
Thursday 12 June 2014

Phosphorous bombs used in Slavyansk

Militias: Ukrainian National 

Guard fired phosphorous 

bombs at Slavyansk

Ополченцы: Нацгвардия обстреляла Славянск фосфорными минами Местными

Local authorities decided to evacuate civilians immediately

12 June, 2014

According to representatives of the People's Militia of Donbass, the Ukrainian army attacked the outskirts Sloviansk (Semenovka) and its surroundings. Along with using multiple launch rocket systems ("Grad") rockets and mortar shells, the military used phosphate mines that are banned worldwide. After an hour attack, the local authorities decided to evacuate civilians immediately.

Shells with white phosphorus can cause extremely serious and painful injuries or provoke a slow and painful death. For treatment of such injuries r specially-trained medical personnel are required who can also get phosphorus injuries during their work. The area covered by white phosphorus shells can reach several hundred square meters.

The use of such munitions against civilians, as well as air strikes against military targets in civilian areas was banned by the Geneva Convention.

These munitions were used during the Vietnam War. In 2004, white phosphorus shells with were used by the U.S. Army in Iraq during the battle for Fallujah. In mid-2006, during the Second Lebanon War the Israeli army also used similar munitions of war.

We must note that Slavyansk has been subject to repeated attack. So the other day a bus that was to take a small batch of humanitarian aid and take out a group of children was shelled in the city ,

On 9 June the Ukrainian military fired mortar shells at Semenovka and Cherevkovku, near Slayansk. At least three civilians were killed, as well as three other people seriously injured.

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