
Monday 9 June 2014

Ukraine civil war: commentaries

There are many comments coming from all directions. I will limit myself to Vladimir Suchan, the Saker and an article in Voice of Russia.

Putin's dilemma and Rubicon when making favorable references to the Devil bent on invading Russia

8 June 2014

Can Putin afford to be indifferent to the plight of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, while complimenting Poroshenko? And complimenting Poroshenko for what exactly?

President Putin back on March 4,2014: "If we are to notice, that these outrages begin in Eastern regions (of the Ukraine), and if people appeal to us for help, as do we already have the official appeal from the legitimate acting president, then we reserve the right to protect those citizens by all means available to us. We believe this would be completely legitimate. Such a decision will only be taken to protect Ukrainian citizens, so let any of their military personnel even attempt to shoot at their own people, behind whom we do stand. Not up front but we do stand behind. Let them even try to shoot at women and children." Vladimir Putin, March 4, 2014, Official transcript

After that, notably beginning with the Geneva Agreement of April 17, the Russian government started moving away from its firm position of the unconstitutionality of the violent coup of February 21-23 and, instead, started granting ever more legitimacy to the Kiev regime, while falling ever more short of confirming legitimacy to the referenda in eastern Ukraine and the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics and Novorossyia, which Putin himself evoked in his four-hours-long interview on March 7. By yielding ever more legitimacy to the Kiev regime, Russia is taking more and more legitimacy from its support for ethnic Russians in Ukraine and from its possible Russian intervention and involvement.

In his interview on June 4, 2014, with Radio Europe 1 and TF1 TV channel, Putin said namely the following in response to a question about the alleged "democratic vote" for Poroshenko: "I’ve already told you and will say it again: we will respect the choice of the Ukrainian people and we will cooperate with Ukrainian authorities. ... Yes, we recognize [Ukraine's] sovereignty." Does this mean recognition of sovereignty as embodied and practiced by the current regime ruling in Ukraine?

In the same interview, Putin also explained again Russia's position on Crimean and its reunification with Russia: "Russian troops were in Crimea under the international treaty on the deployment of the Russian military base. It’s true that Russian troops helped Crimeans hold a referendum on their (a) independence and (b) desire to join the Russian Federation. No one can prevent these people from exercising a right that is stipulated in Article 1 of the UN Charter, the right of nations to self-determination. ... In accordance with the expression of the will of people who live there, Crimea is part of the Russian Federation and its constituent entity. I want everyone to understand this clearly. We conducted an exclusively diplomatic and peaceful dialogue – I want to stress this – with our partners in Europe and the United States. In response to our attempts to hold such a dialogue and to negotiate an acceptable solution, they supported the anti-constitutional state coup in Ukraine, and following that we could not be sure that Ukraine would not become part of the North Atlantic military bloc. In that situation, we could not allow a historical part of the Russian territory with a predominantly ethnic Russian population to be incorporated into an international military alliance, especially because Crimeans wanted to be part of Russia. I am sorry, but we couldn't act differently."

In other words, Putin evoked the principle of self-determination and emphasized its notable expression through a referendum, which happened when the political regime of Ukraine was radically changed from "merely" thieving oligarchy to oligarchy that placed fascist radicals in charge and control of state security, its armed forces and police in the ever escalating campaign of war, terror, and massacre unleashed on those who oppose this unconstitutional change. In other words, oligarchy moved through a violent coup and Molotov cocktails over to only an oligarchic dictatorship, but further to a fascist, military dictatorship. This regime change further greatly increased the risk of this regime making Ukraine into a NATO "bridgehead" 400 miles towards the gates of Moscow, which is actually also precisely what Brzezinski himself defined as the US strategic goal (Grand Strategy. pp. 46, 86, 203).

However, to the threat of NATO aggressive expansion (it is aggressive and not really "peaceful" or stabilizing, as it is presented--one only needs to remember Kosovo, Libya, or Syria), Putin also added the significance of Crimea being the home to Russia's Black Sea Navy. And that's the only one key difference, which I can see, between the case of Crimea and the case of Novorossiya (the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics). The latter happened to have no Russian military base. Yet their case is as good, if not stronger than Crimea's. In Crimea, the referendum was conducted with Russian troops stepping in and preventing outbreak of violence (which was actually planned and prepared by the Right Sector and other elements of the junta). In the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, the referenda were organized by the new revolutionary and popular organs of power emerging from below and without presence of Russian troops. Moreover, against these new people's republics, the fascist junta has sent the army, the police, the Naz-guard, the Right Sector and private armies (or rather death squads) of Ukrainian mafia oligarchs.

The other fact is, as Arsen Avakov, the junta's interior minister, boasted on his FB page, that the Kiev regime succeeded in the meantime to suppress and disperse antifascist opposition in Odessa and Kharkov. And unless anyone was still in any doubt about the nature of the current regime in Kiev (which the Western media and Western politicians keep painting as an incredible democracy), the same Avakov also announced on his FB page that self-defense in eastern Ukraine "must be exterminated like mad dogs; no negotiations."

At the same time, as Poroshenko made it very clear in his inaugural speech, the junta is convinced that, except for the armed resistance in eastern Ukraine, it faces no other significant and effective deterrent or constraint. Its decision, methodically implemented, has thus been ever more violent escalation.

In this situation, the West is working hard to deter, that is, to prevent, any effective counter-measures and defense on the part of Russia and antifascist opposition in Ukraine. This is, in fact, the very strategic idea formulated by Brzezinski: to make such moves and create such conditions that would leave Russia no choice, but to choose what the West would compel it to: "... one thing is certain : [the plan] will move faster if a geopolitical context is shaped that propels Russia in that direction, while foreclosing other temptations [ = choices]. ... the sooner [will] the black hole of Euroasia be filled ... Indeed, for Russia the dilemma of the one alternative [dictated by the US] is no longer a matter of making a geopolitical choice but of facing up the imperatives of survival."(Grand Chessboard, p. 122, last paragraph) As Brzezinski makes it clear elsewhere, "the imperatives of survival" is understood by Brzezinski and other fathers of grand strategy is a matter of Russia's "Darwinian" extinction as a power and civilization "not fit" to continue as part of the intended New World Order: The goal of this "grand plan" for Russia and its civilization is "to acquire ... ethnic conflict [and] political fragmentation" (Grand Chessboard, p. 150).

Are these developments not connected?

Ukraine's new king Petro Poroshenko seems to have an ambition to combine a wrathful Achilles with a crafty Odysseus in his own oligarchic persona in a country that is but a shade of one's mighty Soviet Union. One day after his inauguration at which one of the guards dropped himself right after his rifle, Poroshenko held a three-party meeting with a Russian Ambassador and a representative of the OSCE. There he declared that he wants to have a ceasefire sometime within a week. It seems that part of his "peace plan" might be a demand that all the antifascists from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics exile themselves to Russia. The rest would need to bow their neck and submit to a new NATO protectorate helped with cheap gas from Russia, while the pool of animosity, instability and chaos would continue as inflammation meant to reach soon enough the root canal of Moscow.

For "security" in this new Ukraine is to be guaranteed by Poroshenko's new "private army" or Poroshenko's own "presidential force"--the Right Sector/National Guard. In fact. the Right Sector, as its leader Dmitry Yarosh explained, wants to be even more than that. The Right Sector wants to the new Praetorian Guard of this fascist dictatorship--the supreme arbiter and power in Ukraine. The goal of the Right Sector is to "create a system of control over the president and the parliament ... so that if the president takes an anti-state course, we will compel him to follow the demands of Maidan."

Meanwhile, Victoria Nuland who was handing out cookies on Maidan to Berkut before they were shot by the same snipers who were also shooting Maidan people, met on June 8 in Odessa with the Right Sector banker Oleg Kolomeysky, also known for issuing bounties for the heads of antifascist leaders and fighters. Nuland discussed with the billionaire who is also the junta-appointed head of the Dniepropetrovsk province, "financial assistance" of the US for the regime. As an added PR exercise, she also paid a visit to a local orphanage where she left the orphans with a box of soccer balls, while on the way of implementing the Empire's policies that produce a mass of new orphans.

Nuland made sure to emphasize that the US is supporting "positive changes in Ukraine and the new government's policy of further stabilization, especially in the east of Ukraine," where "stabilization" is evidently a cipher or euphemism for killing the people by the regime

Saker rant: Please tell me my worst fears will not come true!

8 June, 2014

Several Serbian commentators have expressed their concern, if not outright worry, about what is happening right now in Novorossia. I have to admit that I now share that concern. While I am not Serbian myself, some of the longtime readers of that blog know that I have had the opportunity to follow the entire war in Bosnia and Croatia literally minute by minute while working for the UN far away from Yugoslavia, but with daily access to UNPROFOR reports and with the possibility to debrief any UNPROFOR officers including two Force Commanders. For me this war will forever feel 'raw' because that was the event which really opened by eyes to the nature of the so-called "free and democratic West" and which, combined with the war in Chechnia, eventually cost me my career. I will thus readily admit that I might be over-reacting. In fact, my brain tells me one thing, but my gut tells me another and as a result I am feeling a very unpleasant but persistent feeling of alarm.

It all began when I finally listened to the full inauguration speech of Poroshenko. Up to that moment, I had some hopes that while even though this would be difficult, some kind of reasonable beginning of some kind of peace process could be negotiated with the man. I knew that the guy was an unprincipled prostitute, but it was precisely that "quality" which made me cautiously hopeful: better a rational prostitute that a crazed lunatic, right?

Listening to him I understood that in this case Poroshenko was completely bought by the USA and that vague European effort to negotiate something had be summarily tossed out into the trash bin. As I wrote in a previous post, his message to Novorossia and Russia was as simple as it was blunt:

  • No federalization
  • No state status for the Russian language
  • No recognition of the Novorossian political leadership
  • Full and unconditional surrender of the Novorossian Defense Forces
  • Crimea will forever belong to the Ukraine

So this was Poroshenko's "peace plan". In fact, Juan was absolutely right: it was a declaration of war combined with an ultimatum demanding a total and unconditional surrender. The fingerprints of Uncle Sam were all over the place. I was appalled by the lunacy of this "peace plan" but soon my disgust turned into horror when I saw the Russian reaction.

Instead of walking out from this zoo (Poroshenko got US-style standing ovations at each of the worst of his statement), the Russian ambassador just sat there. The Ministry of Foreign affairs did not comment either. As for the Russian media, it did summarize the event, but most of its attention was focused on the latest kidnapping of yet another two Russian journalists and on the floods around Barnaul in Russia. As for Putin, he announced that the had ordered the FSB to close down the section of the border which had been liberated by the NDF to prevent "the passage of illegal groups".

Not good. Not good at all. And it did remind me of Bosnia.

Quick flashback: the Bosnian Serbs had basically won the war and defeated both the Bosnian-Croats and their supporters in Croatia and the Bosnian-Muslims and their supporters from the Muslim world. And yet they had to do that in spite of Milosevic who had agreed to cooperate with the AngloZionist by participating in the Empire's blockade of the Bosnian-Serb even though he knew full well that the Croats were getting convoys full of weapons, ammo and supplies from Croatia and that the Muslims were getting the same courtesy of the US and Turkish Air Forces. Milosevic sold out his own people against a promise to be allowed to rule over Serbia and Montenegro. That promise was eventually broken (most AngloZionist "promises" are), but at that time he thought he could negotiate with the devil. He then sold out the Serbs of Kosovo (the craddle of Serbia no less than Kiev is the craddle of Russia). That he then died poisoned in the Hague is hardly a consolation to me.

Now, as a good friend told me: Putin is not Milosevic and, besides, if Putin caves in now he would be committing political suicide. I agree. Or, should I say, my brain agrees. My gut is in full "red alert" mode and I have been walking with a knot in my stomach since 2 days now. Here is why,

First, I don't think that Putin can simply pretend not to have noticed Poroshenko's absolutely insane speech. What a candidate says is, indeed, not very relevant, but an inaugural speech is really a totally different matter: it is, by definition, a *program speech* which outlines the goals of the new President.

Second, what is happening now in Slaviansk, Kramatorsk and the rest of Novorossia is a humanitarian catastrophe and Putin has promised to prevent that.

Third, Russia's careful and non-provocative stance is gradually being interpreted by the western media as a sign of weakness and this perception might be, in part, the cause for the escalation in both atrocities by the regime in Kiev and of the increasingly arrogant anti-Russian rhetoric of Western politicians.

I am most definitely not an admirer of Dugin, but he recently said something which I fully agree with: he said that the future of the planet is being decided in Slaviansk, Kramatorsk, Krasnyi Liman and the rest of Novorossia because the outcome of this battle will decide whether Russia can stand her ground against AngloZionist Empire and thereby initiate the liberation of the rest of the world or whether Russia will basically cave in. I fully agree with him. It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of the planet is being decided right now in Novorossia.

This is why I have a knot in my stomach. So far, I am most definitely not seeing the kind of reaction Poroshenko's speech deserves. And it is not just words, like some say. The day of Poroshenko's inauguration saw a violent increase in artillery strikes on Novorossia and an attack on a high level Novorussian official. Today - a Ukie artillery shell hit a church were the faithful were assembled for the feast of the Pentecost.

Putin has promised the Russian people (in Russia proper and outside) that he would not allow massive atrocities to take place against the population of Novorossia. They are clearly happening now. As for the "new" regime in Kiev, it is every bit as Nazi as the worst Right Sector lunatic would want. Uncle Sam has basically crushed every EU attempt at a negotiated outcome. This is most definitely not Putin's fault or the fault of the poor people of Novorossiia, but there can me no more hope for a reasonable negotiated settlement.

Russia has to act now and used her armed forces to liberate Novorossia. Not to do so would be a betrayal of the Russian people.

My brain tells me that Putin will give the order to do so very soon. But the memories of Bosnia haunt me. So far Putin's track record is excellent, pretty close to perfect. But for all my support for his policies, I never *trusted* him, at least not fully. Honestly, I cannot image what will happen if he does not give the order to move in because if he fails to do so he would be giving up on the entire strategic plan of what I call the Eurasian Sovereignists to "resovereignize" Russia and liberate her from the AngloZionist Empire. I cannot and do not want to believe that 14 years of struggle involving a great deal of dangers and, at times, truly superhuman efforts will now go to waste. And yet I have this knot sitting there inside my gut and that knot gets worse and worse with each lame and vapid statement coming out of the Kremlin.

The US is hell-bent on war with Russia and the EU has completely sold out. Nothing new here, the European elites *always* joined in what I call a "Ecumenical anti-Russian coalition" with the SOB of the day against Russia: they did so when the Papacy launched a crusade on Orthodoxy, they did so under Napoleon, they did so during the Crimean War and they did so during the Third Reich. So now that Eurotrash is on the side of Uncle Shmuel (a more accurate name for Uncle Sam, don't you think?). What else is new?

This latest war might not be a "hot" one (although I really would not put anything past the AngloZionsit 1%ers), but it sure will be total and merciless anyhow. And there is only one way to put and end to this: the Russian bear must bare his fangs, make an example with the Ukie Nazis and show these European imbeciles that Russia means business.

So please tell me that I am wrong and that when push comes to shove Putin will have willpower and courage to stand his ground against what I can only call a satanic coalition of the most evil ideologies and people I can think of. I fully supported Russia's non-intervention right up until Saturday and Poroshenko's speech, but that policy has been taken to its limits and, to my immense regret, it has failed, primarily due to the truly unbelievable cowardice and immorality of the European political leaders (may they all rot in hell for selling out their own people the way they did it!). It makes no sense to hope for a last minute miracle: those accursed EU bureaucrats did not find even a atom of dignity or decency inside themselves and as a result a full-scale Cold War v2 in Europe is now inevitable (the Bulgarians pushed their treachery one step beyond and under orders from MCCain agreed to stop the work on South Stream).

My brain tells me that Putin will give the order. Soon.

But I have that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Please tell me that Putin is not Milosevic.

Please tell me my worst fears will not come true.

The Saker

My rant tonight - okay, I will try to clarify further

8 June, 2014

Okay, predictably some has misunderstood my rant as a change in heart. Others wonder what has changed over the past 24 hours. So let me clarify:

1) No change of heart? No - Putin did the right thing by waiting as long as was possible. I just don't believe that waiting is possible any more. Why not?

2) What has changed? Not just words, but actions by Poroshenko. I, along with many other observers in Russia, had hopes that Poroshenko would use his "clean hands status" to come up with at least a temporary cease-fire followed by negotiations. Heck - even a 48 hour break to "celebrate" his "election" would have been helpful. All that happened was a dramatic increase in violence. Also, Merkel did specifically ask for a meeting with Putin and I had some hopes that the bitch has something useful to say to him. But the EU leaders did, again, show that as soon as Uncle Shmuel shows up they turn into the "great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies".

Finally, Poroshenko did more than just spew some garden variety Ukie nonsense. He specifically committed himself to one language, no federation, no negotiations (at least not with those folks who matter) and he topped it all with a completely surreal statement about the Crimea being forever Ukie. Ok, these are not just words, the man cornered himself into a crazy, maximalist position. Some ask what I was expecting and say add that Poroshenko had no other options. Nonsense! He could have said something along these lines:

The blood of the glorious Ukrainian people is sacred to me and my first duty is to prevent it from being spilled (= stop the shelling). I shall never rest until each and every Ukrainian will feel that he/she is a precious part of an inclusive Ukrainian society whose historical roots have always been diverse and multi-national (language issue). The Ukraine must forever become a land of peace and peaceful trade (= neutrality). There is no personal sacrifice I shall not consent to achieve these lofty goals (= negotiate with the Novorossians). Etc. etc. etc.

Guys, this is not that hard. Not to mention that NOW would have been the correct time to get rid of the Nazis while the "eyes of the world" were upon the "legitimate President of the Ukraine".

Poroshenko totally blew it. Totally.

And not because he is dumb. All those who know him agree on two things: he is a total prostitute and he is very smart. In this case, he was simply reading the speech written for him by Uncle Shmuel.

So that is what changed:

a) a total collapse and surrender by the EU 1%ers
b) a total sellout of Poroshenko to Uncle Shmuel

And this is why I see no point in waiting any longer. That, and the fact that if time is on Russia's side (which it is - Banderastan is not viable), time is not on the side of the people of Novorossia who need help now.

So no, no change of heart. Change in objective circumstances. Remember dialectics 101: a quantitative change does eventually result in a qualitative change. I think that we have reached this point now.

As for my fear, it is primarily triggered by what I perceive as a "wishy-washy" tone out of Moscow. If that tone is designed to allow for a last ditch effort (I hear that Poroshenko has now announced that combats should stop this week) or for a cover for an intervention - fine. But something needs to be done in the next 24-48 hours and my Bosnian experience makes it very hard for me to live through these next couple of days.

Last, and frankly: I want the Polite Armed Men in Green to make minced meat of the Ukie Nazis involved in this disgusting war on civilians. These SOBs don't deserve to live, imnsho.

I hope that I have explained myself to the satisfaction of at least most of you.

Kind regards,

The Saker

Slavyansk: A battle for a peaceful life

Selling out Ukraine: Poroshenko speech; double talk, lies, NATO and the EU
John Robles

8 June 2014

US Vice President Joe Biden’s smiling and nodding attendance of the inauguration of Ukrainian President was the final stroke in legitimizing a leader and a government brought about by a US backed and orchestrated coup d’état. Sure Mr. Biden has a lot to smile about: not only has his government successfully destabilized another country for the US corporate military industrial complex but he has secured his youngest son Hunter Biden a million dollar job establishing his family's place in the future of the American elite hierarchal oligarchy.

To top it all off Biden and his American elitist cronies have more or less successfully managed to demonize Russia for their entire operation.

Western Backers Gloat

Watching a tanned Biden smiling and nodding next to his blonde trophy wife at many of the wrong moments during the inauguration of Washington's latest puppet Petr Poroshenko, it was clear that he was only pretending he understood what he was witnessing. Like gum chewing Obama at Normandy/Mandela, Victoria Nuland posing for photo ops with triumvirate (Yatsenyuk, Tyahnybok and Klitschko) , John Kerry and his Syrian "we knows" and George Bush and his entire two terms, Joe Biden proved to the part of the world that has a real understanding of the events and the history of Ukraine that the Washington political elites are nothing but overpaid empty suits who are completely and totally ignorant of anything and everything beyond their little bubble-like worlds of self-serving lies and manufactured realities.

It would be something to ridicule and laugh about but in their ignorance they are killing millions of people, spreading misery and despair and devastating the planet and destroying the future for all peoples including their own citizens and the scary thing is they do not even understand, let alone care how they are devastating the planet and causing death and misery all over the world.

Poroshenko's Challenges

There is no way that exit poll president Poroshenko will be elected again if the Ukrainian election system returns to something approaching a democratic process therefore he has a very short time to attain his objectives. Number one is ensuring an EU agreement is signed, establishing NATO infrastructure in Ukraine, quelling dissent and attempting to keep eastern regions in Ukraine without federalizing the country (an impossibility), avoiding his own prosecution for war crimes, ensuring the long term survival of the fascists who have attained power and their continued escape from justice and the protection of the oligarchs and their western masters from prosecution and from the people of Ukraine. In short he has to continue to attempt to legitimize the junta and its western masters and keep them from facing justice for crimes ranging from treason to genocide.
Poroshenko’s Inauguration Speech and his Audience: Fascist Nationalists and Western Sponsors

From the outset it is clear that Poroshenko's speech was written not for the Ukrainian people as a whole but for a very narrow audience of foreign sponsors from the US and the EU, for whom he was the most desirable choice (the wise grandfatherly figure) and for all of the national socialist, fascist and nazi forces that allowed his rise to power.

His speech began by quoting Ivan Franko, a famous poet and the co-founder a Ukrainian Radical Party and a nationalist anarchist Mikhail Drahomanov who both played an important role in the development of the Ukrainian ultra-right nationalist movement and who in their day faced persecution for their extremist views.
Denying Ukraine's historic ties to Russia and the history of Kievan Rus Poroshenko stated that: "The return of Ukraine to its natural, European state has been long-awaited by many generations," this is clearly an affront to all Ukrainians who see their historic ties to Russia as being important, but plays to the European aspirations of nationalists, something that has gone hand in hand with Ukrainian nationalism and was most marked with the 1917 revolution and the beginning of the Soviet Union.

Recent History Revised: Legitimizing the Maidan Coup

Poroshenko, in his wording, is attempting to characterize (as has been the narrative but forward by the West) the western backed coup and the armed neo-nazi nationalist thugs on Maidan who assisted in overthrewing the democratically elected government, as a popular revolt with its cause being the EU agreement. Calling the previous contitutional democratically elected government a "dictatorship" is completey disengenous and in fact and outright lie. While the supposed pretext of the Maidan (manipulated by the West as they unleashed their paid thugs and Right Sector military formations) was the signing of an EU association agreement, any popular discontent that may have existed was due to poor living conditions, unemployment and corruption caused by oligarchs like himself. Saying a the previous government also sought to deprive the Ukrainian people of EU agreement is also not true as President Yanukovich merely said such a move had to be studied further. This theme clearly ignores the wishes of the majority of Ukrainians who wanted to improve relations with Russia and the socio-economic realities on the ground. It also ignores the fact that waht happened on the Maidan was a US organized revolt. Something few in the West watn to address even though the evidence was made clear by the US' own officials.

He calls the disgraceful destruction to property, fires, the killing of police and security forces and the overthrow of a democratically elected president who merely wanted to take a pause to study an EU agreement that was being fast-tracked into law as something dignified.

"Dictatorship that ruled Ukraine in recent years sought to deprive us of this prospect (Europeanization) people rebelled. Victorious Revolution of dignity…."

He further attempted to legitimize Ukraine's nazis by calling them fighters for independence. The enslaving of Ukraine to the EU, NATO, the IMF and the US he apparently equates to "independence." It is quite stunning actually.

"Entire generations of Ukrainian patriots struggled for our independence."

Transferring Blame for Junta’s Punitive War

Apparently Poroshenko is concerned about the fact that he is guilty of war crimes for continuing the junta’s punitive war and collective punishment on the civilians and the people of Donbass. He attempts to portray the war as having originated within Donbass ignoring the reality that it is a punitive operation after the population in the region rose up against the fascist junta and refused to be led by an illegitimate government. That government launched a war on the people while labelling it a terrorist operation. Again he tries to tie it with Europeanization and for some reason believes that he can get away with calling the democratically elected government of Victor Yanukovich “tyranny”. Reality has no meaning for Poroshenko, he can say anything he wants.

"A real war, planned and unleashed in the Ukrainian Donbass, became an obstacle for enormous opportunities that opened for the European modernization of Ukraine after the fall of tyranny."

A Moment of Silence for the Fascists? No Mention of Berkut

If anyone had the illusion that Poroshenko represents all of the Ukrainian people the error of that belief should be clear by his moment of silence for the Right Sector and assorted nationalists who died on the Maidan. He did not mention the brave Berkut officers who were unarmed and beaten to death, he did not mention the possibly over 100 people who were brutally murdered and burned alive in Odessa, he did not mention the victims of pogroms in Mariupol or other locations in Ukraine, nor did he mention those being killed by the Ukrainian army as I am writing this. He mentioned the “heroes” of the Maidan, the assorted Bandera nazi trash that killed and are killing anyone opposed to their fascist power grab. For Poroshenko, his western masters and the fascists in the Rada all of these people mean nothing. As the Right Sector calls them, they are mere "insects."

"Heroes of Nebesna Sotnya died for it. Let us honor the memory of those who died for freedom and independence of Ukraine with a moment of silence."

A Phony Peace Plan

Much hailed by the West and the western media as a sign of his moderate decency, his normalcy set to counter act a growing level of questioning and disgust in the West by those who are actually obtaining access to the real information coming out of Ukraine, Poroshenko's peace plan is being promoted granting the illusion that he wants peace and is not in fact continuing the wholesale killing of the populations in the east of the country.

Poroshenko’s peace plan is a complete farce, even if taken at face value. As the operations are being orchestrated by the West who is manipulating the language no doubt to protect Poroshenko from future prosecution the wording has to be studied carefully and his "offers of piece" looked at critically against the backdrop of what is really happening in the country. It would appear that the "plan" or perhaps it is better to call it the "final solution" is merely a Trojan horse and a license to continue the war against the Ukrainian people.
By stating the word revenge from the start Poroshenko is implying that there is in fact a reason for taking revenge and names that reason the sacrifices being made by the people of Ukraine before his eyes. Of course in his kindness he chooses not to do so. This is a completely obvious manipulation of the language and again a transference of the blame setting up a future defense that he was just moved by the suffering of his people.

Given that many of the people assembled around him were directly involved in the murder of civilians all over Ukraine and were in fact the architects of the punitive military campaign being waged against the people he completely ignores this fact and makes it clear who the “criminals” are, Russian speakers and those opposed to the junta.

"I do not want revenge. Even though there are great sacrifices of the people of Ukraine before my eyes."

Continuing that mien he ignores the fact it is the Maidan thugs and terrorists, the Right Sector, the private fascist militias, Greystone mercenaries and Nazi paramilitaries that are waging a punitive war against the civilian populations in the east. Implying that the people do not have the right to defend themselves against an army gone mad killing its own people, he pulls out the terrorist card. He also follows the Right Sector claim that they took up arms legally.

Here it is important to note the similarities to the US strategy, for example in Afghanistan where the US labelled everyone terrorists and literally attempted to make it illegal for the people of Afghanistan to defend themselves, hauling anyone who resisted to Guantanamo or killing them outright. How anyone is supposed to believe that women and children and pensioners who are Orthodox Christians are terrorists is not important for the West they are operating on Goebbels' strategy.

I strongly urge everyone who illegally took weapons in their hands to lay them down. In response, I first of all guarantee the exemption from criminal responsibility for those who do not have blood of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians on their hands. And those who is not involved in funding terrorism.”

The second point he makes is perhaps the most ridiculous and like the previous transfers blame, demonizes Russia and does not reflect the reality of the situation. He takes no issue with the Greystone mercenaries but claims there are Russian mercenaries in Ukraine. These are the same invisible Russian mercenaries who no one sees because they are secret and who have operate invisibly as ghosts not leaving a single sign of their presence in the country, again a complete and total fabrication by the junta and the US.

Amid Russian calls for a humanitarian corridor to allow women and children and civilians to leave Donbass rather than face the endless bombings and the war of extermination being carried out by the junta and Poroshenko, he makes a mockery of the very idea. Truly disgusting.

"Second, controlled corridor for Russian mercenaries who would like to return home."

If all of this was not bad enough it only gets worse and even though much was made of the fact that he spoke Russian this is just another propaganda ploy. He ignores that the populations of Donetsk and Lugansk held referendums and now are no longer part of Ukraine as they have chosen to determine their own futures, a right being denied to them by the US/NATO and the junta and for which they are being killed, and then tries to say that there are terrorists who have brought the East into a state of war, when it is in fact the forces under his command. The people of Donetsk and Slavyansk are being killed by his army, they are the terrorists, there is no one else. The junta has caused the country to spiral into civil war but Poroshenko ignores this. His nazi brothers can do no wrong, it is the bogeyman of Russia and the poor bombed civilians who are terrorists. 


"… Many of you have already felt the "pleasures" of the rule of terrorists. In addition to pillage and abuse of civilians, they led the economy of the region, which has already been in crisis conditions, to the brink of total disaster."

Note From Author

Dear reader I challenge anyone to prove one claim against Russia that is being made by Poroshenko and the junta. Just one. Please show us the evidence. Of course no one can. There is none.

Continuing to Blame Yanukovich while Pretending to be Legitimate

Poroshenko knows he may be seen as an illegitimate leader after the holding of elections with the country in a state of civil war. In order to add credibility to himself he claims the recent unconstitutional elections conducted by the junta in which entire regions of the country did not take part were legitimate. Of course. 

He then incredibly attempts to blame Russian propaganda for the illegitimacy of the nazi junta. Of course this is made possible by the US and the fact that no one is allowed to print or speak the truth in Ukraine anymore but the disconnect from reality cannot be further. Just like the junta arranged the snipers on the Maidan in an attempt to blame president Yanukovich, they continue to attempt to pass the balme to him even though he is in hiding in Russia. If Poroshenko really wants peace let him stop the punitive war against his own people right now, but of course the war criminal can not, he has been bought and paid for, just another in a series of traitors to Ukraine purchased by the CIA. Yes Joe Biden we see why you are smiling.

"Nationwide presidential elections has put a bold cross on the myth of allegedly illegitimate Kyiv authorities. This myth has been created by Russian propaganda and clan of Yanukovych who betrayed the Donbas and robbed it even more than the whole country. He has been inseparably ruling Donetsk region for 17 years. And now, he is funding terrorists. It is he who shall be totally responsible for political and socio-economic situation of the region. For unemployment, for poverty and for refugees. For killed citizens and for mothers' tears."

False Claim of Decentralization

For Poroshenko decentralization obviously means spreading the junta’s grip away from Kiev. What else could it mean when he still refuses to reinstate Russian as a state language and refuses to discuss federalization? Ignoring that the "right" Ukrainians are killing the "wrong" Ukrainians he continues his "speech". He makes no note of the fact that Russia will continue to be demonized in Ukraine and does not touch upon measures initiated by the junta to prhibit Russian being used in public places in cluding in doctor's offices, but does hint at who is really controlling the scenario: the EU.

"With guarantee of free usage of Russian language in your region. With strong intention not to divide people into right and wrong Ukrainians. With respect for the specifics of regions. For the right of local communities to their peculiarities in the issues of historic memory, pantheon of heroes, religious traditions. With project on creation of jobs in the East of Ukraine elaborated jointly with our partners from the EU before the elections."

Ignoring Atrocities

Clearly a sly wink to the Right Sector here. He dares to mention the patriotism he has seen in Odessa but again fails to mention the over 100 people burned alive and brutally murdered there. Obviously it is the patriotism of the brutal nazi murderers that he is impressed with. That message is clear.

"I am deeply impressed with patriotism of citizens in southern and eastern regions, from Odessa to Kharkov. Peace has not come yet, but today we can confidently say that hard challenges united Ukrainian family. They strengthened us as Ukrainian political nation which is confident in its European choice. Our people has never been so strong."

Preparing the Groundwork for NATO

The following paragraph must have been written with the help of NATO propagandists. If you will recall dear reader once Ukraine joins NATO the country will have to give up at least 8% of its GDP to support NATO. The country will have to spend billions upon billions of dollars on "upgrading" and "interoperability" enhancements and of course the people will have to get used to having foreign troops in their sold out and occupied country.

To make all of this possible there has to be a threat. Poroshenko, like Adolf Hitler is calling for arming, but there is no threat to Ukraine. Even the implied bogeyman of Russia was not mentioned as the Ukrainian people would never believe this. They know who the threat is: Poroshenko and his fascists.

"For peace to become lasting, we must get used to living in constant combat readiness. We have to keep the gunpowder dry. Army and its re-equipment by means of national military-industrial complex is our top priority. Moreover, state orders for military-industrial enterprises will give a boost to reindustrialization of the economy. Those who grudge money for the armed forces feed foreign army. Nobody will protect us until we learn to defend ourselves."

One has to ask the question again: Against whom!?!?! However he then makes it clear and should follow his own advice, as should the brutal Right Sector and Svoboda fascists: those who live by the sword perish by the sword. No secret anymore it is right out there. His goal is enslaving Ukraine to NATO and the EU whether the people want it or not. Yes Nuland, Kerry, Pyatt, McFaul, Rasmussen, Ashton, and Biden, you truly do have a reason to smile. Another country is killing its own people for your worthless dollars and doing your bidding like mindless sheep.

The Budapest Memorandum was the key security arrangement with Russia. OF course that will have to annulled. However there are clauses that would allow it to be used against the junta itself, if anyone cared to study it properly.

"I will use my diplomatic experience to ensure the signature of an international agreement that would replace the Budapest Memorandum. Such agreement must provide direct and reliable guarantees of peace and security - up to military support in case of threat to territorial integrity. Any aggressor on the border of Ukraine must remember the saying from the Gospel: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."

The New Masters: The EU

More European rhetoric, however decentralization does not apply to Donbass. Again the decentralization means spreading the junta’s control into the regions:

"European democracy for me is the best form of government invented by mankind. It is the European choice which tells us that significant part of powers must be immediately delegated from the center to local governments. Reform on decentralization will begin this year with amendments to the Constitution."

Further Raping of the Economy

Prepare for Oligarch Poroshenko to take complete control of the economy and allow him to hoard the wealth because it needs to be "built up" and of course those funds will go to Europe!

"While economic management falls within the competence of free market or the Government, President as a guarantor of the Constitution is obliged to provide conditions for innovative economy and social justice. Fair distribution of national wealth is an urgent demand of time. But we must increase the national wealth before distributing it. Ukraine has everything to ensure the European prosperity for people."

Yes Ukrainian people do not think, do not choose your own future. Just follow the instructions of the EU. Your president has determined your fate. It is written in the EU agreement, an agreement that will enslave you forever.

"European choice of Ukraine - is the heart of our national ideal. It is a choice made by our ancestors and prophets. And what exactly do we have to do to live freely, to live comfortably, to live in peace and security? It is written in the agreement on political association and free trade area with the EU."


Finally: A Call for Fascists to Unite, the NATO Endgame

The most chilling aspect of the speech came towards the end and should have set off alarm bells around the world. Poroshenko finally vocalizes the real plan of his government and the junta by causally referring to the failures of previous Ukrainian nationalist and fascist movements and speaking sentimentally about such figures as Symon Petliura, the most brutal of the nazi collaborators and what some call the mentor of Stepan Bandera.

Imagine if a German politician mentioned the sad arguments between Adolf Hitler and say Heinrich Held or Benitto Musolini expressing regret at the demise of the Third Reich. For some reason Biden continued to smile.

Was Poroshenko merely playing to his base? Or is he really going to continue the war on the Ukrainian people started by Svoboda and the Right Sector? 

Apparently he is set on continuing the punitive military operations. There are some that take issue with the fact Poroshenko is Jewish, so why would he mention Symon Petliura who was said to have commanded pogroms against Jews? And if not leading them then at least condoning them having once said: "… it is a pity that pogroms take place, but they uphold the discipline of the army.”
Is that Poroshenko’s belief? Does he believe that the pogroms against the citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk are okay because they “uphold discipline.” Or is his approach towards what the junta are calling “pro-Russian terrorists” more along the lines of Hitler who when asked what to do with Russian Jews stated “als Partisanen auszurotten" (exterminate them as partisans). Is Poroshenko of the belief that the people in the east have to be “exterminated like terrorists”? It would appear so. Their crime? They are against being ruled by fascists and labelled as pro-Russian.

To implement our ambitious plans, we need not only peace and unity of the country, but also consolidation of all patriotic, pro-Ukrainian and pro-European forces. We must always keep in mind the harsh lessons of the national liberation struggle of the seventeenth-twenties of the last century. At that time, our politicians were not able to unite and resist aggression jointly. Volodymyr Vynnychenko fought against Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Symon Petliura fought against Pavlo Skoropadskyi. And Nestor Makhno fought against all.”

Fascist neo-Nazi racist parties and grouping in Ukraine like the Right Sector and Svoboda as well as neo-Nazi groups, proponents of anti-Semitism, and various far-right racist groups “worldwide” accuse the most brutal proponents and enablers of the bloodshed in Ukraine, such as Kolomoisky who is trying to establish his own little Fourth Reich, Arseny Yatsenyuk who betrayed and sold his country out for personal gain, Victoria Nuland the key puppet master and Poroshenko of being Jewish. This is may be a key questions for some in Ukraine but in reality what we have are forces working in unison, if not those at the top manipulating radical followers of nazi ideology to bring about the objectives of US/NATO/EU.

It would appear that in reality anti-Semitism and neo-nazism in fact mean nothing when it comes to the goal, dividing the centuries long brotherhood between the Ukrainian and Russian people and placing NATO first strike infrastructure in Ukraine. They are just being paid and the ideological leanings of Yarosh, Poroshenko and the like are most likely completely irrelevant to the cynical geopolitical planners. How will the Right Sector react when they realize the are just pawns?

How are the Jews in Ukraine supposed to believe in leaders who support forces that call for the hanging of Jews and speak sentimentally of anti-Semitic monsters who carried out genocide on the Jewish population of Ukraine? There can be no excuse whatsoever for unleashing nazis once again in Europe. But Biden smiles.
I started out by saying Biden and Company have no idea what they are doing yet finish with a contradiction and leave you with this thought: perhaps they know exactly what they are doing and are playing all of the opposing forces in Ukraine for all they are worth to bring about their goal? Which might better explain Biden’s smiles and nods, everything is going according to plan in Ukraine, soon NATO/EU/IMF and their assembled forces will have conquered another country and enslaved its economy. Although you might say the 8% of GDP that Ukraine will have to pay NATO is not really that much, they are also taking the energy sector, the economy and everything else they can get their hands on under control.

The US military industrial complex and NATO win once again and the people of Ukraine lose forever in the “fate” that will be signed by Poroshenko as soon as the document is before him. The same document that the legal President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich wanted to study before it was signed.

The real patriots of Ukraine are the people who want to breathe free, not the junta and the oligarchs who have sold the country down river and are selling Ukrainian sovereignty to the wolves for all eternity. Russia has never “subjugated” Ukraine, Russia has always repsected Ukraine’s Sivereignty and treated Ukraine as a brotherly nation. Anyone who tells you otherwise is misinformed or has another agenda.

As the people in the east continue to flee Ukraine and continue to die at the hands of their own army one might tell the US Vice President: smile Biden, you deserve it. And Victoria Nuland who just visited Odessa but did not think it worth her while to lay flowers at, or visit the House of Unions, where a ceromony was taking place where her Right Sector and pro-Maidan forces killed what are possibly over a hundred innocent civilians who were attempting to take part in their own "democracy" and protesting aginst the junta, you can keep smiling too. How you are still allowed into a country you openly subverted is beyond me.

The views and opinions expressed here are my own. I can be reached at

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