
Saturday 30 August 2014


## Global Ponzi meltdown/House of Cards ##
There are no definitive government estimates about the amount of global trade passing through the South China Sea, but the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development estimated that 8.4 billion tons—or about half of the world's annual merchant fleet tonnage—passed through the region in 2010.
A series of road collapses in South Korea this summer has raised further questions about safety in a country still reeling from the deadly Sewol ferry disaster in April. Some say the nation's economic development rush came at the price of proper planning and engineering. The government is now scurrying to restore public confidence, sometimes with inconvenient side effects.

## Airline Death Spiral ##
The lowest seasonal supply of jet fuel on record is pushing prices higher and leading to voluntary restrictions in the New York region as the nation’s busiest air hub prepares for a holiday rush.

## Fault lines/flashpoints/powder kegs/military/war drums ##

## Global unrest/mob rule/angry people/torches and pitchforks ##
When politicians become terrified of their people, it's all over. -- RF

## Energy/resources ##
Four companies have expressed interest in bidding for work on unconventional gas in Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil exporter pushes ahead with plans to develop challenging shale deposits, industry sources said.

## Got food? ##
Gas is the feedstock for the fertiliser industry and the short supply of gas is the biggest challenge before us at present,” Fertiliser Association of India Girector-General Satish Chander told Business Standard.
Fuel scarcity nationwide has led to fishermen in a number of regions in the country being unable to go out to sea, forcing some to switch occupations. In Belawan Port, North Sumatra, hundreds of fishermen are reported to have been unable to catch fish for the last week due to diesel fuel shortages.

## Environment/health ##
Ebola Costs By The Numbers - WHO Requires $490 Million To Fight Ebola As Outbreak Grows

## Intelligence/propaganda/security/internet/cyberwar ##
Although such crimes are inexcusable, people who don't take precautions and back up everything are just asking for trouble. In addition to common-sense anti-virus and anti-malware precautions, keep clones of your disk and copies of your data on removable media where they are safe from intruders. -- RF

## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##

## Japan ##
The truth is that the Japanese and US economies have performed in lock-step since 2000, and their performances have matched each other going as far back as 1980. Either Japan’s not in crisis, or the US has been in crisis for a good thirty-five years. You can’t have it both ways.
One recalls the toilet paper panic of the 1970s. -- RF

## China ##

## UK ##
Talk about echoes! One recalls Dick Cheney's war that will not end in our lifetimes. -- RF

## US ##
63 percent of Americans that start working by the age of 25 will be dependent on Social Security, relatives, or charity by the time they hit 65.

And finally...

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