
Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Kremlin: Capitulation or intervention?

My midnight reflections on war in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian catastrophe

It has become clear in the last 48 hours that the whole scenario of the Ukrainian situation has changed and commentators are coming to a realisation that Putin is not acting as the decisive and strong leader who is going to face down the Empire and come to the aid of the citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk. Instead of that we are seeing a Kremlin that is "dithering".

It would be an understatement to say that it made a strong impression to hear Mark Sleboda, Peter Lavelle and Vladimir Suchan give such strongly-worded criticisms of Putin and the Kremlin.  This was something new for me

What we have seen, with the inauguration of the chocolate king, Poroshenko was not what has been described in the western media as "reaching out to the west".

Instead, it was a standing firm to all the most hard-line positions of the fascist Junta:

  • No federalisation
  • No state status for the Russian language
  • No recognition of the Novorossian political leadership
  • Full and unconditional surrender of the Novorossian Defense Forces
  • Crimea will forever belong to the Ukraine

In fact, if anything, we are seeing an intensification of military action against Novorossia which has led to a growing humanitarian catastrophe, with thousands fleeing to the safety of Russia/

About 20,000 women and children from Ukraine’s southeast have crossed the border into Russia’s Rostov Region in the last three days, regional authorities in Rostov say. At least 7,335 Ukrainian citizens have entered the Rostov Region in the last 24 hours, they add.

Overall, over 12,000 people from the crisis-torn country have arrived in Russia, according to data from June 6.

The politics and diplomacy of the Kremlin in the last weeks has been, right to the last, to insist on the norms of international law and on a negotiated settlement. 

Putin has warned earlier on that Russia might have to intervene to protect  Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the East.

That time has come.

We have been hearing in the last 24 hours from the commander of the self-defence forces, Igor Strelkov who said:
"I believe that the situation will change for the worse, because now this so-called “legitimate” President immediately will turn to NATO countries, to Western countries, for help, asking, first and foremost, for military help

We can then expect to be confronted with new NATO tanks, helicopters, aircraft, advisors, instructors, mercenaries. There will be greater numbers of shells, troops and victims. This is all that I expect from this so-called “inauguration.”

He describes the imbalance in the correlation of forces with a 5:1 array of overhelming military technology against a force that is highly capable (and with the knowledge that for them it is a fight to the death), but extremely badly-equipped.  

The idea of an army being equipped by Russia is a myth.

Against this, the Ukrainian conscript army is ineffective - many soldiers, including those from Lvov and the western Ukraine. simply do not want to fight and have the Right Sector extremists standing behind their backs.

However, it is clear that control is being taken over by more hard-headed elements, from NATO. Where are the Greystone thugs in all this?

When I think of Putin I cannot but recall Yasser Arafat who, as we all know, sold out his people and ended up being holed up in Ramallah by the Israelis and finally being poisoned by them.

Whatever Putin does, he and Russia are always going to be made out by Washington and its puppets to be what he clearly is not.

Igor Strelkov on some basic fallacies enthusiastically repeated by many of the pro-Putin "left" and "let's-do-nothing" supporters of antifascist resistance:

1. Claim: the Russian Army should not act, for the people of Donbass are sitting on the stove and they are not fighting." (this claimed used to be popular with the Shaker too)

Strelkov: "If Donbass is not fighting, then who repelled the assault on Donetsk and Lugansk and who defends Slavyansk and Kramatorsk and who organized referendums?"

2 Claim: the Russian Army should not get involved, because, if it does, it will start a new world war.

Strelkov: "There will be no World War III for Donbass or Novorossia or even the whole of the former Ukraine. This understands any person who is knowledgeable about world politics."

3. Claim: "The Russian Army will not act, for,otherwise, the U.S. will turn Ukraine for us into a second Afghanistan.

Strelkov: "How can they turn this for Russia into a 'second Afghanistan' if Novorossiya is populated by Russians and when the partisans whoa re here are those who are fighting against the junta's militias?"

4. Claim: The Russian Army should not help, for our sons are not obliged to die for you.

Strelkov: "We are fighting for Russia an to say that this is not Russia's concern can only an indifferent hypocrite."

5. Claim: If you did not make a realistic estimate of your strength, why did you rise up to fight?

Strelkov: "We did count on our strength and we have achieved much relying just on ourselves. But we do need more better assistance from Russia, to clear of the junta's army Donbass and then, perhaps, from other parts of New Russia.

In addition, Igor Morozov, a member of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation, gave a quick interview to Anna News today ... perhaps just because of the Russian government's belated awakening to the awakening wrath of the Russian people.

Here is a summary: 

Russia does not intend to carry out  negotiations with Ukraine...

1. the Russian government thought that Poroshenko's first decision as the new "president" would be an immediate ceasefire, which did not happen.

2. "It is now (just now?) clear that violence (from the Kiev regime) will continue."

3. In this situation, the Russian government does not have an intention to pursue negotiations with the Kiev junta.

4. Still hopes that through the EU a gas deal would be made

5. In the light of the Russian government's indecisiveness, Morozov is asking the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics for being determined

6. While, "because of the international difficulties," the Russian government cannot officially recognise the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics

7. But Russia is willing to consider and perhaps eventually also provide humanitarian assistance and to have some working contacts

8. Russia is concerned about the humanitarian situation. 

Elsewhere, in Europe, John McCain (or somebody) flies into Sofia, Bulgaria and voila, Bulgaria pulls out from partnership with Russia and orders a halt to work on the Southern Stream pipeline, followed by Serbia also pulling out in the last few hours.

So we have a weak-willed European Union, looking down the barrel of an energy crisis, acting against its own economic self interest to cave in to Washington's demands and geopolitical interest.

What do they think?! When America is looking for the last scraps of available energy, they are going to magnanimously consider western Europe's needs?!!

What is happening is beyond insanity.

It is hard to play the waiting game and not fall into despair.

Looking at this right now I can say that humans individually, and within relatively small groups, are capable of acting nobly and heroically.

But taken on a whole what we call mankind is on a suicidal mission and we are intent on accelerating the process and making it as violent and destructive as we can.

Mike Ruppert, while talking about the Eschaton also held to the hope of a revolution in consciousness.  I can't help but feel that, in the end, the realisation won out against the hope.

What are we going to see play out in the next 48 hours - capitulation to the Empire by the Kremlin, or a strong response to a growing humanitarian catastrophe?

Pass the popcorn.

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