
Tuesday 25 August 2015

Tuvalu looking for land in NZ and Australia for climat refugees

It’s every man, woman and child for themselves in fascist, neo-liberal New Zealand. Don’t go looking for anything as old-fashioned as compassion.

Tuvalu looking at buying NZ and Aust land for displaced
The leader of Tuvalu says his country is having to consider buying land in New Zealand and Australia to grow food and prepare the population to migrate as the seas slowly claim the islands.

Tuvalu Enele Sopoaga
Tuvalu's Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga

24 August, 2015

Tuvalu and Kiribati both say upcoming climate talks in Paris are vital as rising sea levels threaten their existence.

Fourteen Pacific Island nations have been meeting in Jaipur in India to discuss rising sea levels.

Enele Sopoaga says failure is not an option.

He says the nation may be able to purchase land in other places, such as New Zealand and Australia if necessary.

However he says that won't stop climate change and its impact on Tuvalu, whose nine coral atolls are home to about 11,000 people.


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