
Sunday 8 June 2014

The Neo-Nazi and American End-game

Liquidation and break-up of Russia is the plan

Vladimir Suchan: "I think that the original plan is simple and it is the simple old plan: liquidation of Russia as an independent, strong nation; its breakup, and cultural, moral, and economic devastation (picking up where the process was left off at the end of the 1990s). Ukraine is a lever and a beachhead to make this happen. To make this happen, the US and the EU are offering various forms of surrenders each of which would be a stepping stone to the final one--to make Russia's situation progressively worse and less and less defensible. A much more complex, multi-layered and much more sophisticated strategy by means of which Hitler took out Czechoslovakia in 1938 and 1939. Someone already mentioned in our discussions that episode from the history of fascism. Meanwhile the West has learned tremendous lessons from Syria. Now it is the NATO-allied regime in Kiev that is fighting insurgency and, as it was the case elsewhere, including Yugoslavia and Serbia, the West tries to achieve the greatest possible isolation of its targeted victim. Moreover, every battle has its rhythm and the Kiev regime and the West have been working hard to capture the initiative."

Michael Green: IMO, this needs to be front-loaded and urgently considered by each and every one of us. This is both the neo-Nazi and American end-game. First, we gave up the Sudetenland. Then, the Ukraine. Then Moscow. As far as the much-vaunted dangers of testosterone go, history is repeating itself. This, then, is the lesson: War almost certainly would have been unnecessary in the beginning if strength and resolve had been shown. Weakness and appeasement, however, will almost certainly lead to war in the end. Moreover, like the kid who cried wolf, no one will believe Putin if and when he says, "Enough". The danger of WW III has, therefore, never been greater.

Another Russian commentator said in 2008 the route was through Georgia; now it is Ukraine; next will be the Baltic states - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Watch out Baltic states!

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