
Friday 13 June 2014

Ukraine civil war update - 06/12/2014

'White phosphorus' reports: Ukraine military 'dropped incendiary bombs' on Slavyansk
Residents of Slavyansk and its suburbs were awoken overnight on Thursday by what they say were incendiary bombs that were dropped on their city by Kiev’s military. Witnesses and local media reports suggested that the bombs might be phosphorous.


12 June, 2014

Much of the village of Semyonovka, located in the Slavyansk suburbs, was set ablaze. Local residents told RT that the ground didn't stop burning for some time.

We all saw what happened here yesterday. They used rocket launchers as well as incendiary bombs against us. The ground was on fire. How can the ground burn by itself. It burned for about forty minutes,”resident Roman Litvinov told RT over the phone.

Starting from 2 a.m. everyone I’ve met has a sore throat and is coughing all the time. I think this is because of the burning. I think we’ll feel the true consequences later. There are still a lot of people here, a lot of children we haven’t managed to get out yet,” resident Tatyana told RT.

The use of incendiary bombs – designed to start fires using materials such as napalm, white phosphorus or other dangerous chemicals – is strictly prohibited by the UN.

Kiev authorities have denied reports that such weapons were used against civilians. The National Guard also refuted reports that phosphorous ammunition was used, its press service stated.

Slavyansk, an industrial city in southeastern Ukraine with a population of over 100,000 people, has been a focal point of the government’s crackdown against the region. The city’s residential area has been under regular artillery fire for weeks.

It does appear that there is at least a case to be argued that something similar, if not itself white phosphorous, was used overnight. I’ve seen the video, I’ve looked at it closely...[there are] whole signs, whole marks of white phosphorous use. For example, a very bright light burning and multiple burns coming down from the sky. It’s an airburst weapon that has been used, such as a mortar or a manned aircraft,” Charles Shoebridge, a former army officer, Scotland Yard detective, and counter-terrorism intelligence officer who has recently returned from Ukraine, told RT.

White phosphorous cannot be put out with the use of water” and it will “burn through one’s body to the bone,” Shoebridge added. “If there is going to be large amounts used it can also be a poison – large amounts can be set to contaminate water supply.”

According to the video, “it’s very likely that white phosphorus" was used, Shoebridge added. “It’s very difficult to fabricate the video we saw combined with the evidence on the ground.”

Moscow demanded an immediate investigation into the reported use of incendiary bombs in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

"We are concerned to hear reports that the Ukrainian military forces use incendiary bombs and some other indiscriminate weapons," he said. "These reports should be probed into immediately."

On Thursday, Russia introduced a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that condemns attacks on residential quarters and civilian facilities in southeastern Ukraine, said Vitaly Churkin, Russian envoy to the UN.

He also voiced concern over reports of the use of prohibited ammunition, including incendiary bombs, during the military crackdown.

The draft resolution calls for an immediate end to all violence and for a lasting ceasefire.

"The draft resolution will aim to stop the violence and support the political efforts the OSCE has been undertaking in vain so far. We urge the UN Secretary-General to support them," Churkin said, adding that its adoption would demonstrate the UNSC’s support for the crisis settlement efforts.

If so it's about bloody time

Ukraine accuses Russia of letting rebels bring in tanks
Ukraine accused Russia on Thursday of allowing separatist rebels to bring three tanks and other military vehicles across the border into the east of the country to fight the Ukrainian army.

The militia in the town of Snezhnoye, the Donetsk People's Republic, has donned a new armor vest today. The Kiev regime claims that this one of the three tanks that illegally crossed the border with Russia. Others say that it is one of the captured trophies.

12 June, 2014

Evidence that Russia is sending in weapons or assisting the rebels militarily would implicate Moscow in the uprising against Kiev's pro-Western leaders, making a mockery of its denials that it has played a role in weeks of fighting.

Interior Minister Arseny Avakov stopped short of directly accusing Russia of sending the tanks but made clear he held President Vladimir Putin responsible for failing to carry out a promise to tighten controls at the border.

In a sign of his concern, President Petro Poroshenko discussed the situation with his defence and security chiefs and then told Putin by phone that the situation was "unacceptable", his spokesman said.

Reuters correspondents saw two tanks in the border town of Snizhnye in east Ukraine but said it was not clear where they had come from or whether they had previously been used by the Russian or Ukrainian army. They had no identifying markings to show whether they were Russian army tanks.

"We have observed columns passing with armoured personnel carriers, other armoured vehicles and artillery pieces, and tanks which, according to our information, came across the border and this morning were in Snizhnye," Avakov told reporters in Kiev.

He said the columns had come across the border at a checkpoint or checkpoints seized by rebels "despite the Russian Federation's statements that it welcomes the peace process and that the order has been given to strengthen border controls".

One column, Avakov said, had entered Ukraine in the Dyakove area of the Luhansk region before moving into the neighbouring Donetsk region. Ukrainian forces had confronted the column.

"There is fighting going on," he said. "Part of the column has been destroyed."


Russia did not immediately respond to the accusations and it was not clear how Putin reacted to Poroshenko by phone. His country has already been hit by U.S. and European Union sanctions over events in Ukraine and could face more.

Confirmation of direct Russian involvement in the rebels' uprising would raise the stakes in Moscow's worst standoff with the West since the Cold war ended more than two decades ago.

The separatists, who rose up after Poroshenko's predecessor was toppled and fled to Russia in February, deny receiving anything but medical supplies, food and clothing from Russia. "Russia is helping, of course, with humanitarian aid, food, things, medicine, gear. We won't refuse that," a rebel said. Russia has repeatedly denied providing military support to the rebels who have taken control of several towns and cities in east Ukraine and hope that Russia will annexe the region, as it did the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in March.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had earlier on Thursday repeated Moscow's view that the onus for ending violence lay with Ukraine because it has launched a military operation against the rebels.

But he backed Poroshenko's efforts to push through a peace plan the president has drawn up and discussed with Putin.

"So far, hope remains that President Poroshenko's statements about the end of violence will be implemented and the talks start," Russia's Interfax news agency quoted Lavrov as saying.

Few details of the phone call between Putin and Poroshenko were available but the latter's spokesman wrote on Facebook that the Ukrainian leader put a heavy emphasis on the tank movements.

The presidents met for 15 minutes during World War Two anniversary events in France last week, but it was their first known conversation since Poroshenko was sworn in on Saturday.

Poroshenko has also been having meetings with a Russian envoy in Kiev and his aides say progress has been made, but talks on a long-running gas-pricing dispute have stalled.

Alexei Miller, the chief executive of Gazprom, made clear the state-run natural gas exporter would not extend a deadline for Kiev to pay its huge has debts for a third time to allow more time to reach a deal at talks.

He said a Monday deadline would stand, and Gazprom would cut supplies to Ukraine if it did not to pay off $1.95 billion of its gas debts by then. Cutting supplies to Kiev could disrupt deliveries to the European Union, which gets about a third of its gas imports from Russia, half of them via Ukraine.

Kiev mercenaries fire at bus with humanitarian aid near village Semyonovka

11th June 2014, village Semenovka, Donetsk republic

Mercenaries of Kiev junta fired bus with humanitarian aid (detailed story)

Troops of Kiev junta are real occupiers, they actions are close to actions of NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bus "Ikarus" carrying #humanitarian #aid for the Slavaynsk left Donetsk at morning of 10th June. Activists of Donetsk republic specially chosen more safe way, far from Kramators'k where there a checkpoint of National guard of Kiev junta. That checkpoint was attacked by fighters of Donetsk republic; mercenaries of junta obviously would destroy humanitarian bus even, as punitive action.

The way led through city #Artemovsk . However, instead bypasses of city, the driver turned his bus directly at the highway Rostov-Kharkov. This is the fastest way to #Slavyansk. Also quite safe way till village Semenovka. But here, at the crossroad with direction to Slavyansk road sweep through by Ukrainian troops. 

The cars on the road could hit tanks by direct fire.

The humanitarian bus came under machine-gun and automatic rifle fire before reaching the crossroad . Activists lay on the floor of bus inside . And after waiting a short pause, they run to the trees near road. Mercenaries of #Kiev junta continue shelling and after a while humanitarian bus caught fire.

It is noteworthy that on the back trip bus had to take out more than 50 children of Slavyansk. However, apparently, the mercenaries of Kiev #junta heard nothing about the humanitarian corridors.

Activists of Euromaidan were caught as "Russian supporters of Kiev junta".

A video appeal in support of Kiev junta was recorded in Moscow by unkown people who pretended to be citizen of Russia and inhabitants of Moscow

This video appeal ended with the fascists motto: “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!” [these are motto of Ukrainian nationalists, who served to Nazi Germany.

But at least two of these unknown people were found in a video from Kiev, recorded at time of Euromaidan (24th November 2013 - 21th February 2014).

In the top photo you can see these 2 women together on stage of Euromaidan. In the bottom photo you see them in ranks of "Russians, inhabitants of Moscow".

As you can see, everywhere masterminds are using same script and actors, who play role of citizen of some country.

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