
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Earth Day special

Derrick Jensen and Guy McPherson on the Gary Null Show

Derrick Jensen has become one of the nation’s leading voices of cultural and environmental dissent, who writes on how civilization is devastating the environment and the natural world, and our society’s denial of that fact. In 2008, Utne Reader listed Derrick among the 50 visionaries changing the world. In sharp contrast to environmental optimists who believe working within the corporate system will offset the tenuous planetary balance threatened by climate change, Derrick has advocated for many years a “dismantling of civilization” which can include radical dissent as well as imparting wisdom to our children.

The Derrick Jensen Reader: Writings on Environmental Revolution” was recently published by Seven Stories with a remarkable collection of his collected writings including his 2 volume best-seller Endgame,” “A Language Older Than Words”, “As The World Burns” and others. His website is

Dr.Guy McPherson is a professor emeritus of Natural Resources, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. He has specialized in forest resources, energy decline and climate change and their economic consequences, and has also taught at Texas A&M and University of California at Berkeley.

Having become disillusioned with the American university environment and education, after attempts to silent his outspokenness views on the human causes of climate change and environmental devastation, Guy abandoned his tenured position as a full professor for ethical reasons of conscience.

His story is described in a memoir, “Walking Away from Empire” found on his website


  1. Cetainly 1 thought that gives me a shudder of horror and despair is the realization that as industrial civilization deteriorates and starts to collapse, the vast majority of people (including those in positions of political power) are going to blame the wrong things, both people and events. Persons who are not educated on Ecology, Peak Oil, climate change, the collapse of civlizations, etc. are likely to blame either the wealthy, the global elite, people of races or nationalities other than their own, the poor, etc. As society collapses, racism, scapegoating, tribalism (or gangs) and various forms of bigotry and brutality are likely to become far more prevalent. A sociological tipping point could be the coup de grace for society as we know it. I believe that Dmitry Orlov has writen in some detail about this scenario.

  2. Sadly, you are so right about this.

  3. pffft 22 years ago the worlds scientsts sent a letter to humnaity more correctly the leaders of humnaity (sic) they said 22 years ago that at that time humanity had 10 years to stop green house emissions to avert a global environmental disastar - 22 years ago this warning like all warnings given world leaders has been ignored - corporate interests continue to block moves to legislate anything the TPPA will ensure this

    people have been deluded by inaction from our leaders (sic) to continue their own unsustainable lifestyles

    warning signs have been normalized - the die has been cast the consequences are here - however there is something that is going to make all this even more dire and that is the relatively new industry of geo engineering the weather as a totally stupid notion of spraying nano particulates up into the atmosphere to try to stop the suns rays ...or something - these idiots forget that what goes up must come down .....

    these nano particles change the pH of the soil - killing many forests and plants this lot have no idea of natures balance

    i live in nelson - my grand kids now think that our native forest is pine - we have cut down all native forest to plant pine plantations - what is not pine is now agriculture - a priceless asset that went without a march up the main street with no petition to unconscious government ministers

    people don't know or notice - or understand the ecological balance that life needs to thrive ...its sad,

    but people think i am being negative when i mention it pffffttt....



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