should help North Korea

Why is important for the Kremlin to forestall an American strike on the DPRK


17 April, 2017

In contrast to the weakened and demoralized Syria, North Korea ready to fight and determined not to concede. Russian support — preferably in conjunction with China or without it, if China has no power, will help the DPRK to survive and strike at the aggressor.

Yes, it's only a cat, but a daughter-in-law not let such assaults on cats. Russia is trying to avoid war with the United States, a war that may lead to the death of the human race. That's right. But if you do not send a stop signal in Korea — will have to repel the enemy in the skies of Russia. The DPRK is the outer ring of defense of Russia, it is impossible to surrender to the enemy.

Disputes about the political regime of the DPRK nothing to do with it. Russia does not interfere in the internal Affairs of other States, she is friends with socialist Korea and runs along the Japanese path of development in South Korea. In the interests of the Korean people to solve their problems without American intervention. Russia could initiate the resumption of talks North-South to the peaceful reunification of the two Koreas. Because this process of unification began in his time, and was greeted with great enthusiasm both in Pyongyang and in Seoul. Only the intervention of the then us administration thwarted this process. But it's not too late to renew. And the American fleet should sail away from the shores of Korea.

Of course, you can blind eye to anti-Russian vector in the last steps of the trump, we can say that we are not promised to protect Assad, and especially Kim, we can say that Russian prestige is not affected. But who would believe it?

Strike on Syria and the threat of Korea — this is the "cat beat, daughter hints are given," as the Russian proverb. If Russia did not have enough strength to give a hand to America, she could help the DPRK to defend itself.

For North Korea fought and killed many Russian pilots in the massacre early fifties. Perhaps there are volunteers who will stop the American attack. Russia could urgently to place its air defense, to prevent atomic war to begin in two hundred kilometers from Vladivostok.

In contrast to the weakened and demoralized Syria, North Korea ready to fight and determined not to concede. Russian support — preferably in conjunction with China or without it, if China has no power, will help the DPRK to survive and strike at the aggressor.

Yes, it's only a cat, but a daughter-in-law not let such assaults on cats. Russia is trying to avoid war with the United States, a war that may lead to the death of the human race. That's right. But if you do not send a stop signal in Korea — will have to repel the enemy in the skies of Russia. The DPRK is the outer ring of defense of Russia, it is impossible to surrender to the enemy.

Disputes about the political regime of the DPRK nothing to do with it. Russia does not interfere in the internal Affairs of other States, she is friends with socialist Korea and runs along the Japanese path of development in South Korea. In the interests of the Korean people to solve their problems without American intervention. Russia could initiate the resumption of talks North-South to the peaceful reunification of the two Koreas. Because this process of unification began in his time, and was greeted with great enthusiasm both in Pyongyang and in Seoul. Only the intervention of the then us administration thwarted this process. But it's not too late to renew. And the American fleet should sail away from the shores of Korea.

Исраэль Шамир: Россия должна помочь Северной Корее

Почему для Кремля важно упредить американский удар по КНДР

Исраэль Шамир

Россия мягко спустила на тормозах сирийский наезд Трампа. Она не разжигала и не распаляла. Если на Западе пресса настаивала, что удар был нацелен на престиж президента Путина, в Москве с этим не согласились. По русской концепции, Россия в Сирии воюет только с исламистами-экстремистами, но не защищает правительство Башара Асада от прочих врагов, будь то Израиль, США, Турция или умеренная оппозиция. А значит, наезд Трампа России не касался. Это разборки между Трампом и Асадом.

Пользуясь этой схемой, Россия приняла госсекретаря Тиллерсона в Кремле, и русско-американские отношения вернулись к прежнему, пусть и не замечательному уровню.
Обрадовавшись успеху своего сирийского удара, — американский народ одобрил, американская пресса в восторге, сенаторы и конгрессмены поддержали, и даже с Россией и Китаем все прошло гладко — Трамп собирается наехать на Северную Корею, соседа России. Это будет большой ошибкой — Корея не Сирия, способна и сдачи дать. И России надо бы помочь корейцам.

Можно, конечно, закрывать глаза на антирусский вектор в последних шагах Трампа, можно сказать, что мы не обещали защищать Асада, а тем более Кима, можно сказать, что русский престиж не пострадал. Только кто этому поверит?
Удар по Сирии и угроза Корее — это то самое «кошку бьют, невестке намеки дают», по русской пословице. Если у России не хватает сил, чтобы дать по рукам Америке, она могла бы помочь КНДР защититься.

За Северную Корею воевали и погибли многие русские летчики в кровавой бойне начала пятидесятых годов. Возможно, и сейчас найдутся добровольцы, которые остановят американский удар. Россия могла бы срочно поставить свои средства ПВО, чтобы не дать атомной войне начаться в двухстах километрах от Владивостока.

В отличие от ослабшей и деморализованной Сирии, КНДР готова сражаться и полна решимости не уступать. Российская поддержка — желательно, в связке с Китаем, или без таковой, если у Китая нет сил, — поможет КНДР выстоять и нанести удар по агрессору.

Да, это только кошка, но невестке не следует спускать такие наезды на кошек. Россия старается избежать войны с США, войны, которая может привести к гибели рода человеческого. Это правильно. Но если не послать стоп-сигнал в Корее — придется отражать врага в небе России. КНДР — это внешнее кольцо обороны России, ее нельзя сдать врагу.

Споры о политическом режиме КНДР тут совершенно ни при чем. Россия не вмешивается во внутренние дела других государств, она дружит с социалистической Кореей и с идущей по японскому пути развития Южной Кореей. 
В интересах корейского народа самому решать свои проблемы — без американского вмешательства. Россия может инициировать возобновление переговоров Север-Юг, направленных на мирное объединение двух корейских государств. Ведь этот процесс объединения начался в свое время, и был встречен с огромным энтузиазмом как в Пхеньяне, так и в Сеуле. Только вмешательство тогдашней американской администрации сорвало этот процесс. Но его не поздно и возобновить. А американской флотилии стоит уплыть восвояси от берегов Кореи.

Trump’s‘ armada’ turns toward North Korea as White House defendsmisleading remarks

The White House stood by President Donald Trump’s recent talk of a Navy strike force on its way to the Korean peninsula, after the USS Carl Vinson was spotted thousands of miles away, headed in the opposite direction. The fleet has since turned around.

On Wednesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer denied that Trump misled the public about the location of the USS Carl Vinson strike force, which he said was heading to North Korea during an interview with Fox News earlier this month.

We have submarines. Very powerful, far more powerful than the aircraft carrier, that I can tell you,” Trump told Maria Bartiromo in a pre-taped interview that aired April 12.
Several tweets from Trump at the time also signaled that rising tensions were leading to the US taking action against North Korea over the country’s nuclear program.  
On April 11, Spicer confirmed that the Vinson strike force was “steaming out toward the Sea of Japan” to give the president “options in the region.
I think when you see a carrier group steaming into an area like that, the forward presence of that is clearly, through almost every instance, a huge deterrence. So I think it serves multiple capabilities,” Spicer said, according to the White House.
That same day, Defense Secretary James Mattis added to the confusion when he told reporters that the strike group was on its way to the Sea of Japan, but added, “There's not a specific demand signal or specific reason why we're sending her up there,” according to the Department of Defense website
On April 15, the Navy posted a photograph to Flickr with a description that said the USS Carl Vinson was heading through the Sunda Strait, putting it several hundred miles south of Singapore, around 3,500 miles from the Korean Peninsula. 
On Wednesday, Spicer denied that the Trump administration misled or failed to correct the reports that the Vinson strike force was en route to North Korea.
The president said that we have an armada going toward the peninsula. That’s a fact. It happened. It is happening, rather,” Spicer said during a press briefing.
Pressed by reporters as to why the White House did not clarify the conflicting information, Spicer said that his statements were not false.
I think we were asked very clearly about the use of a carrier group in terms of deterrence and foreign presence and what that meant. That’s what we discussed,” Spicer told reporters.
Speaking on a visit to Saudi Arabia, Mattis also denied that he had said anything misleading about the Vinson.
We’re doing exactly what we said we were going to do,” Mattis told reporters in a video posted to the Department of Defense website.
She will be on her way, and I’ll determine when she gets there and where she actually operates, but the Vinson is going to be part of our ensuring that we stand by our allies in the northwest Pacific,” Mattis added.
The Vinson Strike Group consists of the USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, two destroyers and one cruiser.
On April 9, the Navy announced that Admiral Harry Harris, the commander of US Pacific Command, ordered the strike group to forgo the previously planned port visits to Australia and return to the Western Pacific Ocean.

Reports from the Korea Herald say that the strike force is now on its way to the Korean Peninsula, citing the US Pacific Fleet Command’s Flickr account.
The Vinson is currently expected to arrive at the Korean Peninsula on April 25, the same day as the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the North Korean army, according to the Korea Herald. 

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