
Tuesday 10 June 2014

Who killed Inna Kukurudza? - the pilots bombing civilians in Ukraine

Not a perfect translation, but better than Google Translate.

The names of the pilots deemed responsible for air attacks on civilians are:
  • Yulii Mamchur - Colonel of the Air forces of Ukraine. Ex Commander of Belbek Air-Force
  • Yuri Pogorely. 37 years. Graduated from Kharkiv Air force University
  • Colonel Sergei Alyshev, a graduate of Kharkov University
  • Oleksandr Aksenenko, a participant in the 2011 joint exercises with the U.S. and Poland. He was named pilot of the year. In February 2014, Aksenenko was on guard duty at Belbek Ukrainian military airbase, Crimea when it surrendered to local forces prior to the referendum
Other Ukrainian Air-Force pilots (including Galicians who are disgusted by the actions of Kiev) have come forward and have supplied Russian intelligence with names of other pilots whose voices they recognised from the intercepts

Pilot-executioners: who presses the trigger
Летчики-каратели: кто нажимает на гашетку?
Yulii Mamchur - Colonel of the Air forces of Ukraine, ex Commander of Belbek Air-Force. The guy is seen taking part in a BBC propaganda stunt where he confronts a Russian Special forces commander at the roadway into the base; famous scene where a Russian paratrooper neatly aims a rocket launcher directly at the BBC crew. The idiot eventually turns tail after his BBC handlers are satisfied with the footage.

8 June, 2014

According to Novorossia militias more than a dozen air targets have been shot down - planes and helicopters. As in any war, the aggrieved party has confirmed only some of these opponents. In any case air strikes cause significant damage to the militia – they demolish residential quarters, hospitals, schools and kindergartens, destroy infrastructure, such as power plants and water supply systems. In the area of attacks - a real humanitarian disaster.

And yet, some no, and air defence militias in there, and it works quite effectively. Judging by the more significant results of the last days, the purpose of the militia - to create a no-fly zone over Novorossia would stop the air barbarism Ukrainian aviation. But who among pilots presses the trigger, who commits a war crime? Russia's Investigative Committee Investigates, and journalists are adding.

Any information on the pilots, who pressed the trigger in the sky above Lugansk and massively destroyed civilians using combat aircraft for the Kiev authorities now is a military secret. Their names and addresses are kept secret even from colleagues. The SBU hunt down those who are willing to tell even the slightest details of how to organise a raid. The investigation of the murder of women and children in the centre of Lugansk doing is not law enforcement, but by the victims' relatives and by journalists.

Maxim is a major of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, retired. He agreed to be interviewed on condition of anonymity. Only four months ago, he served side by side with those who are now "irons" his people in Lugansk.

"In the southeast there are pilots from “Belbek ", including Mamchur. He specialised in fighter aircraft. He had enough training to carry out such departures. They are engaged in different activities - like intelligence and shock," - said Maxim .

Yulii Mamchur - is a colonel of the Air Forces of Ukraine who has served in aviation for more than 20 years. In 1991 he graduated from the Chernigov flight school.He served in Uman and Zhitomir. He commanded the "Belbek" Chernigov in Crimea. In March this year, he meekly gave up his post of those who are here called "polite people", and then began work on the camera, portraying the hero who fights for the Ukrainian army and refuses to change the oath. One of his slogans - "America is with us!"

Su-27 fighters, (which Mamchur flew) , were seen during the shooting of civilians in the sky over Lugansk. According to those with whom he served Mamchur had his own reasons to participate in operations against the inhabitants of the south-east..

"The whole story has been started to rehabilitate himself from the fact that he just gave up the base to the "polite people. "Now he is a hero, but you have to understand how to relate to this war, even being on the other side.

Everybody understands that this is not the behaviour of a warrior, not the behaviour of a pilot, "- said the journalist Eugene Zubarev.

Air planes flew almost the whole country to arrange a bloodbath in Lugansk.

" Stromtroppers of Su-25 ground attack aircraft that are in service 299 Brigade took part . There are around 30 stormtroopers that are ideal for strikes on the ground," - said blogger Dmitry Shevchuk.

Aircraft for at least another two brigades: 831 th of Mirgorod and the 114th Air Brigade of Ivano-Frankivsk ls o tin air strikes in the south-east of Ukraine participated. All of them, according to military experts, concentrated in one place - at the airport Kulbakino near Nikolaev.

At the airport you can see the MiG-29 and Su-27, which at the beginning of 2014 were not present. It is a long way to Lugansk - about 700 kilometers, so the military has used the so-called jump airfield in the Kharkov region.

"SU and MiG made strikes in the Lugansk region from Chuguyiv airfield, where the aircrew of the entire country once trained. Helicopters are not necessarily based on the airfield and most probably work from jump pads. They just sit in the field- they drive up, equip them, and they work, "- said Ivan Seagull honoured pilot of the Russian Federation.

The military deny that Chuguev now has a working technology.

It is known that the security forces launched a pre-Lugansk saboteurs to help those aircraft from the ground. Conversations between pilots that bombed Lugansk appeared on the Net. They clearly audible - the pilots realise that beneath them lie residential neighbourhoods.

"The pilot can not orientate himself, to work out where he is all the time without the region informing him where the bombing targets are ," - said Vladimir, a wireless enthusiast who made recordings of pilots' conversations .

Tactics by which they bombed Lugansk, very reminiscent of the May 26 Donetsk raid . Then they used a whole squadron against the civilian population. Su-25 flew. It fires missiles. MiG-29, the helicopter Mi-24, Mi-8 transporter. The same pilots that bombed and Lugansk were, it seems at the helm.

"According to our data, pilot Yuri Pogorelyi. 37 years, participated in the airstrike on Donetsk. He graduated from Kozheduba Air Force Academy of Kharlov. ," - said a spokesman for the "Antimaidan."movement

Yuri Pogorelyi is a Lt. Col. of the Ukrainian air force.". In April 2014, he served as commander of the 114th Brigade in Ivano-Frankivsk. KIA attack aircraft.

The pilot was in the sky during the assault on Donetsk. By coincidence or not, but Pogorelov's social network pages were unexpectedly deleted.

As it turned out, the operation that resulted in the destruction of civilians in Lugansk and Donetsk, was planned in advance under the guise of training exercises. Less than a week before the massacre in Donetsk, in Nikolaevsk all three teams that bombed the city practiced a joint action. They then shot the entire military arsenal. If you look closely, you can make out the very same aircraft - MiG-29, painted in the colors of Ukrainian aerobatic team "Falcons" in Kulbakino, in the sky over Donetsk. So that there was enough fuel to fly to Donetsk and back, even on airplanes hung dopoborudovaniya (?)
"It appears that the aircraft with outboard tank, on the outer sling his bomb. They bomb and shoot without aiming. They may even reach the intended targets. Here are unguided rockets, bombs - also a low-tech weapon" - said Vladimir Daineka, honored military pilot.

"To date, the list of Ukraine pilots who have a sufficient training behind them to carry out a real military action, it is extremely small. They can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They may be a Major or a Colonel," - says journalist Alexander Rogers.

Two pilots of the 831 Brigade fit the category. One is Colonel Sergei Yalyshev, a graduate of Kharkov University. In 2013, named as one of the best on the basis of results exercises held by the Ministry of Defence. Account For some reason he was deleted from the list of "classmates"

The second could be Oleksandr Oksanchenko . In 2011 he participated in joint exercises with the U.S. and Poland. Became the pilot of the year. In February 2014 Oksanchenko covered Ukrainian troops in Crimea, where he was on duty at Belbek airport.

Colonel of the Guard, Oleg Komarov studied with Oksanchenko. "Every family has its black sheep. We do not believe that they are our classmates. You just want to take their hands and tear them apart. You don't know what to do with such people. I do not consider them to be people" - said Komarov.

It is known that Kiev is paying a lot of money for the raids on the city.

"It costs 9000 dollars to fly into the sky and carry out air strikes on peaceful and absolutely defenceless fellow citizens. For all the officers and those criminals who knowingly go to these crimes, are guarantees that they will receive a residence permit, and then and accelerated citizenship in an in one of the Western European countries, or in the United States, "- said the coordinator of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Ukraine Vladimir Rogov.

In Kiev, at the same time the operations are described with the dry formulation "terrorists destroyed." And the woman with crushed legs, who left the administration building at the wrong time, and the pensioner, and the young guy ... the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine has officially declared that combat aircraft will continue to be used in operations in the south-east of the country.

And this is what they did - 

Луганск: авиаудар по мирным жителям

2 June, 2014 - The Kiev Junta gave the order to shoot the peaceful citizens of Lugansk with the help of the air force

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