
Friday, 20 March 2015

Global methane levels

Interpreting global atmospheric methane levels 

This has only just occurred to me.

If you look at the  chart below, it shows, as part of an exponential increase in methane levels, levels of almost 1830 ppb methane

However, if you look at levels measured in early 2015 (on the second chart below), thre was a mean peak methane level of 2372 ppb.

That has to be characterised as an exponential increase.

I wonder what the next measurements will show.

The scenario of runaway global warming is illustrated here


  1. I think in the past CH4 was the GHG gas that lead to the extinction events.
    The planet has been spewing CH4 for ever, ie a global average of .7 ppm has been 'maintained' for the past million years of so??? by the earth/animals etc etc 'burping' enough CH4 to keep at the average.
    So maybe in the past CO2 hasn't risen much above 280 ppm until the CH4 started spewing forth, like maybe 300 ppm CO2 was enough to start the increase of methane, which lead to an increase of CO2? So in the past the 400 ppm CO2 was made up of years and years of methane lifetimes?

    1. Just wanted to say thank everyone here for their fine work and efforts to keep us informed. I not only agree but came to the same conclusion regarding CH4 and H2S as well. Glad to see others thinking same way. The last thing that happened in past extinction events cept one with the meteor was the arrival in large numbers every ocean of jellyfish. I believe they have now arrived its only a matter of anytime before we get a mass overturning of H2S along with concurrent CH4 methane clathrates blowout. Till the point you stop posting your wonderfully useful info thanks once again.

    2. Just wanted to say thank everyone here for their fine work and efforts to keep us informed. I not only agree but came to the same conclusion regarding CH4 and H2S as well. Glad to see others thinking same way. The last thing that happened in past extinction events cept one with the meteor was the arrival in large numbers every ocean of jellyfish. I believe they have now arrived its only a matter of anytime before we get a mass overturning of H2S along with concurrent CH4 methane clathrates blowout. Till the point you stop posting your wonderfully useful info thanks once again.

  2. Any updates since this was released?


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