
Thursday 12 June 2014

Iraq: invasion and destruction of civil society

Iraq: Background Information

Thanks to Kevin Hester!

This is a great compilation of links cataloging the disastrous series of consequences of the invasion and destruction of civil society over the last decade since the U.S. blitzkreig was carried out on Iraq. Over 1,000,000 people have died and the Western World has stood by and watched as if it was a video game. These people are children, women and men just like us and their lives are equally precious.An enormous responsibility falls on us to make our governments accountable for these crimes and to prevent us being sucked into these never ending Global wars.

Getting back to the astounding collapse of the Iraqi Army and the seizure, by pro-al-Qaeda terrorists, of large portions of the country. It is now being reported that after seizing Fallujah in January and Mosul yesterday, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria fighters have now taken the city of Tikrit. Below is a series of video reports on events. We will add videos as the day progresses.
First, Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki claims there has been a conspiracy in Mosul under which the Iraqi army fled their posts. He assures the people that the army is strong enough to deal with the situation, and that the culprits will be punished:

Next, a report on who comprises the ISIS, what they want, how much territory they control, and what the West is prepared to do about it (not much):

Then, coverage of the stream of humanity emptying out of Mosul. Apparently, they fear government air strikes just as much as they do the ISIS:

Then, AP footage of the Iraqi army fleeing Tikrit toward Kirkuk - in Kurdistan:

VIDEO: Iraqi Army Troops Flee Base in Tikrit (AP, U.S.)

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